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Tilesets for Terrains

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50 files

  1. new tiles for Korea MIGAlley from Gepard

    New tiles for the wonderful Korea_MIGAlley terrain from Gepard, thanks very much for your job !!!
    - news tiles 1024x1024 in JPEG
    - news files .tod
    -somes news textures
    -somes modifications to the data file
    BE CAREFUL THE FILE "Korea_MIGAlley" from Gepard IS ESSENTIAL !!!!!!!
    1/ si vous avez le terrain Korea_MIGAlley de Gepard: a/sauvegarder votre dossier, b/extraire le contenu du zip dans votre dossier Korea_MIGAlley et écraser les fichiers présents par les nouveaux.
    1/ If you have the terrain Korea_MIGAlley from Gepard: a/ save your folder b/extract the content of the zip into your folder Korea_MIGAlley, overwrite the files present with the new ones
    2/ si vous n'avez pas le terrain Korea_MIGAlley télécharger le ici
    2/If you do not have the terrain Korea_MIGAlley download it !! it's great!!! :)


       (5 reviews)



  2. Soviet Style Airfield for the "Desert" Terrain

    New painted Soviet style airfield for SF2 Desert terrain v1.0.0
    Based on an old mod (2005) for the early Strike Fighters game.
    This pack of tiles replace the parking and runways for the Thirdwire Desert airfield3.lod (P3 terrain for exemple).
    You put the content into the "StrikeFighter2" directory: StrikeFighters2/Terrains/Desert.
    If you are not satisfied you could delete the tiles from the Desert terrain folder.
    Important ! Only used with the Desert terrain of SF2 by Thirdwire.
    PM me if needed.
    Best regards,


       (0 reviews)



  3. AI Remastered - NovaLogic Terrains Tilesets

    This is an AI remastered tileset for the great NovaLogic Terrains released by Menrva. 
    This is tilesets only. You will need the full terrain from here to get it working.
    NovaLogic Terrains - Full Terrains - CombatACE
    AI zoom tool based on Realesrgan was used in the tileset with GPU computing to reproduce 512 x 512 tilesets with richer details from the original 128 x 128 tilesets. Due to limitation of the AI algorithm, there are still part of terrain remain blured. So the tilesets are all reduced to 256 x 256 to produce a more consistent feel. 
    We have noticed some other AI anti-blur algorithm can produce better results on the new 512 x 512 tile set and may include that in the future release.
    0. You must have the NovaLogic Terrains from Menrva. This is a tileset only. Download and install from the link provided above.
    1. Backup is a must. this mod will overwrite your existing Novalogic terrain tilesets. Just in case you are not happy with the outcome;
    2. extract the Terrains folder under your SF2 mod folder and overwrite the files (about 2950 files)


       (0 reviews)



  4. Desert Sea Tiles Replacement

    SF2 Desert Sea Tiles Replacement
    This is a new sea tileset to replace the sea of the stock desert terrain.
    These tiles give a more natural look to the sea and they can be used in 
    every terrain which uses the stock desert tileset. Apart from the repaint 
    new alpha layers were made for optimal result. 
    Ground and water effects also included!
    As always open readme.txt first to see installation instructions and credits.
    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed only in other CombatACE mod packages. 
    You are free to make further modifications for own use but if you plan to release a modified
    version of this package you must request permission first. In that case you must include original
    read me file. This mod may not in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (0 reviews)



  5. Hi-Res Desert Plus Tileset

    SF2 High Resolution Desert Plus Tileset
    This is the Hi Res Desert tileset (1024x1024) made by JSF_Aggie modified with a more
    realistic sea color. I didn't like the stock sea tiles which JSF_Aggie used to make the tileset
    so I decided to work on it and replace them with a new sea color. New ground and water 
    effects are also included.
    Original Hi Res Desert tileset can be found here: 
    As usual, copy the Terrains folder to ...Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Mod.
    As always open readme.txt first to see installation instructions and credits.
    Enjoy as much as you can this mod and leave comments with your in-game experience
    in the support topic!
    This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed only in other CombatACE mod packages. 
    You are free to make further modifications for own use but if you plan to release a modified
    version of this package you must request permission first. In that case you must include original
    read me file. This mod may not in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Korea visual update and enhancements pack

    Korea (V3) visual update and enhancements pack.
    This is new tileset, treemod, objects, targets enhancement mod for Wrench's Korea(v3) terrain.
    Version 1.1 update:
    Added missing graphics files for the village type objects, added three graphics to main folder (were in seasonal ones) just to be extra sure
    Kevin's Korea V3 terrain was released with temporal f***ing ugly test set I made for KAW team back in early 2010, despite me having some other nicer fittable sets at my disposal. Yes I have been angry about that. Very very angry. But now I am ok, good doctors care for me here ;)
    This work is done to fix that omission of mine and I tired hard to make Korea nice place to fly in.
    What's this:
    -new summer and winter tilesets
    -new tile layout-following dedicated TOD objects, with densely placed and rather real-size objects
    -new era-themed ground objects (barracks, fuel tanks, tents, HQ, fire houses, misc buildings etc) to replace the stock TW ones, be it in airbases or targetareas
    -some older target objects have their textures tweaked or repainted under fair use license; that is mostly various "halle" objects by either Gepard or Gocad
    (various runways are yet to be repainted)
    -lots of targetareas have re-positioned targets to avoid i.e. barracks in the middle of tree cluster or factories sunken within tod buildings -but there is still LOTS of places to redo. You have been warned.
    -lots of targetareas expanded with additional eyecandy civilian village-type objects (though these are still a bit of WIP and bit "generic asian" in appearance; also these are old, like 5 years old)
    -the tiles are specfically tuned to work best with SARCASM 2 beta 2 update 1 lighting and sky
    Installation (read carefully!):
    -given the amount of objects this pack replaces you are advised to keep archived full current Korea terrain you use (it's called BACKING UP and it's really healthy, trust me)
    -this pack assumes you do have working Korea (v3) terrain installed and tested in your installation -dedicated Korean War installation in of course preferable
    -before installing content of this 7-zip archive, go to your Korea3 folder and delete EVERY SINGLE TOD file there (the files with .tod extension) -otherwise you might end with trees in wrong places of houses in the sea. Yes, really.
    -you can delete the seasonal tiles folders (winter, spring, fall, late fall etc) as this pack has new unique seasons in their new folders with new naming (fade_summer and fade_winter; why "fade"? This months-long project I kept under such code name to confuse my better half or possible Insky-related hacker bot that keeps attacking my emails. Ohh wait, where's my tilfoil hat?)
    -extract this archive to a place of your choice and move the Korea3 folder to your terrains one overwriting all files when asked. Overwriting IS vital of course.
    -you shall test my Sarcasm 2 beta (2 update 1) with this pack, really. i have my own, ohh well "art style" for SF2 series these packs represent; you might not like this but well, you can't change me can you?
    -in SF2 WW2 forum I released some new or updated effects, work well with this pack
    -you're pretty much good to go at this point
    CA Freeware license apply -not to be used in any payware project; But you are encouraged to repaint and tweak the tiles, objects and associated graphis, tods to fit your own tileset or terrain.
    The author of the original decade old SFP1 Korea mod terrain as I tried to replicate it's general green-brownish tones.
    Wrench and KAW team for Korea3 and everything-Korea related. Than you guys. KAW mod is not yet dead. Or I'd rather say quite alive and kicking.
    Do335 for his work invested in putting the KAW team work and available assets back together. Much appreciated.
    Luk1978 for sharing with us his interesting repaint of my Taiwan/Korea set that gave me few ideas about the general feel of the set, thank you. Be back to SF2 please as you quietly do interesting stuff IMO.
    All the good and bad souls at Combat Ace and around :P
    Happy flying


       (13 reviews)



  7. Alternate Tile For Operation Desert Storm Terrain

    These are alternate tiles made from satellite images for the DS terrain
    included in the latest version of ODS for SF2. They are 1024x1024.
    They can be used in other terrains that use the stock desert tiles,
    however I did not make all tiles from the stock SF2 desert tile set, only
    those used in the DS terrain. For example, I did not create the river


       (3 reviews)



  8. Green Hell 3.5 Enhancement Package

    Green Hell 3.5 Enhancement Package
    for the
    SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack
    This package contains a set of enhancements for CA_Stary's Green Hell 3.5 (GH 3.5) replacement tile set for the ThirdWire VietnamSEA terrain. It is primarily designed for users who are using GH 3.5 in conjunction with the SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack.
    This mod package makes the following enhancements to Green Hell 3.5 with the SF2V Expansion Pack:
    1. Replaces the main air base tile with a new one designed to better belend into the surrounding terrain -- i.e., no more expansive green lawns surrounding all the air bases. The "jungle" air base tile is unchanged.
    2. Replaces the ground TGAs used for many barracks areas in the lower Route Packs of North Vietnam with new TGAs that allow the barracks areas to more naturally blend in with the surrounding terrain.
    3. Replaces the bright, aqua blue water tiles of GH 3.5 with a darker, greyer set of water tiles, which (at least to my eyes) look more natural.
    4. Replaces the default WaterNormal.BMP used in GH 3.5 with a new WaterNormal that produces more pronounced wave effects.
    If you are not using Green Hell 3.5 (the SF2V Expansion Pack by default uses an enhanced version of CA_Stary's Green Hell 2.0 tile set), there is no purpose in installing this enhancement package. It is designed strictly for Green Hell 3.5, not any earlier version (including 3.0).
    Installation is simple: copy all of the files in the \ForVietnamTerrains folder to the \Terrains\VietnamSEA terrain folder in your Mods directory. Allow Windows to overwrite files as prompted.
    If you have also installed GH 3.5 to the SouthVietnam terrain included with the SF2V Expansion Pack, copy the same files to the \Terrains\SouthVietnam folder in your Mods directory.
    That's it.
    Notes on GH 3.5 w/ the SF2V Expansion Pack
    As noted above, the SF2V Expansion Pack ships with an enhanced version of Green Hell 2.0 tile set. The numerous custom target areas in the Expansion Pack were hand-placed with an eye towards exploiting the particular visual features of the GH 2.0 tile set in order to make buildings, vehicles look as though they "belonged" in the places you find them.
    As the GH 3.5 tile set is a complete departure from (not a mere revision of) the GH 2.0 tile set, some of the ground target items might look a bit oddly placed in some target areas with GH 3.5. Thankfully, the GH 3.5 tile set is quite forgiving visually speaking (much more than the earlier GH 3.0) -- so much so that in most cases the worst you'll see is trees crowding buildings just a bit too much.
    CA_Stary ............... Green Hell 3.5 Replacement Tile Set for VietnamSEA
    Eric Howes
    9 Dec. 2013


       (7 reviews)



  9. 512X512 tiles for Rends Germany

    This is a simple 512X512 tile resize of Rends /Stary's 1024X1024 Germany tile set.
    All artistic credit goes to Rends and Stary for creating these beautiful tiles,I simply resized them.
    These are tiles only... you will need rends full terrain to make this conversion work correctly.
    If you do not already have it -get the original terrain here: http://combatace.com/topic/82151-germany-terrain-rework-part-1-of-3/
    Install the full terrain as per instructions in the original readme.
    Back up your original GermanyCE folder in case you do not like this mod and want to go back to 1024.
    The GermanyCE folder should be located here: Saved games/ ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 Europe/Terrains/GermanyCE
    Unpack this mod to your desktop
    Copy the contents of each( season folder) to its corresponding folder i.e.- Spring to Spring / Summer to Summer.
    Purpose of this mod?
    My SF2 settings are set to maximize Eye candy, and immersion at the expense of frames per second. I run detail mesh settings at 16 to 24 and in some patch levels I run increased horizon draw distances of up to 200000.0----- I have struck a careful balance that keeps my frame rates just in the playable range. Rends awesome, highly detailed Germany pushed the frame rates into the unplayable range with these settings, so I undertook some experimentation to increase fps.
    Thru tightening my RAM speed settings and using these resized tiles I have seen a small improvement that puts the FPS back into the playable range. However takeoffs at certain airbases can still be a bit choppy.
    I believe that RAM speed is very important with this terrain and its high object density.
    These resized tiles may be of benefit to those who have older computers, or those who run high detail mesh sizes.


       (1 review)



  10. Desert 4 Mountain Regions+ Addon

    DESERT 4 Mountain Regions+ Addon by Centurion and Piecemeal


    Requires Piecemeals Desert 4 Terrain available here:


    This addon is for Piecemeals excellent Desert Terrain V.4 and adds more diversity to the mountain regions by adding several new tileset types. In addition to this, Piecemeal has modified all the city regions to be more diverse and less "square" and also changed movement routes and such. Overall, this makes the region more interesting to fly over.
    This patch updates the airfield names from the generic D1, D2 and so on to be specific place names. This will break you campaign files!!! Changing them to fix it is a simple matter of find-and-replace-all in notepad, however. Saved files will not work any more.
    Two airfields in the mountain regions have flattening issues that I have not been able to correct, if anyone could help us fix that would be great. AI Planes are bit bouncy there but the airbases are fully usable, it is mostly a visual issue.
    Piecemeal for the excellent V.4 terrain and the city tiling work + data tweaks.
    TK for SF2 and the whole Dhimar/Paran scenario.
    Stary and JSF Aggie for the tiles used here.
    Centurion for doing the cut/paste operations required to bring this together. Minor tile tweaks.
    Unzip the whole folder into your Terrains/Desert4 folder.


       (5 reviews)



  11. Green Hell 3.5 optional trees graphics

    tiny additon, if you use Green Hell 3.5 here are slightly modified trees graphics
    also buildings textures made a little little darker
    unpack to your Vietnam map, overwrite


       (7 reviews)



  12. OTC Cuba repaint -warmer colours edition

    As some might find my Cuba repaint (version 1.5) a bit too dull, monotone and on the dark side, here's optional warmer, more colorful and slightly brighter edition of the tileset.
    Basically, same as my Cuba repaint version 1.5, just looks and feels tad different (for the better I hope!)
    Just unpack to your Cuba terrain folder and overwrite when asked.
    CA Freeware License apply. Not to be used as part of any kind of payware.
    Have fun,


       (2 reviews)



  13. Green Hell 3.5

    This is optional high resolution repaint/treemod for SF2:V VietnamSEA map, I call it "Green Hell 3.5" ;)
    SF2:Vietnam required for Vietnam map (doh!) SF2 all-merged install preferred
    made and tested im May 2013 environment
    -included both 1024x1024 pixels and smaller 512x512 pixels versions for those with older computers
    -repainted hangars/base objects from my WW2 hangars pack, fits this particular scenery ok in my opinion
    -city textures by Brain32 from his excellent Vietnam repaint, used under freeware license
    -full TOD coverage included
    Backup your Vietnam folder, unpack and move/copy new VietnamSEA to your Vietnam folder, overwrite when asked.
    Legal mumbo jumbo:
    Freeware license apply, no to be used as part of any payware
    have phun


       (24 reviews)



  14. Iran-Iraq Replacement Desert Tileset

    Iran-Iraq Replacement Desert Tileset 7/3/2013
    -For SF2, any/all at any patch level-
    *Note: these tiles will also work in SF/Wo* 1stGen games for the listed terrains*
    This package contains nearly 60 new Desert2*** tiles, both in bmp and tga (for the seashore tiles) that will replace the original "blindingly white" desert and desert2*** transitions for the following terrains:
    Desert Storm
    Iran/Iraq 2003
    These are designed =ONLY= for use on the above listed terrains. Not for ANYTHING else!
    By using the IsraelME Desert1 & 2 as a base, these tiles are direct replacements for the originals. ALL transitions, including all river, roads, 3-ways, etc are new builds. As direct replacements, this will not effect target placements or TOD object placements.
    For the other Terraformers, I've included the multi-mega layered PSD with all the tile layers divided into terrain type sets (sea, mountain, road, etc).
    For those that wish, 3 new planning maps are included for the "IR2003" terrain. Red & Blue side will now show correctly.
    So as not to totally foul up one's terrain(s), it's HIGHLY advised to =READ= the install instructions after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing them, as you've a couple of things to do first.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  15. OTC Cuba repaint (new tileset)

    mod updated to version 1.5:
    new in version 1.5 is TOTAL rework of tileset, all tiles replaced with new mostly satellite-based high resolution tiles
    some trees graphics modified to avoid size issues on various tiles (ie. Desert-to-mountain transitionals, mountain tiles)
    Unpack with 7zip to your OTC Cuba terrain folder, overwrite when asked.
    initial upload readme:
    This is >>really<< simple repaint and tweaks to OTC Cuba terrain looks.
    Tiles have been recoloured, upscaled to 1024^ and undergo some tricky tricks to make them appear as they have more "depth" from air.
    Trees have been scaled down and I replaced their graphics with better quality textures (I borrowed from my other mods) to fit the new overall tones.
    At one point I tried to replace some of the ground textures with better quality ones, however as they were sticking out too much from the tileset I abandoned this idea.
    I think that's all. Have fun,
    and big THANK YOU! to original OTC creators and especially Eburger68 for putting this one together!


       (3 reviews)



  16. Battle of Britain terrain visual update (preview)

    Gepard's "Battle of Britain" and "Battle of Britain in the 60s and the 70s" terrains visual update.
    version 0.9 preview: 24 of April, 2013
    NOTE: For modern computers with at least 768 MB (1 GB+ preferable) of video memory.
    This is new set of hand-drawn 2048x2048 tiles and associated .TOD objects for Gepard's "Battle of Britain 1.4" (and it's
    modernized version) terrain.
    You can download these great maps here:
    Right now it's sort of preview, with only summer set included (more below) as the size of the tiles makes it very big
    Tweaked longer-range fading trees .fx shader included, best to play with ObjectsFade=FALSE and DetailMeshSize=8 or more
    (user's system depending, included screenshots taken with DetailMeshSize=10) however I take no responsibility for any damage caused to your system by setting too high values and frying your GPU.
    New waternormal.bmp for your kinky Channel-crossing (Cross-chanelling?) pleasures included.
    To install follow your instincts. Modified ini files for the "60s and 70s" version of the terrain included.
    Also I have included the core ini files made to generate in Terrain Editor the .TOD objects, experiment at your own risk (yet better don't!)
    Knows bugs/issues:
    As stated above, just summer set at the moment, more might follow.Given the engine limitations and the way the map was
    created, not that accurate from farmer's point of view (english landscape differs from french one IRL) and I generously gave myself
    full artistic license to improvise things (read: make them up) as I went with the project.
    No buildings in cities, as I refuse to kill the immersion of this terrain modification with stone-age tech box-type TOD objects. Blame
    Thirdwire for doing zip about it throught all these years.
    "Fair Use" CombatAce license apply. NOT to be included in (or reused for) any kind of payware addon/product without my
    authorization. You can tweak/modify and re-upload this set just give me credits as the original author. BoB map created by Gepard.
    Have fun!


       (13 reviews)



  17. TILESET ONLY - Korea

    *****KOREA - TILESET ONLY******
    1. This is a tileset only, meaning a full set of 512x512 resolution textures based on satellite imagery with custom trees and object made by Stary all that made a long time ago even before CA KAW project started in todays form.
    Over the time this tileset showed it's age and was abandoned and never released.
    Since I think this is still a good tileset and can be used for other stuff I decided to release it but originally in an attempt to find a modder who would accept it and do something from it I failed so now I decided to let it fly to wider audience.
    Tileset decipts Korea in autumn with dominant brown/light brown colours, samples were taken from areas of South Korea, city is Pusan IIRC and some from Japan, few were custom made and can really be used to feature land in the general area wherever it may be.
    Like I said tileset comes with full tree and object work by Stary which means top quality guys.
    Basically all you have to do is make a terrain for it or apply it to the existing one, everything else is sorted for you.
    TERMS OF USE(freeware use only, otherwise contact both me and Stary via PM):
    Simply put me and Stary in credits like this(you can even copy paste lol):
    Terrain textures by Brain32
    Trees and objects by Stary
    In the end I hope somebody might find some use for it.
    SPECIAL NOTE: Tileset uses specific naming convention AND WILL NOT WORK WITH EXISTING TERRAINS out of the box.


       (2 reviews)



  18. GermanyCE V3 Winter Hard Tileset

    I liked Starys mod but thought the winter tilesets weren't wintery enough to my liking so I made my own set of hard winter tiles.
    To use, just drop these into the GermanyCE folder and they should unpack to their own winterhard folder.
    Then open up the GermanyCE.ini file and change
    These are just textures btw so if you haven't already grabbed Starys GermanyCE v3 mod, do so now or these won't work at all.


       (2 reviews)



  19. GermanyCE HR V3 part 3 of 3

    GermanyCE HR V3, part 3 of 3
    GermanyCE V3 part 1 of 3
    GermanyCE V3 part 2 of 3


       (2 reviews)



  20. GermanyCE HR V3 part 1 of 3

    GermanyCE V3 part 1 of 3
    This is reworked high resolution "version 3" of Germany terrain as found in Nato Fighters 5, for both custom mod or for NF5 enhancement
    Numerous tweaks and reliting to original GermanyCE map included, several new textures introduced
    Due to number of places objects it's reasonable to try it with "medium" setting of ground objects first
    To install unpack all three parts to your GermanyCE folder, overwrite
    Please read the included readme for more details.
    GermanyCE V3 part 2 of 3
    GermanyCE V3 part 3 of 3


       (7 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. GermanyCE HR V3 part 2 of 3

    GermanyCE HR V3 part 2 of 3
    GermanyCE HR V3 part 1 of 3
    GermanyCE HR V3 part 3 of 3


       (2 reviews)



  22. Taiwan and Korea tilesets v2 quick fix

    This is really quick fix for today's Taiwan and Korea v2 tilesets that fixes single bad tile,
    install the same way as main package


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  23. Taiwan and Korea tilesets v2

    Taiwan (Formosa) and Korea tilesets V2
    This is 1024x1024 tileset(s) for both Gepard's Taiwan (Formosa) and Korea v3 by Wrench terrains.
    Includes new tweaks to terrain objects shaders, my standard water noisemap, one experiment and some other typical stuff.
    Read the included readme for installation instructions and recommended tweaks etc.


       (5 reviews)



  24. Gerwin's Iceland 1024 tileset v1.0

    This is 1024x1024 optional tileset and treemod for Gerwin's "old format" IcelandNA terrain.
    This version replaces version 0.9 uploaded on 08.14.2012
    Two generic "seasons" included, warm and cold, where cold one gives full snow cover.
    By popular members request, optional darker water included in separate "oprional darker water" folder for both "seasons"; the default brighter water is more or less like in LOD-based NA terrain
    New waternormals included, rough (default) and calm waters (the latter found in "optional calm water" folder)


       (4 reviews)



  25. WW2 Okinawa visual update

    This is 1024x1024 tileset for Wrench's WW2 Okinawa together with adopted tree/city mod. Differs from earlier PTO Solomons and Phillipines by being more green, more saturated and vivid among other things


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