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Everything posted by KingAlbert

  1. File Name: F-16XL Hangar and Loading Screen Pack File Submitter: KingAlbert File Submitted: 24 May 2008 File Category: Hanger/Menu/Loadout 1. Introduction =============== When downloading addon aircrafts and new skins I always felt a bit dissatisfied with the hangar and loading screens supplied by their makers. Not that they were wrong are bad, I simply don't like real-life pictures as either hangar screen or loading screen. Furthermore, I did not like that their is no match between the aircraft skin you choose and the loading and hangar screen you get to see. So I set out to find an easy way (within the confines of the simulation) to find a quick and easy way to get a match between the selected skin, hangar screen and loading screen. I figured out a way, by working with standardized filenames. The only disadvantage is that you need to select the appropriate hangar screen/ loading screen manually. But I suppose that most people fly in campaigns so it should be easy to set this up before you launch the simulation. 2. How does it work? ==================== First of all, you need to download yourself the addon aircraft and skins (don't worry I'll supply you with the appropriate links later on). Secondly extract this pack to a temporary file/directory, where you will find several files in this pack: Aircraft.ini file TextureSetXXX_Loading.bmp TextureSetXXX_Hangar.bmp (with XXX being replaced by incremental numbers) Each TextureSet file corresponds with the Textureset-entry of the same number in the aircraft ini. Copy these files to your aircraft directory: \Wings Over Europe\Objects\Aircraft\aircraftdirectory\. Only your aircraft.ini file will be overwritten, but that should not be a problem unless you have other skins installed then those mentionned in this readme. If you open the aircraft.ini file, you will notice that its an exact match with the original aircraft.ini file except for a few edits in the [AircraftData]-section and with the entries for the skins already added. The entries in the [AircraftData]-section should look like this: // original authors settings HangarScreen=... LoadingScreen=... //KingAlbert settings //HangarScreen=TextureSetXXX_Hangar.bmp //LoadingScreen=TextureSetXXX_Loading.bmp Now the double /-symbol indicates to the simulation must ignore that line. So the only thing you have to do to select the hangarscreen and loadingscreen is remove the /-symbols in front of the line. Keep in mind that all other hangar and loading lines need to be preceded by a // otherwise the simulation will use the first instruction. I kept in the original authors selection so you can easily revert back to his selection. 3. requirements =============== You need a legal copy of one of the many Thirdwire Sims (WOV, WOE, WOI). I only tested this pack in Wings over Europe, but I guess it should work fine in any of the other version. 4. Installing this pack ======================= 1) download and install the addon aircraft. Location: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5011 2) download and install additional skins remember, you don't have to edit the aircraft.ini file yourself, I included a copy as part of this pack. a) NASA F16XL test skin location: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5130 b) Tuskegee Tribute F-16XL location: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5696 c) SEA camo F-16XL Location: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5542 d) IAF F-16XL location: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5013 3) install the files from this pack (see at the previous section How does it work? for instructions Click here to download this file
  2. Working on a campaign I already figured out the interaction between loadouts and missiontypes (my original post can be found here) However one missiontype/loadout keeps me puzzled: FAC. I noticed that modders use it in their loadouts and in the missionroles for the aircraft. However I am not able to select this as mission in the single missions. So my question is twofold: 1.Are FAC mission available to players or is it limited to the AI? 2. if available in campaigns, which one of the missiontypes generate this kind of mission? regards KingAlbert
  3. Fast Cargo wrote a fix for the sidewinder stations on the Tornado GR1 and Gr1A (link here). Yet the fix does not seem to work for the Tornado IDS/GR package which can be found here. The dual sidewinder positions always seem to be a little offset from the center of the pylon. I figured out it had to do with the attachment positions of the stations so with a little experimenting I managed align the stations correctly. So if you want to apply Fast Cargo's fix for the IDS replace sidewinderstation entries by these two entries: [SidewinderStationLeft] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=12 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.050,-1.7,-0.3 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1400 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,2IR AttachmentType=USAF,USN,UK,RAF,NATO,W_GERMANY ModelNodeName=pylon_inner_left LaunchRailNodeName=LAU-105 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= MovingPylon=TRUE RotatingPylon=FALSE [SidewinderStationRight] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.050,-1.7,-0.3 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1400 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,2IR AttachmentType=USAF,USN,UK,RAF,NATO,W_GERMANY ModelNodeName=pylon_inner_right LaunchRailNodeName=LAU-105 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= MovingPylon=TRUE RotatingPylon=FALSE[code] [/code]
  4. I noticed that FastCargo posted these screenshots of an EF-111 Aardvark. I am looking for that aircraft to add it to a campaign that I am creating. I searched the download section but It seems I am missing something because I could not locate the file? Can someone tell me where to find it or point me in the right direction? thx
  5. AFAIK the AI aircraft loadouts are determined by the loadout ini from each aircraft, so if you want to avoid "unrealistic" loadouts you will have to edit those files. As far as concerned the "manually" picked loadouts in the loadout screen, I would suggest that you take note of those combinations that seem unrealistic and don't load them when flying.
  6. I am working at a WOE campaign for a couple of weeks now. However since a few days I noticed that none of the AI - controlled aircraft (expect those of my flight) had no weapons. Initially I thought this had to do with me editing an existing campaign and setting it in 1989. Since the stock campaigns don't go further then 1979 I figured out that most aircraft had no matching weapons in the loadout file. Only when I started meddling in the loadout files adjusting the weapons to match 1989 I discovered that the problem persisted. I spend three days rewriting the load-out file of the F-15C to be 100 % sure that it would be correct. But the problem was not solved. So now I got the sneaky feeling that somewhere the mods that i already installed were messing with eachother (I guessed the weaponsdata files since I had merged bunyaps pack with the MF pack). I had kept track of each mod installed and most changes I made, but I also had removed mods some somewhere deep inside WOE some files were messing up and I had no backups to retrace my steps. So the only solution that remained open was restarting all over, carefully checking each mod. I spent this entire evening reinstalling the basic mods that I needed (effects packs, weapons pack etc) and finally started rebuilding the actual campaign. But as soon as I ran the first test, the dreaded problem re-appeared: AI aircraft without weapons. Since I had tested each mod installation, I knew that they could not cause the problem. The only thing that had changed was the campaign itself. Initially I thought I had edited a parameter by mistake, so I started comparing the campaign files with the stock campaign file that i used as basis. finally I found the culprit: i had deleted the startdate in the campaign data file. After banging my head against the wall, I inserted the startdate again and lo and behold, AI aircraft have weapons again. So what are the modders lessons I learned: 1. ALWAYS BACKUP 2. TEST EACH MODIFICATION YOU MAKE 3. THE ERROR IS ALWAYS CAUSED IN THE LAST PLACE YOU WILL LOOK 4. THE ERROR IS ALWAYS A SINGLE STUPID LINE YOU MESSED UP Perhaps some other would be modders will learn from my mistake
  7. I had a problem with the aircraft loadouts, searched the forum on it, but could not find an answer. So I set out to do some tests and here are the results. In the campaign files you can stipulate which missions an aircraft can fly and the likelihood of the mission appearing. But what's the use of setting up the mission chances if there are no default loadouts? I did not want to manually load up each aircraft so I checked which Campaign missiontype matches with which Loadout. Missiontype------>Loadout [sWEEP]---------->[AirToAir] [CAP]------------>[AirToAir] [iNTERCEPT]------->[AirToAir] [ESCORT]--------->[AirToAirLongRange] ----------> [CAS]------------>[Attack] [sEAD]----------->[sEAD] [ARMED_RECON]--->[Attack] [ANTI-SHIP]------->[Anti-Ship] [RECON]---------->[Recon] So if you now make sure that for each possible mission campaign a matching entry exists in the loadout file, you no longer have to manually load each aircraft of your flight.
  8. Pilot Skin Creation

    This tutorial will teach you how to create custom pilots which can replace the default pilot skin. I searched this forum for help and found nothing in the knowledge base, although you can find some instructions on other places in the forum. By writing this tutorial I hope to provide others with some basic instructions on how to edit and create pilot skins. The default pilot skin in WOE. It looks that the red and white checkerboard is really popular in the skies above Europe. To create you own pilot skin there are two possibilities: either you use the default pilot(s) as template or you use an existing pilot like those found at Wrench Strike Fighter Page. One piece of advice when using others people work as template, if you gonna post your work on this or other sites, don't forget to ask for permission to the original authors or if they don't react give them at least credit. Before you can start creating your own pilot skins you need following programs: 1. a cat-extracter: you can find one here at the Check-Six website (site in french) 2. a Hex-editor: you can find a free one here at this site. 3. a graphic program like Photo-Shop or Gimp (Gimp is open source and can be downloaded here). Now when you create a pilot skin you should always remember: all files belong in the directory \Objects\Aircraft\. Do not put pilot skins in the individual aircraft folders, they won't work. Lets start with the most simple creation, using others peoples pilots as template. This is the Pilot16 skin, based on Diego's hi-rez pilot skin edited by Pappycksix. I prefer these skins as template instead of the default pilots because they are indeed of better quality. When you download the skin from the Wrench Strike Fighter Site you will notice four files: Pilot16.bmp Pilot16.ini Pilot16.lod Pilot16_lod002.lod Step 1: Create a copy of these four files and rename them by replace the word “Pilot16” by for example KA_0001. IMPÖRTANT: because I am not very fameliar with hexediting, it is vital the new name has exact the same number of characters like the source pilot. Step 2: Edit ini file by replacing the word Pilot16 again with the new name KA_0001. The new ini would then contain this text: [LOD001] Filename=KA_0001.lod Distance=40 [LOD002] Filename=KA_0001_lod002.lod Distance=200 Step 3: using the hexedit-program open both lod files. Search for the entries Pilot16.bmp. Again replace the old name with the new name and save the files again. Now the ini file refers to the correct lod files and the lod files refer to the correct bmp. Step 4: open the bmp-file with a graphic program and edit the pilot skin to your own content. Step 5: once you changed these files drop them all in the directory \Objects\Aircrafts\. I'll explain later how to link a skin with an aircraft. Below you see the Pilot16 skin after I changed the helmet colors. Another method, which is less likely to bring you on a collision course with other modders, is using the default skins and edit those. Step 0. Extract the pilot files using the cat extractor. In the directory \objects\ you can find the file objectdata.cat. If you open this file and scroll through it you find four pilots: PILOT PILOTN1 PILOTN2 PILOTN3 Now you need to extract for each pilot four files: bmp, ini and the two lod's. Step 1 to 5 are the same like above. You can see the result below. The pilot of this F-4C has the PILOTN1 helmet ... while the co-pilot sports a brand new KA_0002 helmet. Now creating new skins is fun, but would be pointless if you could not link the new pilot skins to the aircraft. To do that you need dive into the aircraft_data ini file. Lets take a look for example at the file from the F-4C; The aircraft data file is appropriately named F-4C_Data.ini and can be found in the directory \Objects\Aircraft\F-4C\. If you can't find it use the cat-extractor to retrieve it from the objectdata.cat. In the aircraft data file look for the entry: [Pilot]. Below is data for the pilots and co-pilots. Look for the entry “PilotModelName = some_pilot_skin_name”. If you can't find that line simply add it manually using notepad. The F-4C pilot entry looks for example like this: [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=PILOTN1 Position=0.0,6.36,0.74 SeatModelName=seat_f-4 SeatPosition=0.00,6.36,0.31 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 5.91,-0.20 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 6.99, 0.92 CanopyNodeName=canopy_front_outer [CoPilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=KA_0002 Position=0.0,4.95,0.84 SeatModelName=seat_f-4 SeatPosition=0.0,4.95,0.41 MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 4.50,-0.11 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 5.44, 1.07 CanopyNodeName=canopy_rear_outer I hope this tutorial was clear enough. At least your pilots won't any longer share the same taste in helmets. Happy Flying KingAlbert.
  9. ANZAC Ep. 1

    This is the second video AAR I made based on "ANZACS in the Pacific" by Achilles_NZ. The mission itself was not very successfull but provided enough material to make a decent movie. You need a divx codec to watch the movie (double click the player to see the movie full screen) or you can watch the .
  10. AFter writing AAR's for two years, I decided to try something new with "ANZAC's in the Pacific" from Achilles_NZ. Instead of taking screenshots, I made a short movie depicting the first mission. Link to video AAR ANZAC episode 1. You need the Divx codec to watch the video on my blog, otherwise you can also check out . I hope you enjoy the movie. KingAlbert out.
  11. Again a question about campaigns we can set the startdate for a campaign and a startdate for a squadron (ie campaign starts on 01/01/2008, squadron x starts on 14/1/2008). My question: if I select squadron X which is supposed to start 2 weeks into the campaign, will the game simulate the ground movements made during those two weeks? I have this idea of creating a long campaign (ie 120 days) but allowing several squadron each with a different startdate and limited mission numbers (ie 30). This to simulate the rotation of squadrons in and out of the combat zone. KA out
  12. As Gocad said, its always good to check the knowledge base, anyhow its my guess that like bunyap suggests the normalmissionratedeviation creates a random time-interval between two missions. But to be sure you should test a campaign first with deviation set to 1 and then to 120. Personally I set the deviation to 1 so that you fly every day a mission. I don't think that pilot get two weeks off in the middle of a war
  13. As I am still tinkering on a personal campaign, I bumped onto two particuliar issues. I'd like to know whether someone else also bumped on them. 1/ max number of weapontypes at start of a campaign It seems that the maximum number of weapontypes you can start the campaign with for each individual airunit is 32. It tried to add more, but number 33 never appears on the loadout list. (that seems odd since the single mission loadout screen allows much more) 2/ unwanted resupplies I added some airunits that start two weeks after the campaign launch date. I added a default weapontype list (ie aim-9 & aim-7) but since I start two weeks into the campaign a resupply has been performed and now I have tons of other (unwanted) weapons (like nuclear tipped falcons). It seems that the game, uses the weapondata to resupply your unit with all the possible weapons (depending on your AC and selected era). AFAIK the only solution to avoid this would be to delete all unwanted weapons from the weapondata.ini Has anyone else encountered this issues and how did you resolve them? KA out
  14. No, since you specify different supply times for aircraft, groundunits and weapons (assuming that weapons refers to AC weapons and not ammunition for the ground troops)
  15. Well nothing beats old hand testing it yourself I just checked the maps and compared the frontline between two different squadron startdates, the game does simulate the movements. Now I can have a long campaign (120 days) with squadrons rotating in and out (each squadron being limited to 30 missions)
  16. I tried editing the availability dates (albeit withouth extracting all the weapons from the objectdata) but no joy. However I found a solution: I simply set the supply interval (WeaponResupplyTime in the campaign_data ini) equal to the number of days in my campaign. As such you are only supplied on the last day. You only have to make sure that the supplies at the start of the campaign are high enough to last. But thats what I wanted anyhow, because I want to add the thrill of 'supply management' to the mission, so that the player has to consider which weapons are good for the mission and whether he won't need them later on.
  17. I have made some new discoveries concerning supplies. I initially thought that editing the weapondata.ini by removing all unwanted weapons. Much to my surprise, when loading the campaign I still had weapons that I did not want, even weapons that I could not find the in the weapons folder. Then it dawned on me. It appears that the game uses the objectdata.cat (and perhaps together with the weapondata.ini or objects in the weapons folder) to determin which weapons are available (based on era and AC). The weapons quantities we set in the campaign data files only determin the weapons at the start of the campaign. As soon as you hit a resupply event, the game overrules your settings and gives all possible weapons. The only solution I see right now, is simply rebuilding the objectdata.cat with only the weapons you want. For the moment I won't test that solution (a bit too tricky and I am not sure that counts as a mod [i guess its rather a hack]), but it would be nice if someone could confirm me whether we can legally rebuild the objectdata.cat as modders. KA out
  18. I am working on a cold war campaign and currently checking the initial weapon quantities. If I look in other campaigns I notice initial quantities like 2400 bombs, 240 missiles etc. My question: are these quantities realistic vis-a-vis reality? If not so are there sources which where I could find the weapons for squadrons in Europe?
  19. I was messing around with the extra view mod designed for the A-10 when it struck me: there was no effect when firing the GAU-8 30mm canon! Not even a tiny weenie flame or puff of smoke! Mind you I do fly with the A-10 as it is deliverd with WOE! So I set out solve this HUGE problem I discovered there are two solutions: an easy one and a hard one. If you are a lazy lad, who wants to limit messing around in files to an absolute minimum, here is your easy and simple guide to upgrade your GAU-8: delete the damn thing. Yep you read it right trash the directory A-10A in the object\aircraft folder and replace it with this aircraft: A-10A Thunderbolt II by wpnssgt & Team (which can be found at www.column5.us. (it has the same foldername so it should make no difference for you WOE version) But if, like me, you are bit sentimental about that old trusty WOE A-10A and don't mind getting your hands dirty, there is also a hard way: First of all you gonna need to download the above mentionned aircraft. I don't mind trashing in ini's, but there is no sense in reinventing the wheel (aka creating tga's files from scratch). What we'll do is "borrow" the effects and ini mods from wpnssgt and paste them in the stock aircraft. Step 1: prepare to copy the effect files wpnssgt's version contains 3 files: FIRE.tga SMOKE2.tga Gau8FireEffect.ini Now you will have to check your effects-folder to see if there are not already TGA files with the name Fire and Smoke2. If that's the case rename wpnssgt files (like ie FIRE2 and SMOKE3) and edit Gau8FireEffect file to refer to the new names. (since you are willing to do the difficult solution, I assume you know such a function like CTRL+F in wordpad to find for specific words and replace them with another word) Step 2: copy paste those 3 files to your effects folder That was easy, now we have to make sure that if the A-10 fires his 30 mm cannon the right effects are played. Step 3: editing the gundata.ini Open the gundata.ini (which can be found in the object directory (if you don't see it use cat extraction software to retrieve it from the objectdata.cat) Look for this line "TypeName=30MM_GAU8" (remember CTRL+F), somewhere below that line is line called "GunFireEffect= some lame effect name". Replace that entire line with this line "GunFireEffect=Gau8FireEffect" And voila, not only does the GAU-8 packs a serious punch, it shows also a serious punch BTW wpnssgt and his team also included a new engine effect, just drop that into your sound folder and edit in the A-10A_DATA file the engine sound with this text "EngineSoundName=A10Engine". To conclude some mood shots
  20. New External Views by King Albert

    After the movie I made about the F-16XL I wondered about the limited external views in WOE/WOV/SF1. Untill I discovered the mods to add check six view and over the nose view. As I implemented these views I started wondering whether it would not be possible to add even more views and edit to be more movie-like. (Perhaps somebody already explained this but my search on "views" did not yield result so I post this anyway.) Below are some examples Granted most views will only be usefull for screenshots or movies. How did I do it? 1/ Edit your control file (Wings Over Europe\Controls\) Replace the [ControlSet001] entry with text below (Warning - backup your existing control file, you will be copying my settings) [ControlSet001] EXIT_FLIGHT=ESCAPE QUIT_GAME=ALT+Q PAUSE_FLIGHT=P TIME_COMPRESSION=T NORMAL_TIME=ALT+R CHANGE_TIME=ALT+C SKIP_TO_NEXT=ALT+N RADIO_COMM=TAB CHAT_ALL=GRAVE CHAT_ENEMY=SHIFT+GRAVE CHAT_FRIENDLY=CTRL+GRAVE CHAT_TARGET=ALT+GRAVE AUTO_PILOT=Q WING_LEVELER=SHIFT+Q NEXT_WAYPOINT=W PREV_WAYPOINT=SHIFT+W MAP=M SCREEN_SHOT=PRINTSCREEN DEBUG_TOGGLE=I GOTO_COCKPIT_FRONT_VIEW=F1 GOTO_COCKPIT_LEFT_VIEW=F2 GOTO_COCKPIT_RIGHT_VIEW=F3 GOTO_COCKPIT_UP_VIEW=SHIFT+F1 GOTO_VIEW_PADLOCK=F4 TOGGLE_COCKPIT= SNAP_VIEW_FRONT=NUMPAD8 SNAP_VIEW_FRONT_RIGHT=NUMPAD9 SNAP_VIEW_RIGHT=NUMPAD6 SNAP_VIEW_REAR_RIGHT=NUMPAD3 SNAP_VIEW_REAR_LEFT=NUMPAD1 SNAP_VIEW_LEFT=NUMPAD4 SNAP_VIEW_FRONT_LEFT=NUMPAD7 SNAP_VIEW_UP=NUMPAD5 SNAP_VIEW_DOWN=NUMPAD0 SNAP_VIEW_BACK=NUMPAD2 SNAP_VIEW_BELLY=NUMPADPERIOD SNAP_VIEW_STATION1=NUMPADSLASH SNAP_VIEW_STATION2=NUMPADSTAR SNAP_VIEW_STATION3=NUMPADMINUS SNAP_VIEW_STATION4=NUMPADPLUS GOTO_VIEW_SHOULDER=F5 GOTO_VIEW_OBJECT_NEXT=F6 GOTO_VIEW_OBJECT_PREV=SHIFT+F6 GOTO_VIEW_GROUND_OBJECT_NEXT=F7 GOTO_VIEW_GROUND_OBJECT_PREV=SHIFT+F7 GOTO_VIEW_TARGET=F8 GOTO_VIEW_PLAYER_TO_TARGET=SHIFT+F8 GOTO_VIEW_TARGET_TO_PLAYER=CTRL+F8 GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON=F9 GOTO_VIEW_PLAYER_TO_WEAPON=SHIFT+F9 GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON_TO_PLAYER=CTRL+F9 GOTO_VIEW_FLYBY=F10 GOTO_VIEW_FLYBY_PREV=SHIFT+F10 GOTO_VIEW_TOWER=F11 GOTO_VIEW_TOWER_PREV=SHIFT+F11 GOTO_VIEW_ACTION_CAM=F12 GOTO_FREE_VIEW=CTRL+F12 CAMERA_PITCH_UP=ALT+UPARROW CAMERA_PITCH_DOWN=ALT+DOWNARROW CAMERA_YAW_RIGHT=RIGHTARROW CAMERA_YAW_LEFT=LEFTARROW CAMERA_ZOOM_IN=UPARROW CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT=DOWNARROW CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS=JOYSTICK01_POV01_DOWN CAMERA_YAW_AXIS=JOYSTICK01_POV01_RIGHT CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL= PITCH_UP= PITCH_DOWN= ROLL_RIGHT= ROLL_LEFT= YAW_RIGHT=PERIOD YAW_LEFT=COMMA THROTTLE_UP=EQUALS THROTTLE_DOWN=MINUS THRUST_VECTOR_UP=CTRL+EQUALS THRUST_VECTOR_DOWN=CTRL+MINUS FLAPS_DOWN=F FLAPS_UP=V AIRBRAKES_TOGGLE=S WHEELBRAKES_TOGGLE=B LANDING_GEARS_TOGGLE=G ARRESTER_HOOK_TOGGLE=H CYCLE_NAV_LIGHT=CTRL+L DRAG_CHUTE=CTRL+B EJECT= PITCH_CONTROL=JOYSTICK01_Y-AXIS YAW_CONTROL=JOYSTICK01_Z-ROTATION ROLL_CONTROL=JOYSTICK01_X-AXIS THROTTLE_CONTROL=JOYSTICK01_U-AXIS THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL= NEXT_AA_WEAPONS=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON07 PREV_AA_WEAPONS=SHIFT+BACKSPACE NEXT_AG_WEAPONS=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON08 PREV_AG_WEAPONS=SHIFT+BACKSLASH FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON01 FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN= FIRE_WEAPON=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON02 OPEN_BOMBBAY_DOOR=CTRL+O DROP_TANKS=CTRL+D JETTISON_STORES=CTRL+J NEXT_RIPPLE_QUANTITY=RBRACKET PREV_RIPPLE_QUANTITY=SHIFT+RBRACKET NEXT_RIPPLE_INTERVAL=LBRACKET PREV_RIPPLE_INTERVAL=SHIFT+LBRACKET NEXT_HUD_MODE=APOSTROPHE PREV_HUD_MODE=SHIFT+APOSTROPHE NEXT_GUNGROUP=SEMICOLON PREV_GUNGROUP=SHIFT+SEMICOLON CHAFF=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON11 FLARE=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON12 ECM_TOGGLE=Z TOGGLE_RADAR=CTRL+PGUP NEXT_RADAR_MODE=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON09 PREV_RADAR_MODE=SHIFT+PGUP NEXT_RADAR_RANGE=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON10 PREV_RADAR_RANGE=SHIFT+PGDN SELECT_NEXT_RADAR_TARGET=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON05 SELECT_PREV_RADAR_TARGET=SHIFT+HOME ACQUIRE_RADAR_TARGET=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON03 ACQUIRE_VISUAL_TARGET_ON_RADAR= REJECT_RADAR_TARGET=DELETE SELECT_CLOSEST_CENTER=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON04 SELECT_TARGET=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON06 SELECT_PREV_TARGET=SHIFT+T SELECT_CLOSEST_TARGET=CTRL+T SELECT_FRIENDLY=Y SELECT_PREV_FRIENDLY=SHIFT+Y SELECT_CLOSEST_FRIENDLY=CTRL+Y SELECT_GROUND=E SELECT_PREV_GROUND=SHIFT+E SELECT_CLOSEST_GROUND=CTRL+E SELECT_LAST_RADIO=R SELECT_LAST_RADIO_CALLER=SHIFT+R SELECT_RADAR_TARGET=CTRL+R SELECT_WAYPOINT=CTRL+W DESELECT_TARGET= ANIMATION_1=SHIFT+1 ANIMATION_2=SHIFT+2 ANIMATION_3=SHIFT+3 ANIMATION_4=SHIFT+4 ANIMATION_5=SHIFT+5 ANIMATION_6=SHIFT+6 ANIMATION_7=SHIFT+7 ANIMATION_8=SHIFT+8 ANIMATION_9=SHIFT+9 ANIMATION_10=SHIFT+0 Did you notice the text in bold? I use the snapview keys to map the viewkeys and create 4 additional snapviews (numpad / * - +) and I edited numpad buttons 2 . 0 to count also as views Bug Warning - if you open your control file in the options within WOE, those new controls will be erased, so keep a backup of the new control file for safety. Step 2 - add a new view-class to the viewlist.ini You can find the viewlist.ini in the directory Wings Over Europe\Controls\. If you don't see the file use a cat extraction program to retrieve from cat-files inside that directory. Now as far as I correctly interpreted the check six and over nose view mods, these mods edit the existing views. However since the views are build like classes (programming terms, ignore them), I figured out I could add an additional class (copy and paste this class after the last viewclass entry in the viewlist.ini): [ViewClassXXX] ViewClassName=MovieClass1 ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=0 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=FALSE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=70.0 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=TRUE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=TRUE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE ;RememberAngle=TRUE RememberPosition=TRUE RememberFOV=TRUE ZoomFOV=TRUE ZoomScale=0.02 PanScale=0.00140 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=100.0 Acceleration=10.0 AngleRates=360.0,240.0,240.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinFOV=30.0 MaxFOV=90.0 ResetAngles=FALSE ResetTime=1.0 ResetRate=0.3 TrackIRUseAbsolutePos=TRUE 3/ Now that we have a new class we need to redirect the keystrokes to that new views In the viewlist.ini, you can find all the different views (viewXXX). These codes link the different views to the possible keystrokes. Overwrite the views 008 to 016 with these code [View008] ViewName=SnapViewFront ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_FRONT ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=0.0,0.0,3.3 AngleOffsets=0.0,0.0,0.0 [View009] ViewName=SnapViewRight ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_RIGHT ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=2.0,4.5,0.5 AngleOffsets=-80.0,10.0,0.0 [View010] ViewName=SnapViewLeft ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_LEFT ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=-3.0,4.0,1.0 AngleOffsets=80.0,0.0,0.0 [View011] ViewName=SnapViewUp ViewClassName=SnapViewClass UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_UP CycleNextControl= CyclePrevControl= ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft AngleOffsets=0.0,60.0,0.0 [View012] ViewName=SnapViewFrontRight ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_FRONT_RIGHT ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=10.0,0.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=-90.0,0.0,0.0 [View013] ViewName=SnapViewFrontLeft ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_FRONT_LEFT ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=-10.0,0.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=90.0,0.0,0.0 [View014] ViewName=SnapViewRearRight ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_REAR_RIGHT ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=10.0,0.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=-90.0,0.0,0.0 [View015] ViewName=SnapViewRearLeft ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_REAR_LEFT ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=-10.0,0.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=90.0,0.0,0.0 [View016] ViewName=SnapViewDown ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_DOWN ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=0.0,0.0,10.0 AngleOffsets=00.0,270.0,0.0 Now the default snapshot keys are redirected to the new viewclass 4/ adding the four new snapview keys The four new view keys (/ * - +) need also be linked to a view. copy following text after the last [ViewXXX] entry in the viewlist.ini [View029] ViewName=SnapViewBack ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_BACK ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=0.0,-0.5,2.0 AngleOffsets=180.0,-10.0,0.0 [View030] ViewName=SnapViewBelly ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_BELLY ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=0.0,0.0,-1.5 AngleOffsets=0.0,90.0,0.0 [View031] ViewName=SnapViewStation1 ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_STATION1 ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=0.0,6.0,1.0 AngleOffsets=180.0,0.0,0.0 [View032] ViewName=SnapViewStation2 ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_STATION2 ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=0.0,8.0,2.0 AngleOffsets=180.0,-20.0,0.0 [View033] ViewName=SnapViewStation3 ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_STATION3 ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=10.0,0.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=-90.0,0.0,0.0 [View034] ViewName=SnapViewStation4 ViewClassName=MovieClass1 UpdateAlways=FALSE ViewGotoControl=SNAP_VIEW_STATION4 ObjectFrom=SearchAircraft PositionOffsets=10.0,0.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=-90.0,0.0,0.0 The entries mentionned above are tailor made for an A-7 and enable you to copy my views. If you wish to reset all these replace the last two lines of each view with this text PositionOffsets=0.0,0.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=0.0,0.0,0.0 This will reset the view to central aircraft, horizontal forward view (in other words you will be right in the model) How to use edit these views? You can edit this views by modifying the entries for PositionOffSets and AngleOffSets. To better understand this, imagine that each aircraft model has a zero point from which every movement is measured. In this view I am directly looking down on that centre. Entering values in both positionoffsets and angleoffsets determins where the camera will be in relation to that zero point. PositionOffsets = determins the distance from that zero point (Left/Right,Front/Rear,High,Low). Left/Right: a negative value puts you on the left side of the a/c, a positive value puts you on the right side Front/Rear: positve value puts you to the front, negative values put you to the rear High/Low: a positive value puts you above the zero point, negative values put you below the zero point AngleOffsets = determins the direction in which the camera is pointing (yaw, roll, pitch) By adjusting those two settings you can change the external view. Know Issues * You have to create a viewlist.ini for each aircraft type * once you opened the control file from within the game, all your new controls are lost * These views are limited to the player aircraft (but I am confident that I will find a solution for this) FINAL WARNING - DON'T MESS WITH YOUR FILES WITHOUT PROPER BACKUPS If someone already posted this, I am sorry for the wasted server space, otherwise I hope somebody can use this knowledge. KingAlbert Out
  21. I got inspired by the F-16XL released on this site. This is a small movie I made in one evening starring this wonderfull yet undeployed aircraft. Click the badge and scroll down to view the Divx movie. (i also included links on my blog to alternative locations and downloads of this movie) Enjoy the movie
  22. Hooligans going Home

    This was my first screenshot art I did for WOE. The beauty of this sim is that there are so many skins, each begging to be included in a screenshot.

    © © Tom Allins / KingAlbert

  23. F-16XL

    Hello Sony Tuckson, If somebody could make the skins I'll gladly make a movie of it. But our normal belgian F-16's are also nice to see, especially with the decorated tails. I am no master in skinning, but I seriously considering making a screenshot painting or movie about these aircraft.
  24. If there is one thing I hate about WOE/WOV/SF1 then it is the typical remark, when one downloads a campaign: Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the work done by the campaign builders, my complaint is not directed to them, but to the inherent flaw of these sims. By being so moddable, its hard to keep track of what potential players have installed on their pc. i am sure that this necessity to gets ones hands dirty to install aircraft/mods/campaign does frighten off potential players. So here is the question: Has the community ever considered the use of Version Packs? Let me explain in detail: a version pack would mean that everybody has the same basic install (ie WOE + latest patch). A version pack would then be installed over this basic install with skins/mods/campaign which were adapted to fit on the basic install. For novice users this would mean that they only have to install the sim, the latest patch and the latest version pack. No more hassle with editing ini's and figuring out how to make aircraft work. The version pack could be build pro-active or reactive. In the first case mods would be selected to be encorporated in the pack provided that the authors give permission, in the second case the authors themselves submit their work to be included. All mod remain however available as seperate downloads for those who want a custom build version of their sim. Off course modders that build full conversion campaign (like tainted cigar) still have to work with complete seperate install bypassing this version pack concept, but i think that most of them provide already detailled install files. For those "light" modders, who only add a few planes to a campaign, the version pack would be an ideal solution. They have all the planes and only need their users to ask for the right version pack number. So again my two-fold question: (a) did the community already came up with this? (b) would this concept be viable? Thx for your feedback
  25. Version Pack

    Perhaps I was not clear enough in my original post but campaign will certainly in the early stage not be included. What will be included initially are aircraft and weapons. In the future, campaign makers could indicate that there campaigns are version pack ready to indicate to users that downloading a campaign would be much easier. At this moment i am working on a version pack for personal use (and also to see how much work/HD space it takes). Concerning full installs for campaigns: I welcome that concept, downloading ie NATO fighters and Tainted Cigar, has been easy and takes away the hassle of going to search for all the required objects, skins, editing ini's. As far as refusing someone using your material, why post it on forums like ace combat if no one else may use it? (Unless it is payware or a campaign)

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