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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. I just tested and connected ok, try it again and see what happens...
  2. It's another update day in the land of Project-1!
  3. I'm not going to touch that one Volks... ;)
  4. Just saw this over at SimHQ, C5 posted some nice WIP shots of the Mig-23M.
  5. I don't remember seeing this one before, anyone else run into this issue?
  6. Ultimate Flight Sim

    Can that be real? That thing's the size of my van?!
  7. Time To Dust Off Battlefield Vietnam

    Wow, that is a sweet-looking mod! I may have to go get BFV after all. Checking the site now...
  8. Ragdoll In 2.1

    That is SO gonna leave a mark... :D I really need to spend some time with this sim! I keep telling myself (and you for that matter) that I'll sit down and learn it, but I just keep letting things like real life get in the way. ;) Maybe next week...
  9. The addon project updates have been rolling out hot and heavy the past few days, with the latest being Volksjager's Mirage III. The quality of these addons lately have been nothing short of outstanding!
  10. June Calendars Are Up!

    After getting a ton of emails asking where the new calendars are, I finally got them posted this morning. Some of you were downright persistant! ;) Fates has done his usual awesome job this month, and you can grab them in the BiohazCentral Desktop Calendars album in the Image Gallery.
  11. Armourdave and crew posted an update on the F-105D over at SimHQ. SHe's a sweet looking bird!
  12. Any Home Theatre (hdtv) Guru's?

    This is something I've got on the horizon as well, was waiting till I finished the major remodelling work on the house. Now that I'm wrapping that up finally, I'm going to start some fun projects. :D We should start gathering info and posting our findings as we go. My plan is an big-screen HDTV / Surround Sound along with a home-grown Tivo/media center. Something I can watch movies as well as stream my MP3 collection. I've been looking at some of the cool linux-based PVR projects like Freevo and MythTV: MyhtTV Main Menu Freevo Main Menu Also, it's time to get back to my MAME Arcade Cabinet project before my son disowns me... ;)
  13. June Calendars Are Up!

    Thank Fates, he's the one that puts them together every month. ;)
  14. Roads Package About Ready-payware

    Man, that is a huge improvement! The whole roads situation in FS9 has bugged me a lot when flying VFR around my hometown. I wonder what the price will be?
  15. No they won't. You know it and I know it, the next big sim that comes out (regardless of producer), we will rush down to the closest store and buy it, then whine when it doesn't work right again. This has been going on for years and every time we SAY we will wait, but we never do. That's the sad thing about it, the whole system is geared to crank stuff out the door and patch it afterwards. The producers/distributors do it because they know they can, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. :D This goes for just about all software, not just flight sims. ;) Now with that being said, I still think ED is doing the right thing by getting this patch done right and then released, and I am grateful for their dedication on working towards getting it done correctly. There is a ton of good stuff slated in this patch, and while a lot of companies could have just walked away and not tried to get things fixed, they have been working hard to make the sim better for us.
  16. Be sure to send it up here and we'll mirror the file here at Biohaz as well...
  17. Carl posted the v1.02 key commands: <edited> Never mind, we posted at the same time... B)
  18. Goin' To The Montanabanana Belt...

    Oh man, that was physically painful... Spokane is my home, so we should setup a time to get together if you get a few minutes. You'll be driving within a mile of my house anyway, so PM me and we can get something setup today. When you heading out?
  19. We need to schedule a big Biohaz MP LOMAC meet for when the patch is released. I just started playing in LOMAC again, and it would be a blast to get a bunch of Biohaz members online some night.
  20. I just showed a few co-workers here as well and they all want to come over and try it now... ;)
  21. Goin' To The Montanabanana Belt...

    Thompson Falls, Montana? You're in my neck of the woods there buddy! Are you flying in to Spokane or Missoula? That's some great fishing over there I hear.
  22. Actually, all those banners are located here locally and not on a remote server, so I don't think there's an issue there. I'll keep an eye open however...
  23. Damn, I'm impressed with all the new additions that would not be considered bugfixes. Looks like we are all going to be enjoying this soon!
  24. Loungin' With The Kittens.

    They look all cute and cuddly, but you know they were thinking "hmmm, how do we eat this guy?" :D

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