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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. After a month of fighting with a conversion script, we have finally migrated all the old files from the old e107 site into the new site and they are now available for your downloading pleasure. The only change is that you now must be a registered member of BiohazCentral to have access. For those of you that have not created an account here, it's easy and (best of all) free. I still have some work to do however, as I still have another 200+ files to import from the old Postnuke site that never got migrated over, which includes a lot of Strike Fighters stuff. I'll be working on that over the next few days, but it should be relatively easy since the hard work is now done. I want to take a moment to thank VisualDensity over at www.visualdensity.com for his help in creating a workable conversion script, without him it would have taken me forever to get this damn thing working. Thanks!
  2. File Area Back Online... Finally!

    I cleaned up a bunch of the old vids and the links have been removed, and the remaining ones tested. Thanks for the heads-up. ;)
  3. Cool stuff! Thanks for the heads-up Major Lee. ;)
  4. Welcome Bear! I know what you mean, I hardly frequent the forums over there anymore, I just can't take all the crap. Getting grumpy in my old age I guess... ;)
  5. IMO, this is a huge loss to LOMAC and the flight sim community at large. Matt always seemed passionate about the genre and has 2 great sims under his belt. You can't blame him for leaving, after some of the crap I've read directed at him over the past few months, I would have chucked it as well. Matt, I hope you enjoy the new job, good luck man! You will be missed.
  6. You can also find both patches in the Project-1 file library here at Biohaz... ;)
  7. Pet Rescue

    Looks like we have a new addition soon, a new 8 week old cockapoo.... I know what you're thinking, not a "Man" dog, :D but cockapoos are actually a great breed. I had one for 14 years and it's the best dog I ever owned. Smart as hell, and even though they are a smaller breed (10-20 lbs) they are sturdy dogs that have the personality of a larger (non-yappier) breed. :D We had picked up a new dog last summer for a couple months, but he got too agressive for the wife and kids, so I had to take him back. We've been petless all year and I had pretty much refused to consider another animal after last summer's fiasco, but the wife's really had her heart set on a new smaller dog. So, faced with the choice of another baby or another dog, I finally relented and suggested we look as some cockapoos. We go pick him up in two weeks, and even though I would die before I would admit it to my wife, ;) I'm actually getting excited about picking up the little ball of fluff.
  8. Dr Demento

    Man, I used to listen to him all the time, but I haven't heard him for years! Where is he on the net?
  9. OK all, just a friendly warning. I ENCOURAGE any discussion as long as we keep things civil and mature. You are free to discuss the pros and cons of the issue, but remember the #1 rule here, no personal attacks or namecalling. That goes for all sides. I won't lock this thread unless things get really out of hand, but don't force me to go down that path please.
  10. Bard, we're all well aware of what you think about LOMAC... ;) :D
  11. Wow, 2 posts and you're already getting a warning, that must be a new record here! Since you are new I'll cut you some slack. You will find we are a friendly bunch around here and I rarely stifle any conversation posted, including people that are unsatisfied with a particular product title, as long as it is done in a constructive and adult manner. However, I do have a couple of hard and fast rules here (see the rules link on the top menu), and the #1 rule is this: NO PERSONAL ATTACKS/NAMECALLING ALLOWED The rambling statement above is what I would call a personal attack. Don't presume to know me or what my feelings are towards LOMAC or any other sim title for that matter. For the record, I am "unsatisfied" with the release and the time frame of the patch as well. However, acting like a 2-year old is not going to make things better, and will quite possibly make things worse. Want to discuss the patch delays here? Go for it, I don't mind a bit. But another outburst like above and you'll be in a timeout for a few weeks. Consider this your first (and last) warning.
  12. So, what's the point of the post exactly? has it made the patch any more complete? I can understand people's frustration, but most of these people bitchin' and moanin' were the same people complaining to Ubi to release the damn thing and deal with the bugs later in a patch. There's just no way to make anyone happy. Am I happy with the way it was released? Hell no. But blowing up at Carl and Matt, the same people that are trying to make things right, is about as far from productive as you can get. I trust these guys, they WILL make things right. The past is the past, let it go. Rushing a patch out the door is not going to make things better.
  13. Sh2 After Action Report...

    Well, I scrounged a copy of SH2 and am installing it now. Now where are all those great mods? ;)
  14. Navy Uses Fs9 To Train Nuggets

    Hey NC, an interview with this guy would be an interesting read!
  15. Did you install the 1.01 patch? I thought those issues were resolved??
  16. New Biohaz Online Chat

    It's been up for a day or so, so I thought I would point out the new online chat room I installed. It's on the top right menu under BioChat. I've had some requests for a chatroom and so I'm looking at several right at the moment, but this was a quick and easy InvisionBoard addon I thought I would try. Take it for a test spin and see how you like it.
  17. New Biohaz Online Chat

    History has been changed, no history shows now. CT, are you using a different skin than the Biohazv2 skin? I only made the changes to that skin to show the link.
  18. A Real Sad Day In Ramona...

    PC, I will be thinking and praying for his family in this time of crisis and hope that the thought of his bravery and sacrifice will be a small comfort to them. I will also mention him and his story in my Sabbath School this weekend.
  19. Slow Site Load Times?

    Just wondering if anyone is noticing long load times on the main website in the last few days? I'm not noticing anything here, but have had a couple of reports of 10-30 second load times on the frontpage using broadband. Please report if you are noticing issues. :D
  20. Slow Site Load Times?

    I pulled some code from the index page, hopefully that was the culprit. Let me know if you experience the issue again.
  21. This forum is for everything related to the new Sonalysts modern naval combat sim, Dangerous Waters. I look forward to this one! Dangerous Waters Website
  22. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I just want the patch done right more than fast. Get the bugs worked out, I know my LOMAC install's not leaving my drive for quite awhile. Hell, I lived through the F4 fiasco, this is nothing! ;)
  23. I wanted to take a moment to announce that pcpilot has graciously accepted a position on the Biohaz staff, and will be helping with news and moderation as well as covering some of the upcoming NavSim and flightsim titles. PC is an old hand around here and has been a great contributor in the past, and is well respected within the community. I look forward to hearing his insights in the days to come. :D Be sure to give him a warm Biohaz welcome!
  24. The F-8D Crusader (aka F8U-2N) for Strike Fighters is released! This is a beautiful model by Lobo Mau and I am sure you will enjoy it. The download includes the aircraft and a skin for VF-111 Sundowners. More F-8 variants are in the works, and all of the skins you've seen previewed on SimHQ will be available when the correct variant is released. Your F-8 team includes: Lobo Mau, Volksjager, column5, Crab_02, Charles Gunst, USAFMTL and Flying-V Please download from one of the following sites based on your location: Europe, Africa, Asia: http://www.checksix-fr.com South America, Australia: http://www.biohazcentral.com North America: http://www.column5.us Biohaz members can grab it from the Strike Fighters Aircraft Addons file area. Enjoy!
  25. For those of you with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002/2004, Biohaz is hosting regular scheduled Friday night multiplayer flights. Now's your chance to get online with your fellow Biohaz members and have some fun. Details When - Fridays at 17:00 (5pm) Pacific Time, 20:00 Eastern Where - Biohaz FShost Server - See who's online now Read about FSHost and how to use it Grab the player FS Spy Utility to see all MP servers People fly a variety of aircraft online, but the usual addons include most of the popular military craft such as the F-16. In future weeks I'll start posting Flight plans and we'll do a little racing/contests. Stay tuned to this thread for details.

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