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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. awesome!!!! for a sound within the aircraft - a nice "thump" when it hits the plane and then all the lights, radios, instruments go dark................ had that in the E-4B.
  2. I've generally used 2 seconds as a generic for all types. If you are flying a particular aircraft then yes, you absolutely need to make sure you are at the right end speed. even these guys sink a little...... http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=EZRMpxUniOw http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=BrtRcnrnPK8 and of course the return trip http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=cqLXmZSa8FI&...feature=related
  3. not very, and pretty quickly shoot for about seven or eight shots.
  4. seems I was correct! http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Irania...ficial_999.html evidently the Iranian SLV was really an anti-Iranian SRBM.......
  5. US Elections

    I'm with Longestpants!!
  6. New deadly trap in A-stan.

  7. sounds like he's having fun! reminds me of when I was on the USS Midway - which we determined was named not for the battle, but because we were always "midway" between ports.......... noticed that there is no planning map as in other terrains. This seems to prevent the scripted mission from coming up and prevents me from trying to build another. Might that also be part of this problem? also noted that if I start airborne, its all OK, super fine.
  8. well....................... I suspect that the IRBM booster heritage is pretty clear, as is the likely suborbital performance of the vehicle along the NK model...... the only people at risk might be the Iranians beneath the launch vector.....
  9. yep. I played with the field length but no change. I also went into the midway.ini and tried some other airfield ini files which has the exact same result. The planes all show up on the runway, then during the runway roll they suddenly fall through the runway on a "journey to the center of the earth" profile and explode. no clue. Only this one terrain. The scripted mission does not show up either. Haven't tried building one yet. I'll try that and see if the carriers work. The terrain works great if I start in the air. no one else has had any similar result? wierd........
  10. I second that!! These terrains are outstanding!
  11. everyone I've tried so far. F4F, TBF, B25, Zero, Kate, P40 and even an A4 when I put the terrain into a different load. I've tried all three cat files (don't have desert) with same results.
  12. Congratulations are in Order

    Congratulations and best of luck in the years of study ahead!
  13. tomcat F-14

  14. Georgia moves against separatists

    huh? I'm referring to my old adversaries in the former and future Soviet Empire.
  15. Georgia moves against separatists

    propaganda. And an unbelievable fiction that unarmed engineers traveled by truck and negotiated the surrender of the port, evacuation of the facilities and ships, and then calmly destroyed them. again, don't think you are fooling everyone. Some of us understand very clearly what is going on there.
  16. Georgia moves against separatists

    I believe so
  17. Georgia moves against separatists

    yes. I know precisely what kinds of ships were in the Georgian inventory and what they were armed with.
  18. tomcat F-14

    your points are well taken, but don't forget that the F14D had laser guided before that. JDAM is not/was not the only PGM in town. But certainly a fictional stretch to say that any one of those aircraft, using essentially the same weapons and guidance packages, could do any differently. Having said that - a pointless argument. Those were all great planes in their own right for their own missions and outstanding airframes for a variety of missions. All legends.
  19. Georgia moves against separatists

    oh, I understand the military issue in destroying potential threats to your operations. I do not, however, fall for the fiction that such activities carried out within the territorial borders of an independent, sovereign country was conducted peacefully and did/does not constitute an invasion/occupation. Senaki is, at least according to my charts, well within Georgian territory and those ships (which were manned) in the port of Poti certainly posed no threat to Russian ground and air forces operating within Georgian territory and were absolutely no threat to the 14 ship flotilla of combattants that you are currently using to blockade the Georgian coast line. In other words, don't pretend that you are fooling anyone with that propaganda line my Russian Friend and Potential-Future-Opponent (again).
  20. Georgia moves against separatists

    right......................... and how many Spetznaz were involved in the "negotiations"? and how many tanks accompanied the trucks from Senaki? and why were all those Russian "engineers" in Senaki in the first place if "Peacemakers assert that no cities and settlements they occupied." ?
  21. Opening Ceremony

    I'd like to see a combination of ski jumping and skeet!
  22. Georgia moves against separatists

    ok. How if the Russian troops did not capture/invade/occupy Poti, how did they blow up three coastguard ships in Poti?
  23. my new Wings over the Pacific install based on WOV instead of WOE does the same thing. Other terrais work fine from take off. This one works fine starting from the air but explodes on the runway.
  24. that would be the one. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2678 ust follow the directions carefully and you will have many missions. also check out the mission packs that are downloaded in the mission and campaign building section here.

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