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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. a really great addition and update. Very nice. A couple of comments, after running it through I added Anti-ship as a selectable mission and added the cruise missile capability with Harpoons onto the weapons stations. Works very nice. I've built a carrier anti-ship strike against missile ships mission which you may enjoy. In CVW-5, our A-6E TRAM birds were also wired to carry and shoot the Standard ARM so you may want to also consider adding that, although that was only a few birds and not the entire A-6E TRAM fleet.
  2. I recently downloaded the Taiwan scenario and loaded it up. Works cool EXCEPT that there is no Taiwan terrain as referred to in the download. Is that one of the terrains available in SF or is that out hiding somewhere in the ether?
  3. I didn't that was correct, but in looking it up you turn out to be right. The F-14D stopped at Block 1 which only included LGBs and conventional bombs. guess I'll have to go update the F-14D download too. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f-14.htm
  4. In the aircraft data.ini files scroll down until you get to the section that you want to update. Then just change the values and save the file. In the case of the engines, you can change the nomenclature of the engine model and the power settings.
  5. wasn't the Bombcat the F-14D? yes, the B (or A+ depending on which source you read) provided incremently with air to ground capabilities, but initially the B was just a re-engined A with the same air to air. The initial air to ground was in the D. did you take a look at the A+ and D versions on this aircraft download site? Those are not upgraded 3d models, just minor ini mods of the existing A. Did you update the 3d model?
  6. tell me how you like it. more coming.....
  7. I think those are the most significant differences. I don't know of any other external changes. The big changes of course were all internal and in the weapons that could be loaded. I think there may have been some differences in some of the pylons in order to be able to load the wider variety of weapons.
  8. just a suggestion, but could you include the level bombing sight in the cockpit? of all the add-ons for level bombing sights, I haven't been able to get one to work....
  9. yes and yes. yes, I have the solomons campaign and that's it for WWII. and yes, from my personal collection, an E-2B test firing a Sidewinder. NOT photoshopped. (Long story that didn't quite pan out as intended and was dropped)
  10. you missed the Mig-29C also out. With a better one in the works and also an Su-22 and 24 in the works.
  11. As a CDR, he was my first CAG way back when I was an Ens. The why is that we (USN) were trying to find a way to get larger cargo lifts out to the carriers on station. In particular, engines. So the C-130 bit was a feasibilty test. On final, the Herc had the two outboard engines already in reverse and the two inboard went into reverse at touchdown. They did, I think, 20 recovery and launches. And no tailhook. the final verdict was feasible, but not practical since the deck had to be almost completely cleared and extra lines painted on deck, etc. and of course, knowing the guy, the pilot had to be both a good stick, and quite a bit on the crazy side......
  12. wow, what a collection. Spent the weekend loading up all that stuff that's not elsewhere. I now have not only the Taiwan terrain, but now I've split off two WWII sims, one for the Pacific with Solomons, New Guine, Philipines and China; and one for Europe with Europe (from Maj Lee's site), Battle of Britain, and Libya (the last two from here). they all work great. Along with the other VPAF, Soviet Dawn, Soviet add-on for OTC, etc., etc., etc. this will keep me occupied for a long, long time...... any WWII campaigns hiding out there? way, way cool. This is all what makes this a world class flight sim.
  13. pretty close. I didn't fly with these but I briefed with and controlled the missions. Several of my good friends flew these missions and shot various targets. One of my good buds won a Silver Star and Air Medal (as he described it, the Brown Shorts award with 24 Oak Leaf Clusters) and another shot an SA6 in Kosovo that had previously shot down an F-16. there is a substantial difference between the sim and real life. In real life they pilot or BN did have a system to display the ARM seeker lockon prior to launch - if and when they got a lock. With the HARM especially, the system would display the radar parameters locked on. Note that these are signal parameters and not geo coordinates or even target name. Just the radar name and parameters. In the E2C, I could cross check and provide cross bearings for a target so we could determine range in some tactical situations. In the Iron Hand (USN) or Wild Weasel (USAF) missions they would shut down the opposition as they came up or, depending on the situation, might pre-empt with a loft of the Shrike into the expected target location as the strike group ingressed. so all of the examples used above were used for real depending on the tactical situation. in the sim it doesnt' work quite like that because you do not have an ARM display telling you what the Shrike, Standard ARM or HARM is tracking. You do have the RWR giving you a bearing and signal strength which is close. But you cannot select your target off of that. what I have found does work is doing all the described actions above AND use the ground target select function to cycle through to the target you want. It does have to be a radar target, not a launcher or gun without a radar. Then the ARM will usually acquire and guide on the target.
  14. one is in work with ArmourDave's permission based on his Su-17
  15. I'm not sure of the distinction you all are making between a Shrike and an ARM. The Shrike is an ARM. For any ARM, it has to lock onto the appropriate radar. The radar being the key. What I have done in the sim is to use the ground target select function to select the specific radar or radar equipped AAA/SAM that you want to take out and also do all of the above wrt to pointing at it, in range, etc. Depending on the ARM that you are shooting, watch the range and geometry of the shot. works pretty well. I have a lot of friends who flew these missions for real and exercise and I controlled a lot of them. Very much a "high intensity" mission with a high probability of getting your @$$ shot down.
  16. Thanks all for the kind comments, but all I did was modify some ini files to add a little bit to the already great work that preceeded. I didn't do any of the swing wings, skins or any of that. I just repackaged a bit. about a point two percent effort. the real work was by those who built the 3d models and skins. I added air to ground on the weapons stations, upgraded the engines and avionics to represent the added stuff. The basic airframe was not changed on the real aircraft. Amost all the changes were internal so my limited skills in this area were sufficient. It would be way cool to be able to add the IRTV tracker in the later F-14s, but how to put that into the cockpit and make it functional is a mystery to me. I highly recommend the F-14 avionics update also posted on the download page. I've added that to the F-14A and F-14A+ on my own system. Am still waiting for the avionics70 file to support air to ground before i play with the F-14D again. I may be putting out an update to the F-14A+ file with the avionics update and the correct squadron skins for those squadrons that actually flew this variant (depending on other time committments and permission from the appropriate skinners). Yes, there are some people working on some real cool 3d models of F-18 blocks and F-14 variants which should kock your socks off. I have an F-18C block36 variant on standby and an Su-22 which both need some tweaks before being ready for prime time.
  17. yup, all I did to put the F-14A+ and F-14D was modify the existing F-14A. Consider them temporary fillers until the real stuff comes along from the other, real modelers out there. You can always delete them if they aren't up to your personal standards.
  18. there is a J7III (which the Chinese call an F-7) that is a pretty fair, modern Mig-21.
  19. unstable means if left alone (hands off the controls) it will deviate from its flight path. Stable means if left alone, it will stay in steady flight. generally speaking; trainers, acrobatic and fighter types are unstable (to a degree) while general aviation and airliners are stable. that is a VERY general description and there will be lots of exceptions and variations to that. I expect that many such examples will be posted here soon.... wikpedia is not a bad reference. Generally it is ok although on occasion it will get some details a little off.
  20. When does the Mig-31 Foxhound come out?
  21. File Name: Mig-29C File Submitter: Typhoid File Submitted: 26 Jan 2007 File Category: Mig-29 This is a minor update to the Mig-29A to bring it up to the later Mig-29C configuration. This variant included an ECM capabilty (not always installed) along with a basic air to ground capability with conventional bombs and rockets only. This variant is still in service around the world in a number of countries including the current Russian Frontal Aviation. Thanks to wpnsgt and USAFMTL for the permission to post this version. Good hunting Typhoid "Real Aircraft use Tailhooks" Click here to download this file
  22. Very nice. We can set up missions for the upcoming MidEast Conflagration and take out Iranian ICBM sites!
  23. I didn't do anything to the sounds that were in the files. Works OK in my WOE install. I suggest downloading the original F-14A and going through that step by step, then reinstall the A+ and D. Typhoid
  24. Mig-29C



    This is a minor update to the Mig-29A to bring it up to the later Mig-29C configuration. This variant included an ECM capabilty (not always installed) along with a basic air to ground capability with conventional bombs and rockets only. This variant is still in service around the world in a number of countries including the current Russian Frontal Aviation. Thanks to wpnsgt and USAFMTL for the permission to post this version. Good hunting Typhoid "Real Aircraft use Tailhooks"

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