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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. Awesome. when are you going to put up the skin for a REAL E-2 squadron (VAW-110, VAW-115, VAW-117)?
  2. yes. Or you can just readress the suez2 ini file to look for the cat file in GermanyCE.
  3. Awesome. when are you going to put up the skin for a REAL E-2 squadron (VAW-110, VAW-115, VAW-117)?
  4. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    this should help resolve the debate....
  5. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    The test came up Navy. Imagine that....... there really is only one service, the others are just clubs.......
  6. Roll Call

    Fox Two!!
  7. correct, works just fine doing that. I have a separate WOE load for WWII, everything works just fine once you change the option.ini file as noted.
  8. yep, outstanding mod. Works like a champ and when flying the Red side - WATCH OUT!!!
  9. I think a Wings over the Martian Colonies would be cool
  10. you are refering to the use of JP-5 aboard ship and JP-4 ashore by the pale blue suit boys (USAF). (Using the JP-4 cost me an aircraft and the contractor 5 dead one time) no, the fuel did not make any appreciable difference. The engines were the key. Newer technology engines smoke less. The F-4S we flew from Midway in the early 80's were largely smokeless as compared to the F-4J that preceeded it. When controlling sometimes the first call I'd get back from a fighter on his target would be a smoke call at about 10 miles.
  11. B-2

    working with the new generation of stealth aircraft has raised certain issues with maintenance and pre-flight.......
  12. land manually from astern?
  13. just a guess, but try upping the number for SEAD missions in the squadron's mission objective section. I have noticed that if you change something for a campaign that is in progress, it doesn't seem to take until you open a new campaign.
  14. yes it does, if you didn't get killed on the last mission.
  15. "We've only got one F/A-18 model out there...don't quote me, and for god sakes don't flame me all you rivet counters out there....but I beleive the differences in the Hornet variations up to the E were pretty much internal. The external appearance of the bug were pretty much the same throughout the series up to the Super Hornet." that's what I have in mind. I tweaked the current F-18A model, to represent a C block 36 version. That is mostly just the dates and engines with a few minor tweaks to the radar for a little extra range and ground capability. Also have permission to release but I've been sitting on it while others work a much better and more accurate model. So far, it is just sitting on my C drive and over at one of the other model factories. But it is ready to go and reasonably closely matches the configuration of VFA-22 when they were kicking the stuffing out of the Taliban. Once the better model comes out, I will be the first to ask that this "beta test" version be deleted. But I have no idea when that will be. Your call.
  16. check the map. Make sure its looking for the exact terrain
  17. I usually don't have any champagne left...................
  18. Man 12 Hours Day Shifts

    about 11 hours into a 12 hour mid-shift, one gets the thousand yard stare............... I did severak stints as the Shore Patrol Officer in Hong Kong where we split up the shifts that way. But then, Shore Patrol in Hong Kong has sailors and Marines coming up with incredibly interesting and innovative ways to catch the attention of the Shore Patrol.......... on one occasion though we (the carrier group) bailed out of Hong Kong on an emergency sortie to avoid a typhoon. I was the only E-2 Mission Commander to make it back to the ship so I spent the next 4 days on the alert crew (after the typhoon got tired of beating the stuffing out of us....) those were long hours........
  19. Glad you like it! absolutely correct, it is a minor variation of the MF F-14A and it works best if you go there first. Also try the F-14A+ and the Tomcat 21.
  20. awesome. This was my son's squadron over Afghanistan so this has particular meaning to me. Can I use this in an F-18C Block 36 release?
  21. Demographic Similarities of Virtual Pilots

    my teenage kids laugh at me for doing this as my "mid-life crisis'.
  22. On my way in to work today...

    that sure sounds like a terrorist scenario we have been concerned about. I wonder........................
  23. oh? how so and does that show up in the other aircraft?

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