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Posts posted by Edward

  1. Le Grand C

    To fix the solid object .tga issue using FE2 go into the wwiVosges.data.ini file and replace the Solid Object Texture Material lines with this:





    Then all should work as advertised.




    Fantastic job on this terrain :biggrin:   Really great work :biggrin: 



    • Like 8

  2. Raven


    This stuff in the screens of Burma has been available to you for about a year :rofl: These are the Vietnam tiles I did for Razbam copied into the Burma Map available at Avsim. Sorry you didn't know :rofl:


    All you need to do to experience it is:


    1. Go to Razbam and purchase the Vietnam Terrain

    2. Go to Avsim and download the WW2 Burma Terrain

    3. Copy the Vietnam tiles into the Burma Terrain folder


    For additional fun, you can go to Razbam and purchase my Korean War terrain and go to avsim and download the WWII China terrain.


    Copy the korea tiles into the China folder and you'll get this:






    You will need a few additional tiles I did for the WWII China Terrain which I could send to anyone.






    Those new trees look fantastic :good: And I must say your WWII effects are fantastic as well. They really made me start flying WWII planes almost exclusively. Thanks so much for doing them. They really make the sim so much better :biggrin:


    I think YAP2 is coming out soon as well with some great looking forest trees as well.




  3. Guys


    You are using a 60% scale Phillipines map I made three years ago. The reason it was difficult to get Corregidor to look right is it's only 60% full scale. I have long since made a 100% scale WWII Phillipines map with much better target placements as it's full scale. I also fixed all the "sea mountains" as I learned how. They do not need to be fixed by hand. Perhaps the target file you did for the 1941 Phillipines using the 60% version could be adapted to the full scale version. Green Hell should work fine with either version, but the problem I have with it is the trees "pop up" as you fly over it, killing the immersion.




  4. Brainless


    The update is almost done; I've added a bunch of bridges to bomb and a lot of new roads. I'm still working on the railroads and power plants. Plus, I've been having a lot of fun with my daughters lately which has delayed progress.


    Major Lee


    It's a complete new terrain set, Korea Winter, to complement the high res Korea summer terrain set.



  5. I've been working on the photoreal terrain for the new Expansion for FE and the terrain switching looks and works really well BUT I had to stop working on it until the horrible horizon fog issue is fixed. The horizon fog is just terrible. It looks so bad at altitude I had to go back to flying the old version. Does anyone know how to correct this so it looks like the pre-Expansion horizon? TK hasn't commented on this issue.






    For comparison, here is what the old horizon fog looked like:



    The new horizon doesn't look so bad at 3,000 feet but we need it to look better at normal 10,000 foot altitude.




  6. Guys


    Sorry about the poor quality of the seams in that old tileset I did :wink: I made those over a year ago and it was my first effort at creating tiles from scratch. I have long since fixed the seams after I learned how :rolleyes: I would much rather play FE than Mod it, but the stock terrain is so piss poor (it still is) that I had do something to fix the terrain so I could enjoy the game.


    Snipe never told me anything about updating the whole lot for the new Expansion set (I thought he was using Max's). He never said anything to me at all. When he recolored the tiles the bad seams showed up more. Another example of garbage in garbage out :biggrin:


    Here are some screens of the fixed one I've been using. I had to go through all 100 or so tiles to fix them all, but they're all fixed:








    I'll release them as soon as I have finiished the new seasonal terrains formatted for use with the new expansion.


    In the meantime I think you guys should use Max's high res tiles :biggrin:




  7. Taz


    Glad you like Winter Korea :biggrin:


    The current terrain has plenty of ground objects, ie buildings, bridges, airfield structures, trees, ground units and AAA. No major show stoppers at all. See the following screens:








    Here is Seoul, with the bridges over the Han River; the're 2D but they're there




    Here are the brifges over the Yalu



    Check your installation. Are you sure you have added in the 1950's era Flak Units, Tanks, Trucks and Infantry in the Ground Objects Folder with the correct format? If you fly a Strike, Flak Suppression or armed reconnaisance mission you should see plenty of buildings, trucks, infantry, and tanks to bomb and rocket :biggrin: Try taking an A-26 up for a night truck strafing mission with a flare pod added; its fun!


    You need to stop flying that beautiful high altitude SabreJet and fly some low altitude ground pounding missions in an F-80, then you'll see the ground objects :biggrin: Just joking my friend :biggrin:


    Better 3D Targetable Bridges and especially Railroads are coming in an update, as bombing bridges and railroads was a major part of the Korean Air War, but you have to start somewhere.


    Remember, Korea is 100% Full scale; not 60% like all the other stock Wings over Europe or Wings Over Vietnam terrains. That is why Korean Air War is one of my favorite mods; I think it's much better than MiG Alley :biggrin: But it takes longer to complete because it's full scale.



  8. Guys


    It is already set up to be a separate folder from my Korean War Photoreal Summer Terrain. You are able to select "KoreaWinter" or "Korea" from the in-game terrain menu. For campaigns you'll need to use the Terrain Switching Utility available here at CombatAce to switch between summer/spring and fall/winter as the campaign goes along.


    It'll be available at Razbam.Org very soon.



  9. Hi All


    The "White Inflight Map bug when terrain detail settings are set to medium or low" appears to be related only to ATI Radeon Graphics cards. There appears to be no issue with NVidia GeForce cards, ie the inflight map works perfectly on low, medioum, or high settings.


    While I get access to a ATI Radeon to do some testing, if you have an ATI Radeon card, please use the HIGH ground texture setting for now, so there is no problem with the inflight map and the Korean War PhotoReal terrain.


    See this thread for further details:




    I'm sure the issue is because the Korean War Terrain is both Hi-Res and Full Scale, and it works best on high detail settings with either graphics card.



  10. Taz"killer"


    That's what I understood. Since Osan was not really built up until 1953 (I think the war ended in July 1953) I didn't want to have aircraft flying out of Osan in 1950, 1951, and 1952. At least that was my (probably faulty) thinking when I was making this. I'm currently working on updating My Korean War campaign to work with the Photoreal Korea. I guess I could add in Osan AB and have it activate in 1953 in the campaign. Let me see what I can do.


    More Forested Korea Tiles on the way. Let me know what you think.



  11. Taz


    Sounds like the Inflight Map issue is related to ATI Radeon Graphics Cards. I'll try and get a hold of one and test it. For now I guess the best Work Around is just to leave Terrain texture detail on high.


    The only reason I left out Osan AB was in the book I was using to place the Airfields, USAF in Korea 1950-53 by Futrell, it seemed Osan wasn't a big base until after the Korean War was over. I could do a modern version adding in Osan AB and some more modern North Korean and Chinese airbases if you wish. I've also got a more modern forested Korea tiles version I could send you to try out if you want. Just send me your email if you want the more forested tiles.



  12. Taz


    It might be a ATI Radeon Card thing. I have an NVidia GeForce 7900GS. Does the other person with the white map have an ATI Radeon also? I'll have to test it on a system with that brand card to check. I've tried to get the in-flight white map on my system but it always displays perfectly.


    It could also be that the terrain is both High Resolution and Full Scale, ie 40% bigger than the usual sized maps. I'll keep testing to find the trouble. Let me know of any other problems.



  13. Here I am, you innocents, ready to lie, cheat, steal, hoodwink, deceive, tease, rob, and generally commit other heinous crimes against each and every one of you AGAIN!!! :rolleyes:


    Look how wonderful RAZBAM's new Banshee looks flying over my Photoreal Korean War Terrain. I think you should buy them both now, as my family needs a new wardrobe at your expense!!!
















    Here is the link to BUY them Both!!! RazBam


    Your Resident Liar, Cheat, Thief, and Tease




  14. I think you guys are really going to enjoy these. They bring this combat flight sim to a whole new level :)

    These are the Terrains you've always wanted to fly over and now you can. I also think the Vietnam one will work with Yankee Air Pirate, though I haven't tested it. Since all these do is replace the stock terrain with much better Photoreal High Resolution terrain it shouldn't effect anything else :)


    PhotoReal Wings Over Europe is finished and is available NOW at RAZBAM:






    Photoreal Korean War is finished and is available NOW at RAZBAM:








    Photoreal Vietnam is finished and is available NOW at RAZBAM:










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