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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. DON'T SKIP THE CARRIER!!!!! Not exactly a big deal in a fictional campaign that you use an aircraft that was and is real, just never in production and fielded to Russia. Could use it in a future Indian campaign..... looks cool.
  2. one last build before vacation...

    one could even say - he's deserves to be on the A-Team......
  3. might be time to update it to a Malvinas Revisited campaign; http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080402/wl_af...cy_080402201109
  4. one last build before vacation...

    concur!! I liked the original show a lot better.
  5. I'd say that's pretty realistic!! :yes:
  6. how many of you were even born...

    my kids liked them. They had a huge collection of that stuff.
  7. English Computers?

    the phrase "a common people separated by a common language" comes to mind. huh?
  8. What is a dynamic campaign anyway?

    can't argue with that!
  9. What is a dynamic campaign anyway?

    In WOV, I would very often get the same bridge, over and over and over.
  10. Earth Hour 2008

    http://www.middlebury.net/op-ed/global-warming-01.html a very interesting and comprehensive link on this subject. and a link to the new climate realist organization http://www.climatescienceinternational.org/
  11. THAT should be the main screen!!!!!! :yes:
  12. Earth Hour 2008

    I've tried to figure out over the evening what "Anarcho-primitivism" might stand for, and come up with nothing beyond an Ice-Age caveman. It is always interesting to see what kind of idiotic babble the pseudo-intellectuals dream up......
  13. Earth Hour 2008

    you are quite welcome - good luck!! :yes:
  14. Earth Hour 2008

    cool (pun intended). for starters, I'll need to be able to upload a powerpoint or excell graph. I have a nice graph that compiles the monthly data from the principle climate reporting centers. It is going in the wrong direction for warming..... some other selected articles - several by myself which have been published locally and distributed to a number of selected political organizations and campaign staffs.
  15. Earth Hour 2008

    you mean global warming is made up? yes and no. There has been one degree of warming over a one hundred year period. That is true. There has also been a half degree cooling in just this last year which is kicking off the sharp cooling period. Not surprising you were freezing your @$$ off the other day - cold records have been set all this winter and new snowfall records have been set all across the globe. its all a fraud. graphs and articles available on request! :yes:
  16. What is a dynamic campaign anyway?

    not sure at all, but my impression is that many targets that I successfully hit showed back up for another round.
  17. What is a dynamic campaign anyway?

    I think in the thirdwire series the campaigns are mostly static but partly dynamic. In that planes and weapons are decrimented, and the FLOT moves, but the target set appears to be largely static. An example is that taking out the runway has no apparent effect on later enemy sorties (granting that repairing runways in very short timelines is a practiceed art by most of our historical opponents!) a better example would be that taking out fuel tanks, buildings, bridges, etc., does not remove them from the target set and you will be tasked to hit them again, and again, and again......
  18. Earth Hour 2008

    it will do absolutely nothing to stem global warming. It is impossible to discuss this without politics because it is purely a political fraud, a scientific scandal and a financial swindle. but if you want to start a lonnnnnggggg thread that focuses on just the scientific scandal part of this, with the permission of the moderators, I'll be glad to discuss as I am a published science realist (also referred to by various political hacks as a flat-earther, denier, traitor, environmental criminal, etc.; and by the more measured as a skeptic). I'm considering observing earth hour with rented searchlights..... :)
  19. understand rotating speed brakes very well. :yes: just need more power in the engine to overcome it.
  20. I can't actually open the map from where I am logging in at the moment. Hence, my question. Understand the eye candy and the model isn't really flyable anyway. The ELINT caught my eye as that is not the E-2 mission. Very unlikely that one would go overland in such a mission. Not a big deal. Just curious.
  21. "E-2C Hawkeye (AI only). Departs CV-60 USS Saratoga on ELINT mission close to East German border. " an ELINT mission? when you say "close to East German border" are you putting it overland in the vicinity of the GIB (German Inner Border) or overwater in the Baltic? looks like a fantastic mission pack!! Looking forward to it.
  22. I imagine that would be a lot tougher since the carrier moves. maybe something in the formation portion of the ini?
  23. yea. "I doubt he was being precise." counts as an understatement. I don't really want to get into a detailed debate on this so I've edited out my earlier comments. I'm taking a "wave-off" from the discussion with my departure call - "Nice Sea Story" "As for the slowing down of the carrier" sometime I should discuss FLANCHOROPS (Flight Ops from Anchor)

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