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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Biohaz Weekly Online Mp Fly-in

    Sure it does, we're on right now... ;) http://fshost.dtdns.net
  2. Biohaz Weekly Online Mp Fly-in

    TeamSpeak is up and running, there's 3 of us in at the moment
  3. I've just spent over an hour trying to find the ASD v2.1 textures that so many addons seem to need, and cannot for the life of me find the download?! Can someone be so kind as to direct me to a link where I can download the damn things?
  4. Biohaz Weekly Online Mp Fly-in

    I should be on for a little bit, been playing with it today for awhile. I have not had a lot of flight time with 2K4 yet, and still grabbing all the addon files. We need a sticky post for a new user's guide to must-have addons!
  5. Hog Wild Van

    When they released chaff I almost wet myself laughing... :D
  6. Biohaz Weekly Online Mp Fly-in

    I actually run a TeamSpeak server on the same server the FS2K Online server is on. It's not a well-advertised fact, but Biohaz members are more than welcome to use it.
  7. New Madjeff/biohaz Case

    After frying the ol' CPU last week while I was out of town, I ordered a new XP2400+ to replace it, as well as a new case from NewEgg. I was getting tired of looking at my old modded case, so I picked this on up. It's an Aspire X-Dreamer II. I paid $54 for it, and I am extremely happy with the case. two quiet LED fans, the front panel has the LED's as well, nice finish, good construction (not as sturdy as my old Inwin500) and a really nice CPU temp sensor readout on the front panel. You can see the case specs here: http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-144-025&depa=1 The pics don't do the case justice. The LED's are REALLY bright, as in blindingly so if you look directly at them. The paint job is pretty good, and the acrylic on the front really sets off the lights. Looks awesome with all the lights off, lights up the whole damn room. You wouldn't want to have to sleep in the same room. :D The CPU Temp guage is pretty accurate, it's reading 2 degrees lower than my MB Bios, so it's almost dead-on. There are a lot of other nice features, like 2 stealth CD-ROM covers that hide your ugly beige fronts, one for the floppy as well, and no sharp edges (I didn't cut myself once swapping everything into the new case, for a change). I know, this was the lazy way to mod a case, but I'm happy. :P
  8. New Madjeff/biohaz Case

    OK, here's some pics... Here's the front. You get an idea how bright those LEDs are, they are actually brighter in real life. Here's a side shot. Excuse the wire mess, I haven't had time to bundle all the cables yet. Here's a shot of the blowhole on top I still have some stuff to do, like swap the grills for Biohaz grills (what else...) and I want to do some glass etching and a few other touches. All in all I've been really happy with it, an excellent case for $50!
  9. New Madjeff/biohaz Case

    Well, I took some pics, but they turned out pretty craptacular. I'm trying to get a good balance of low light and sharp focus, without a lot of luck. Just for grins, I did take a couple of pics of my desk and server rack, and stitched them together with Photoshop Elements. Damn I love that program! As bad as the perspective was skewed between the two pics, it still created a pretty good panorama. This is where I do most of my comp work. The rack to the left holds a couple lab servers, and the PC on the top shelf is the MSFS2K Online Server. The G3 usually sits on the desk, but I'm building a new PC for the wife. My main gaming rig is the one in the center. Excuse the mess, still settling into the den after the remodel. I need to get my Dru Blair prints back up on the wall...
  10. Just wanted everyone to know the MultiPlayer Host server is back online, and we will start monitoring that it stays that way.
  11. Biohaz Mp Server Back Online

    I posted a link in the main menu of the site pointing to the MP server, and added a new goody to the page. A new addon that shows a map with all online flyer's locations. Check it out!
  12. 2 new staff in a week! I want to welcome TopGun onboard as our new MS Flight Simulator 2004 Editor/Mod. He's going to help cover everything related to Flight Simulator topics and news, help with the FSHost Online server (organizing fly-ins, etc) as well as help drive more traffic our way from the FS crowd. I've followed his postings here and on other forums around the web, and with his knowledge of FS topics he should be a nice addition to the staff. Everybody give him a warm Biohaz welcome!
  13. Ch-check It Out!

    Damn, they're almost as old as I am, can't quite see the ol' "complaining about the parents" music they used to sing (and I listened to) coming across quite as well... ;)
  14. Allright, I Got It!

    I suppose we could with enough interest and someone to help review and manage the file area... hint hint... ;)
  15. The files have not been imported to the new site yet unfortunately, but you can actually still get them by going here: http://cp05.ionhosting.com/~madjeff/dev/ All the old SF files are still there. I hope to have the files moved in the next week, but I've been having issues with the conversion script, so we'll see what happens. ;)
  16. This forum is for discussion on the latest installment of the Silent Hunter Sub Sim series, enjoy! Silent Hunter III Website
  17. See U Guys In 6 Months

    Good luck, Godspeed, and see you soon!
  18. New Madjeff/biohaz Case

    You too eh? :D That's why I have Compaq servers, a couple of managed 24-port switches, etc... ;) Of course, my electric bill sucks, but what are you gonna do.
  19. I've Been Mia

    Welcome back CB! :D
  20. New Madjeff/biohaz Case

    Damn, is it still tonight?? :D I keep getting sidetracked with honey-do lists after work. I'l make another attempt tonight.
  21. Geforce Fx 5600 Problems

    Inadequate cooling could be an issue? I know, grasping at straws now... ;)
  22. New Madjeff/biohaz Case

    I'll take some shots tonight, any chance to play with my new Fuji Finepix S5000... ;)
  23. Brothers In Arms Announced

    How's that for service! ;)
  24. Geforce Fx 5600 Problems

    Maybe a bad vid card, did Alienware try swapping out the card? Any GForce users out there that can shed some light on the problem?

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