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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. I could do that. It will take a little time to QC it good enough for a release, but I can post a simple one here.
  2. the last radio call by the last Intruder on its final carrier launch was (not kidding) "The FAGs have it" (Fighter Attack Guys) gotta have a sense of humor and a thick skin around the boat!
  3. you can set those up with missions using the mission editor. within a campaign you just get anti-ship missions.
  4. yes. I built a mission and launched and recovered.
  5. concur. It is hard to accept the logic that in a battle with an 80 to ZERO exchange rate with one Eagle damaged as described the Eagle is not a good air to air fighter. The hard truth is that in actual combat operations - not one Eagle has been lost in air to air combat by any air force that operates it and not one opponent in air to air combat has survived the engagement. That is a pretty remarkable record. having said that... The latest Fulcrum and Flanker variants are top notch air to air machines and are rated by OUR GUYS as being slightly better. Besides, our Eagles now tend to come apart in mid-air in a hard turn...... (looking for a mod that replicates that particular performance parameter)
  6. Tomcats being shot?!! SACRILEGE!! BLASPHEMY!!!! I was on duty with the 6th Fleet staff when a report came in from our carrier at the time from a USAF vs USN air exercise. The Tomcat got a Phantom........ unfortuneately the sidewinder worked. fortuneately so did the ejection seats, parachutes, beacons, rafts, rescue lifts on the helicopters......... bad day at work....... so far as the sim goes I think the debate is focused on the turn rates of the F-15s and F-14s. Hard to know if these are precisely accurate but much will depend on what speed the aircraft are doing when they turn. In slow speed knife fights the Tomcat can, in fact, turn inside of the F-15 (so I'm told) and is no slouch at knife-fighting. When it does that of course, it looses energy FAST so they will unload, get out and re-engage with higher speed. The corner speed is different in both so if they are both in a turning fight at about the same speed, one or the other will have a decided advantage depending on what that speed is. comment was made above that both the Eagle and Tomcat were bad fighters in close. Not true. They both are superb. They both have advantages and disadvantages in various flight regimes and both can beat the other in a close fight depending on how the pilots handle the aircraft. in Eagle vs Tomcat exercises the ROE used for training will drive the fight and the results. the Phoenix of course was always scripted out because the fight would be over before it started (if using the latest, advanced Phoenix) as would the AIM-120C for the same reason. In close for DACT/ACM the Eagle guy would always look for the wings to come out on the Tomcat because he would then know in one turn he would have the Tomcat. But the Tomcat driver would use that one turn to gain the advantage and kill the Eagle. So in overall - the planes were roughly equal though I would tend to grant the Eagle a slight advantage overall since it would loose energy more slowly. The engines in the F-14D, A+ and B were the key that made the Tomcat a formidable air to air oponent. Prior to that it was called the Tom Turkey for a reason (although the Libyan AF had cause to dispute that ........) are the FM parameters not quite right? I don't know. I do a fair job at modding but coming up with the flight model parameters is beyond my current level of skill in this sim. I think I have a pretty good handle on testing these and I think both the F-15 and F-14 models are pretty darn good and as close to realistic and relative performance levels as the sim can replicate. glad to see the F-14D mod getting a workout! :yes:
  7. I agree. Good area for another updated scenario with both sides in campaigns. lots of carrier stations and anti-warship ops, opposed amphib landings, lots of mission possibilities.
  8. I've set up a standalone Woe install for "War at Sea" and am testing out/trying out different variations. so far as described above, gets lots of combattants kicking my @$$ while delivering air to surface weapons, but no AI action beyond my own wingman. still working on it. I'm going to try to set up some carrier based campaign against ships. Have most of the pieces already set up and l'll let you know over time how it works. I suspect the wingman will engage and the flights will have lots of different ships to hit, many of which will shoot back. But I suspect the other AI's will shoot up the shoreline.
  9. teen arrested for hijack plot

    beyond belief. I wonder how long it will be before a newsfabricator, I mean reporter, calls up NORAD for comment......
  10. Ummmm so I'm going to Japan.....

    absolutely. Learn a little Japanese, hop on the trains and head out! don't worry about that other nonsense. Things always flare up and die back down. Have a blast and enjoy the travel. Are you taking a family with you?
  11. Ummmm so I'm going to Japan.....

    I assume on the Forward Deployed CV? I spent just short of three years there on the Midway based in Yokosuka and flying out of Atsugi (on those occasional instances when we were in homeport...) we did used to say that the Midway was named that not in honor of the battle, but because we were always "midway" between ports.... seriously - I loved it. Good operations, never so long at sea with frequent stops at homeport - although also short. A constant ops tempo and a great place to live. And absolutely great liberty ports. why the nervousness? if I could do it again, I would. In fact, I did a few years later out to the Med. We also called ourselves the US Navy Foreign Legion and at that time Carrier Air Wing Five was also the Antique Flying Club of Westpac (because we not only had the oldest models of aircraft then flying, we had the oldest buno's of those oldest models!)
  12. My Useless Post for 6000

    why break a perfect record?
  13. teen arrested for hijack plot

    since 9/11 there have been close to a dozen attempts to hijack an aircraft of interfere with the crew. There was even an attempt by an armed team on flight from the UK to Pakistan to hijack the aircraft. In every instance a variation of the "I doubt you have been scared, or even a tiny bit nervous, as you proceeded to pound this little punk into a seat full of bloody pudding... " on the part of all on board has made it very, very clear that a hijacking will never, ever again succeed anywhere in the world. I remember one call we got where some drunken idiot on a flight out of LA stood up and said he was going to kill all the Americans on the plane. All the Americans on the plane proceeded to pound him into a bloody pulp while the USAF F-16 pilots watched from a few hundred feet away.........
  14. I've tried that with the Kingfisher and had no luck so far. I'm sure its something simple that I've overlooked.....
  15. Uploaded a mod to provide a TCS capabilty in the F-14 series. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5864 and updated the F-14A+ to include the TCS http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3924 its only a boresighted view, cannot track targets but it is there.
  16. I think at one point that I got an arm equipped flight to engage a radar unit. but I don't know recall how. I'll have to experiment. SEAD might be the ticket but I'll have to experiment over the next few days. the CGN-9 is a pretty good opponent. It does a job on iron-bomb bombers! I have a TU22 mission where they came in, held the missiles and dropped the bombs, with Terriers snapping at their heels......
  17. correct. That's what I mean by era specific.
  18. try symetrical loading. In other words, balance the loads which is what we do have to do in real life. The last thing a pilot wants to do in real life is run his trim all the way out in order to control his plane.
  19. well, they work just fine in bombing missions. So an era specific strike will work just fine, just not cruise missile stuff. yet....
  20. Area 51

    really? I'm shocked.........
  21. avionics swaps can come up with some interesting results. I might look at some other options for that in the future after some other projects get done.
  22. don't recall yet how I did it. Ran last night as a straight anti-shipping and they didn't shoot. I might be thinking of something else. I'll try a few other options and get back to you all if any of them work. And if they do, I'll post some missions.
  23. several of the carriers have the catapult set waaaaaay toooooo high. The setting is the time of the catapult stroke which should be 2 seconds or maybe even 2.5. Some of them are as short as .5 seconds which provides a "very exciting" cat shot. I've reset that time to 2 seconds on several and the results have been much better. I don't recall which ones but I know for certain that I reset the CV-43 one and several others.
  24. actually, they were tasked as anti-ship in my own flight. I armed them with ARMs and they laid waste to the escorts. another flight though I will have to experiment with. I think if the weapons loads are biased to ARMs for anti-shipping missions they will work OK. I'll have to try some out and watch.

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