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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. That is a neat addition! I'll have to test it out this evening... ;)
  2. There is also a new keycard in that folder to replace the original one. You will see two, an A and B since the original keycard was a two-side one. Take another look... ;)
  3. There is a new 1.02 keycard in the lomac /docs folder, take a look. ;) There's some good docs in there, including the new RWR in v1.02, the full manual, an X45 config map pic, and a few other goodies.
  4. I have a Turtler Beach Santa Cruz, best card out there IMHO... ;) I've never had any FPS hit from the sounds.
  5. Damn, if it's got the lexicon seal of approval, you know it must be good. ;) Just kidding ya lex... :D
  6. We've mirrored the files here at Biohaz, you can find them in the LOMAC Patches file area.
  7. Damn, I'm off for an hour or so and it's released. ;) They actually released it quicker than I thought they would, I was thinking it would be late this week at the earliest. I think you guys are going to be pleasantly surprised, it really is a whole new game. Smoother, good MP, much improved overall.
  8. Kc-135r Reskin Package

    Posted in the FS2k4 Mil Aircraft Repaints folder
  9. Forgotten Hope - Super Mod

    I would hate to have to storm that beach... Great shots! Looks like an interesting mod.
  10. Kc-135r Reskin Package

    Got it, and I'll get it posted in the morning. Can't wait on the skins! ;)
  11. Lex, chill out. I'm getting tired of reading the same post from you over and over again. Calling the programmers names accomplishes nothing and goes against our "No Personal attacks" rule. You have been warned.
  12. Biohaz Server Offline?

    I just stopped and restarted the server, try it again...
  13. Long Time No See

    Welcome back! I was wondering where you had dropped off to... ;)
  14. Kc-135r Reskin Package

    Dave, of course we'll host any and all files you have. ;) After all, you are the Biohaz MSFS 2K4 editor here... :D I couldn't find the file on either site to download, but you can email me the files and I'll post them for you. BTW, beautiful repaints! I want to Fairchilds skin, since it's my hometown. ;)
  15. New Targetware Wwi Mod!

    Damn, I somehow missed this thread when you posted. Weird... It does look good. Lot's of screenshots over at the main site at http://www.richthofens-skies.com
  16. Hey, watch (oww..) where you're poking there mister... :D
  17. My Wife Has Sissified My Dog....

    Dear Lord, that's disturbing and bordering on animal cruelty... ;)
  18. More Cat Pictures

    OK, too many cat pics. :D Here's our new addition to the family, we picked him up last weekend. My wife named him Cody. He's just about 7 weeks old...
  19. I thought I would post my thoughts about this to give everyone a clear understanding of what I expect of everyone participating on these forums. First off, I support Fates and Ghostdog's choice to lock the threads. In Fates/Ramstein's case, the thread was fine up until Ramstein continued to argue the same points over and over without acknowledging that anyone else could have an opinion on the subject. He was on thin ice anyway after he came on and started insulting me and my opinions on the subject on his second post here at Biohaz. I gave him a friendly warning then and stated that he needed to be a little more constructive in his discussions. Unfortunately he continued down that same path, touting his own opinions while ridiculing anyone else who had a different opinion. Thus the time-out. After he's had some time to cool off he is welcome to rejoin the discussion, as long as he can do it in a friendly and mature manner. It's just not smart to ignore a warning from the site owner... I've stated this I don't know how many times, but I'll say it again. Everyone is welcome to express their opinions here at Biohaz AS LONG AS it is done in a mature and constructive manner. I think we've proven time and again that Biohaz is a place where you can feel free to express your opinions/concerns/problems with any sim out there without fear of banning or the usual fanboy behavior found elsewhere. The question is not if you love a sim or not, the question is can you have a adult conversation on the pros and cons of a subject without it becoming abusive or repetitive, or leading to personal attacks on others, belittling their opinions, or just beating an issue to death. You can get that kind of discussion just about anywhere, and that's one thing I strive to stay away from here at Biohaz. In the case of this thread, it's a matter of questioning a moderator's decision on a subject, which is also not a real smart thing to do. Ghostdog explained his motives, which is quite frankly more than I would have done in the situation. B) Sometimes you gotta just agree to disagree. In Ramstein's case, he can't seem to do that. As I stated, he is welcome to return after a week or two in the corner with no hard feelings from me. In the same token, the rest of you are welcome to continue the discussion in the Beta 22 thread as Fates already stated. As long as the discussion stays mature you guys can discuss this issue all you want. Let's just not beat the equine carcass over and over again, it gets tiresome after awhile. Now, let's get back to the discussion!
  20. Was that a force feedback stick? :D
  21. Snacky didn't post anything that is not true. I for one think it's a great idea to post the updates and lock the thread. That way I can read the news, then if people want to get into arguements on the patch status they can do so in another thread. And since no one can argue the fact that there are some real jerks posting in the Ubi threads at times, I don't think he was out of line with that statement either. :D Guys, like I've said in the past, I encourage ALL discussion here, but let's keep it on a non-personal level please. Things are starting to take on a little more of an edge than I care to see, so keep it civil and friendly folks. That goes for everyone. I really don't want to have to get the Time-Out Stick (patent pending) out. B)
  22. Are you REALLY sure you want to go down that path of generalization? Some of the best programs I've ever used have been from Russian programmers. A programmer's nationality has absolutely NO bearing on how tight their code is. And as I doubt you've actually seen the code, it's more of an opinion than fact. ;)
  23. Ram, you have to admit your post is more than a little condecending. Snacky brings up excellent points, and he is right. I'm not sure if you have ever beta-tested software before, but the average user really has no clue the amount of work and dedication these guys have to put in. Tedious, mind-numbing work sometimes. And they are not getting paid for it. However, their end-result will make a much better sim for you and I. Acting in an ungrateful manner towards the people trying to fix the sim doesn't strike me as the most productive way to get your point across. You are right, that we as consumers deserve as close to perfect a release as possible. But attacking the beta-testers is kind of like attacking the carpenter to come and fix a new house you just had built from a contractor. The independant carpenter is not the person to yell at, it's the contractor that originally built your house. These beta-testers are not the people who released the sim with bugs, but they are trying to fix the bugs. Show a little appreciation to the hard work and dedication. As for the "hastily thrown-together crap", I just don't get that attitude. You'll probably be pissed to hear that I've really had almost no problems with running this sim on my modest AMD 2400+/512Mb/9600Pro rig, and that's since the early betas I ran while doing my preview article. Not to say there are no issues, of course there are. But I've enjoyed the sim quite a bit since it was released. The edges need to be smoothed out a bit, but I really scratch my head at some of the stuff I hear from people sometimes that have these uber-rigs that can't seem to get it flyable. I can't help but wonder what else they have on their system that might be causing conflicts. Anyhoo, just my humble opinion on the issue, take it for what it's worth. :D
  24. Guys, we are starting to stray across the line a little bit here. While I don't necessarily agree with the way things are moderated at other sites, it is their site and they can moderate as they see fit. If you don't like it, then you can stop frequenting their forums. But I don't want to start seeing threads questioning/attacking specific moderators at other forums. Especially since some of those same users frequent our forums as well. If you have issues with those people, then by all means contact them directly. Just don't take potshots from here. ;)

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