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Posts posted by SandMartin

  1. Guys. I see, that a standart F-15A in WOE have 1 more radar mode than Search, STT - TWS. & Enchanced HUD information (like target box or target circle (then AIM-9 have lock on) plus enchanced radar monitor informations - like vector of target, distance of scan & other...


    BUT every add-on craft like F-18A, F-14A or F-16C or F-15C or F-15E dont have this things. Why ??? Its possible, give to modern ADDON crafts TWS modes & more HUD & Radar display informations or inposible ???



    P.S Sorry for my English

  2. Guys. Sorry for my english.



    Somebody have Su-27 (or 30/33/35) for this game??? &


    Have Somebody, more realistic view of cockpit for russian modern fighters (I say about Mig-29 or Su-27) - becouse I only find remake cockpit from F-15 or old Mig. I had downloaded Mig-29A from this site, but, Mig`s cokpit very bad. This dont like cokpit like cokpit from Lock On or novalogic Mig-29...

    I can find normal model with normal cokpit of F-14,15,16,18 & much more, but I cant find normal it for Mig-29


    Maybe somebody, can make it like this (on screenshot) for us ???




    P.S Sorry for my english again.



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