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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Brothers In Arms Announced

    Exactly my plan. Now that more info is starting to churn out, I'll get one created, as well as one for the just-announced Battlefield 2.
  2. Do you click on the View new Messages link on the top menu when you read your new messages? I always click on that link, then mark all messages read once I'm done. I guess I just need a better feel for how you read your messages.
  3. Column5 and Pasko released their latest creation exclusively to Biohaz this evening! The F9F-5P was the mainstay of US Navy Photo-Reconnaissance squadrons in the mid-1950s, eventually being replaced by the swept-wing Cougar. She's a beauty! You can grab the files in the Project-1 Aircraft Addons directory. My thanks to Column5 and Pasko for allowing us to be the first place to get this great addon.
  4. Gotta be a problem with the integration. I'll post in the Gallery bug forum, as this is just RC3...
  5. Why, you got a problem with white?! ;) I'll take a look and see what's up. Fates had the same issue but we got it fixed AFAIK...
  6. Biohaz Download Center

    I'll have the missing downloads up this week, so you will actually have an area to upload to soon. ;) But we are always looking for good new aircraft and scenery!
  7. Geforce Fx 5600 Problems

    I'm an ATI guy, so I can't help you specifically, but artifacts/glitches can often be attributed to several things: Overclocking too high - If he's overclocked the card have him back down the speed a little at a time until they go away Bad or corrupted drivers - Try removing the old drivers and reinstall with the latest and greatest Sorry, just noticed you said you were using the latest drivers. Maybe a bad install? Try cleaning off the drivers and starting fresh. ;)
  8. Yes, I'm in the process of uploading and re-entering all the files from the old site into the new system. I hope to have the job done this week, so please be patient and stay tuned... ;)
  9. Biohazcentral's Xp Tweaks Guide

    This is a thread to discuss Skater's great new XP Tweaking guide. Have questions, comments, or want to post the results of your tweaking? Post it here! The articles can be found here: Windows XP Tweak Guide Part I: Services Windows XP Tweak Guide Part II: Misc. Tweaks
  10. We have it here at Biohaz, but the DL's are down at the moment as I get them all moved from the old system. :( I'll have it up next week sometime, but a Google search for LOMAN should find you a download location quickly... ;)
  11. New User Signup Working

    Seems we had a broken forum signup after the move that was keeping new users from signing up on the forum. That has now been fixed, and I urge all of you that had problems to retry it now. Sorry for the inconvienence. All part of the moving pains I guess...
  12. Not for long, it's time to kick things into gear. ;)
  13. Welcome To The New Server

    I got tired of waiting for DNS replication, so I made some config changes and we are using the temp URL until thinks shake out.
  14. Biohaz Is Changing!

    Well, it's been pretty quiet around here the last 2 months and I'm sure a lot of you have been wondering if Biohaz was drying up and blowing away. I want to assure everyone that this is not the case, in fact far from it! Deep in the Biohaz mountain fortress, a few of us have been working on a new project, and now that it's almost ready for prime-time I can reveal it at last. B) Starting next week, we will be moving the site to a new host (PowWeb) as well as unveiling a completely new site redesign and layout. We've had too many problems and limitations with our existing site software and webhost, and so we are moving to new software as well as a better provider. All in all, there are going to be a lot of changes, but hopefully all for the better. Some of the new changes will include: More Bandwidth (5Gb/Day) Better, easy to navigate site layout New Look and Feel Stability with our webhost What won't change is our content. We will still be focusing on Combat Sim news and views, but now that the technical hurdles we've had the past 6 months are over, we can focus on more news, more articles, more reviews/previews, and more files. We want Biohaz to grow, and this project is the foundation we need to become THE place to come for sim news and content. We've got some big plans, so stay tuned and spread the word. Once the new site is in place over the weekend and everything is ready, I will point DNS to the new servers, so the first of next week we might have some weirdness as DNS propogates the new address. But stay tuned, as I'll be posting more on the new changes and additions in the coming weekend. We the staff are excited about the new changes, and I hope you will be as well.
  15. New Site Layout

    Glad you like it, as it will be here for a loonngggg time to come. ;) other than some graphics changes, this is it layout-wise. I'm looking to get over all the technical hurdles and focus on content. As for news, that's what the latest news block on the top is for, quick-glance at the last 10 news posts... ;)
  16. Try wiping your site cookies, there's a link at the bottom of the frontpage that will do it. Then log back in and see what happens. I think it's probably the move causing it, as I'm getting the same thing here.
  17. I just wanted to take a moment to announce that MrMudd has decided to step down from his Flight Sim Editor role here at Biohaz as of March 5 to pursue other projects. While we didn't always see eye to eye on things, I want to personally thank him for his contributions here at Biohaz these past 8 months, and the staff and I wish him the best on his future endeavors. His writing and unique perspective was well received and always looked forward to by both staff and members. I'm sure you will see him around the web. ;)
  18. Post When You Got It!

    Post when you have FarCry in your hot little hands.
  19. Bfv Vs. Ati

    Funny you mention this, I was having the exact same discussion with a couple of fellow engineers here this morning over coffee. Does make you wonder, doesn't it. :D
  20. Welcome Jinks, glad you like it. ;)
  21. I Was Digging Though Some Boxes And Found

    Are you kidding, it's a classic! ;)
  22. Locked?

    OK Jim, now you've really crossed the line. Knowing your posting privileges were suspended, you still took advantage of the fact that I had not locked out your other accounts. This is exactly what I mean about not respecting the requests of the staff, and is why you are on suspension. Those accounts are now gone, and you can consider this your final warning. Next time you will be banned permanently without warning or discussion. Some people just can't seem to grow a clue.
  23. Locked?

    Seawolf, don't worry about it. You guys know my take on discussions around here, as long as everyone stays respectful and there are no personal attacks, pretty much anything goes here. I've said this before, but you guys are a great bunch and usually (usually... ;) ) police yourselves pretty good, so I rarely have to do any warning at all. That's what makes Biohaz great, how great everyone treats each other around here, regardless of viewpoints. As SlickWili was just pointing out to me, the only time we ever seem to have problems around here is when someone comes in with the attitude that their opinion is the only right one, any opposing view is wrong, and they feel it's their function in life to change all the "wrong" opinions to match their enlightened viewpoint. Unfortunately, there's ALWAYS one of those type of people around during these types of debate, and that's why we always have to watch these types of threads pretty closely. B) Anyway, thanks guys for your understanding.
  24. Tac Sims

    Fates, between Soldner and FarCry, once released I think I'll be a regular in both forums. ;)

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