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Everything posted by i90807065

  1. I love dong that to my enemies, they chase me up, I roll, and shoot their...err.."faces" up
  2. AWESOME!!! I might not need LOMAC after all!!! though it does seem still like a good game (he says knowing inevitably that "the hammer of TW fanboys...and girls" is coming)
  3. Watching this topic has made me wonder, Why were almost all the old US aircraft chrome? Wouldnt they stick out like sore thumbs? Isnt it also expensive?
  4. Economy sized rat

    I didnt jump, but maybe that was because I didnt know what was going on...was a real rat? P.S. In case you havent noticed, im having a slow day
  5. Haha youll probably win. What do you fly n ill tell you the end score right now, and dont worry ill be "honest"
  6. No...its just the MISSILES...and the chaff...and the ecm...and the instability... But aside from that, my kills say different...all those eagles, falcons, hornets, tomcats, and the occasional raptor...poor guys
  7. OMG!!! I just read the article and its freakin amazing!!! Who knew an F-16 could be so advanced(well I think it is but im probably wrong)?!?! I hope this comes out soon, maybe ill go back to "the free-country"s aircraft instead of russian...but that depends on performance...then again knowing you all, itll be a beast
  8. What is that? Is it real or photoshopped?
  9. Weekly news of the weird

    Hmm I wonder how far this is from anchorage (pulls out map and scans furiously) Naw but that was hilarious I think its the Onion which reminds me, I gotta get that DVD soon
  10. Im not positive, but I think its made for WoI like the EF2000. I think it has something to do woth the cockpit...did you check the knowledge base?
  11. Are you playing Wings over Europe/Vietnam, or Strike Fighters? If im not mistaken, it only works in WoI. However there is an update coming out soon to bring the others up to a WoI level

    Thats so wrong... BUT SOO FUNNY Like the "dont show off" vid on youtube or the "baby gets kicked by breakdancer" vid also on youtube or the "husband plays prank on wife" vid that everyone knows of
  13. OMG!!! This is amazing!!! As if an 1 wasnt enough, 3?!?!?! AND ALICBMs?!?!?! All anyone needs is one of each flying in formation and that person could rule the world...or should I say...I Mother Russia strikes!
  14. And here we go...

    SO, im watchin BBC America and they say that some sort of "big bang machine" is going to be activated tomorrow. Am I wrong for being fearful of this event, I mean isnt the "big bang" what CREATED the universe? I somehow dont think its a good idea to re-create it "so close to home" so to speak. But, perhaps im wrong. Anyone else heard news of this event?
  15. And here we go...

    Thanks, I just wasnt sure
  16. As if guns werent bad enough...this is gonna surpass Xb-0 and "Agamemnon", simply because it will be bigger and have the best aspects of both (Ex: AAA/AAMs,massive weapons load,a lotta armor,6 engines) This thingll be a pain to bring down (for them americans that is). I may not even have to escort them, unlike certain BUFFs I know... But wait, wont that put me out of a job? I mean why have hundreds of fighter jets buzzing around when you can have 2-5 of these WMDs floatin around? Once again mate, great work
  17. I can just hear some sort of epic operatic song (which sounds russian) playing in my head right now. We no longer need an XB-0 with this (or should I say these) monstrosities flying around and bombing the mess out of allied (in my case enemy) bases. Great work CR, keep it up!
  18. What do you Drive?

    Yeah, but thats the fate of concept cars, they ALWAYS get "toned down". As for the challlenger, someone up here sold a an '08 GT500 for one, it only had 6500 miles on it.
  19. Look at the radar in the second pic...Beauty...
  20. What do you Drive?

    Its official, we have the same taste Great car man!
  21. What Did You See Today?

    I saw a car 100 feet away coming towards me at 50MPH...Ive never ran so fast in my life...
  22. SWEET JESUS!!! Can you picture seeing just one of those flying to your base!? What about 5!? I would go crazy...GREAT WORK THOUGH!!!
  23. Don't stress your teacher or....

    HAHAHAHA Hilarious
  24. What do you Drive?

    WHOA!!! Bloody nice mate! We have similar taste, I think, by looking at your car. I bet it roars instead of purr. In all honesty, I was looking to get a Cervinni C-500 in black then add red (with white outlined) vinyls...then I though of the price of gas...gotta ducati instead. Oh and im not reckless with it (says the guy who pulled 130 on huntsville backroads in a '04 Accord V6 Sedan)
  25. What do you Drive?

    Not finished, but when its done itll look like this

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