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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Software Deals at Big Lots!

    Not sure how many of you are familiar with the Big Lots store, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up. I read a post about a month ago about someone picking up Forgotten Battles there for 10 bucks, so I've been checking the one close by every couple of weeks to see if they would get it. I haven't seen it yet, but they seem to get a pretty good selection in there every few weeks. Today I picked up Splinter Cell as well as Armed & Dangerous for 8 bucks each. They had some other lesser know games that still looked rather interesting for as cheap as 3.99. It's worth checking out occasionally, might pick up that title you missed for pretty cheap.
  2. I haven't had a chance to fly the past couple nights, but I cleared my schedule to get some stick time in tonight. So, I'll be hosting a little MP fun this evening from 5pm Pacific time (8pm EDT) and welcome people to join me. I'll be on TeamSpeak as well, just hop on from here: Biohaz TeamSpeak Page The game will be hosted on fshost.dtdns.org Hope to see you there!
  3. Yeah, that was the same time I lost sound and FPS. Not sure, might have been my broadband got saturated during that time. All in all, pretty lag free though, and we had 4-6 people on.
  4. Actually, the only time I noticed warping was when you jumped on, you may want to check your connection settings. I did have one other issue last night after we had a weird respawn, I lost sound and the framerates dropped, but it didn't seem to effect anyone else.
  5. We'll start scheduling these pretty regularly I think. I may even get a dedicated server built for it.
  6. Man, this has been a great week for flight simmers! First comes the long-awaited LOMAC patch, and now we have not 1 or two, but 4 (!!) new aircraft released to an eager public today in the Strike Fighters scene. The F-15A, as well as 3 Harrier models (FRS2, AV-8C & S) should keep us entertained for a few days. Grab the files in the Project-1 Aircraft Addons File Library. F-15A AV-8S AV-8C FRS.2
  7. Thank goodness it wasn't a picture of all of my crashing and burning... ;)
  8. Now that the patch is out, I was wondering if anyone wants to jump online around 5-6 PM PDT (8-9EDT) and do some flying? I'll have TeamSpeak running as well for voice comms, and I thought it would be fun to get on and screw around a little. ;)
  9. Good news on the files front today! I finished the conversion of the old Postnuke site Strike Fighters file library and got the files imported into the new site. I still have some cleanup of broken/old links and I need to fill in some gaps, but this should be the last of the conversion work from the old sites to the new site. And there was much rejoicing (yeahhhhh...) :D Let me know if/when you stumble over any missing files and I'll get them repaired asap. I have 150+ files to check, so I'm bound to miss a few. BTW, with this import, we now have about 400 files divided between Project-1 and LOMAC, with more on the way.
  10. I need some input from you guys on your favorite forum software. We've been using InvisionBoard now for quite awhile and it's about the best free forum software out there. It's quick, uses the least server resources, and it's pretty nice from both the user and mods POV. That's not to say it doesn't have it's faults, however, and so I'm always looking for new and better. Hey, I'm a geek, what can I say! :D Also, I'm not confortable with the direction Invision seems to be moving towards with the upcoming 2.0 release. So, I have started looking at some of the other packages out there, and the one that has caught my attention the most is the new vBulletin. You guys have seen it before, some of the biggest sites on the net use it, and even some of the big Sim sites such as FrugalsWorld use it. It's has some excellent end-user features, is highly moddable, and can support a lot of users, something I hope to have here eventually. ;) So, what do you guys feel about vBulletin? Should we stay with what we have, or is it time to move on to better stuff? I can easily convert the existing board users/messages so we won't lose what we have. I want to make the forum the best it can be for you people, so give me some direction here. ;)
  11. I'm gonna go ahead and fire up now if anyone wants to join, feel free.
  12. What's your favorite forum software?

    I just adjusted it down to 10 seconds. ;)
  13. You'll think the same of me once you see me online. ;) Ask GhostDog, my combat skills have been a little.... weak... lately. With the patch I'll be back flying pretty regular now though.
  14. it's a good day for a court-marshallin' ... ;) Great pics GD!
  15. This great new util is now posted in the File Library, you can grab the new version 0.90 here: Project-1 Mission Editor
  16. V1.02 Msforce Feedback 2 Stick/Framerate Fix Just saw this at the Ubi forum. Seems to be an issue with Microsoft's Force Feedback Sidewinder stick causing a substantial loss in framerate. Luckily, there is a workaround. The fix is as follows: Edit your Config/Producer.cfg file in our favorite editor. Always a good idea to make a backup first just in case. You want to change the line: ForceFeedbackEnabled = true; Change to: ForceFeedbackEnabled = false; That's it. You lose force feedback (though not return to center tension), but you gain 10-20 FPS. Original Ubi thread
  17. I'm just heading for work but will post on the front page when I get there. Thanks for the heads-up, with all the LOMAC news this week this one slipped through the cracks. ;)
  18. If you guys want I can actually add the flight plan into FShost.
  19. I'll be sure the FSHost server and Teamspeak stay open for ya. ;)
  20. Sorry, haven't had a chance, probably not for a day or two. It's working so well here I'm having too much fun flying! ;)
  21. Track IR version 3, 2,1

    Posted on the front page, but thanks for the heads-up anyway... ;)
  22. Server Issues

    We seem to be having some server issues the past few days and we have been up and down. I have a ticket in to my webhost, and will keep everyone appraised until it is resolved. I apologize for the downtime folks...
  23. Server Issues

    The issues have (supposedly) been corrected and we seem to have been pretty stable the last 4-5 hours. I'll post if anything changes, and be sure to let us know if you notice any extended down time.
  24. Man, the quality of the addons in Project-1 get better with every release. This looks like it's going to be a must-have.

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