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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. New Madjeff/biohaz Case

    The Lanboy would probably be better if you are in a dorm room, like I said, this thing is pretty bright in a dark room. :D
  2. I'm Back...

    Finally got my replacement CPU and new case tonight and just finished swapping everything over, so I'm finally back up and running! I should be answering emails and such regularly once again, and I apologize to all that have been trying to email me the past two weeks with delayed answers. ;)
  3. Whats The Difference...

    Thought I got all the different icons converted, looks like one snuck by me. On the list... :D
  4. I just received the WW2F Add-On CD and it is nothing short of astounding! I will be one of the delivery boys for this CD, so stay tuned for info. The CD is free, just $4.00 for shipping and the cost of the blank CD. Here's a shot of the front-end interface: This CD is absolutely packed with all the best mods and utils for WW2F, including a ton of new skins and models. For an example, here's a side-by-side shot of the stock P-51 model and Rammjager's awesome P-51 mod: This CD is full of these kinds of skins/mods. If you haven't played this one in awhile, I highly recommend dusting it off and taking it out for a spin with this new add-on cd. :D Base Mods CD Contents: ALL 3D mods released until Febuary 2003, with their default skins This includes aircraft, vehicles and structure.s All missions and campaigns released until Febuary 2003, Offline and Online. Complete Flight Model packs up to v5.11 13 pre-installed terrain sets. Loads of utilities. All official and unoffical game patches ( v1.08, No CD..). Comprehensive Documentation on all subjects. All soundsmods, including Allied and Axis Radio Chatter packs, released until Febuary 2003. Partially installed version of MIKH's "Russian Front" v1.1. All templates released to date ( Feb. 2003). Many Skin Making aids ( Damage templates, Noseart...). Custom made 3D aircraft models include : Bombers ALan Grey's C-47 Ar 234B Ar 234C Ar 234C SWOTL Cant z1007b Do17z He111H Il-4 Ju188A Li-2 Nose Art B17 Nose Turret B17 Rammjager's B17 Fighters Hammerd's Fw190 A Fw190 D-9 Fw190 D-11 Fw190 D-13 Macchi MC202 Me109E Me109F Me109K Me109 Tropical Me161A-1a P38 New Glory P47D Razorback P47M Fireball Non mirrored P51 P51-B Rammjager's P51-D Rammjager's P51-D Cockpit Clipped Spit IX Unmirrored Spit IX Spit Mk.V Desert Spit Mk.Vb Spit F.IX Spit FR.XIV Spit FR.XIV Clipped Spit F.XIV Yak 9D Yak 9T The terrain sets included are : Cold Snow Fluke Snow Soft Snow Original snow Desert Desert 2 Grassy Desert Early Fall Jungle Mediterranean Spring Spring Rain Summer
  5. We've used up all our 50Gb of bandwidth on the file domain. Looks like we are done until month-end. Sorry folks, but these damn 25Mb skins are really killing us...
  6. Do a quick search on eBay, you'll find one there.
  7. Favorite Sayings

    On the side of my paintball tank is this one: "grab a straw, cause you suck"
  8. Same here, on the "to-do" list...
  9. Ghostdog's right, the ball is in my court and I'm currently dropping it. :D I've been out of town for almost a week and barely got on my PC the week before due to other commitments, so this one's squarely my fault. I should have some time this weekend to do some catch-up.
  10. Just wanted to touch base with everyone on a problem we've been experiencing the past week with the articles and reviews on the front page. For those of you that have not noticed, if you click on a link to an article or review, it just refreshes the front page. This just started last weekend, and I've been out of town and unable to work the problem. I can't fix it until I get back from out of town this weekend, so please bear with us until then. Sorry for the inconvienance... B)
  11. The Biohaz MS2k server should be back online guys, try it out.
  12. Santa Smilies

    Damn you guys don't cut me much slack do ya... ;) it's on the list of things to do the past week, I'll have them down this week.
  13. Sorry, trying to clean up after the move, and I seemed to have broke it. I'll have it fixed in just a minute...
  14. Red Forums

    Fates, how's it working, did it fix your problem?
  15. Red Forums

    I'm trying something here, unfortunately it means EVERYONE just had to log in again. :D Test it out and let me know if these changes made a difference.
  16. I wanted to give a public preview of the proposed site layout and get some feedback on it from all of you. The graphics are still being worked on (T-bone is currently working hard on that...) and are not yet complete, but the text layout is just about how I would like to organize it. I'm trying to go for a "everything at your fingertips" approach to this. I want to give a clear compact view of everything new on the site at the top of the frontpage, with everything onsite within a single click of the frontpage. All without getting too cluttered. Not an easy task... There is still some missing stuff, like a "Last 10 forum posts" block and a few other pieces of code I'm working on. But I want to make sure I'm working in the right direction here. So, now's your chance to voice your opinions and help guide what you want to see out of the site. Also, please be specific on what you like and do not like. B)
  17. New Site Layout - Please Vote!

    Shouldn't be a problem, I just have not had a chance to get back to that script yet... ;)
  18. It may be semantics and I'm not trying to bust your chops, but I believe "Unwedge" would have been more appropriate. (jabs thigh with pin, AGAIN) I almost wet myself the first couple of times I read the original...... Damn, quite right there, was too busy laughing to get it right apparently...
  19. Posted yesterday in the files area... :D
  20. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    Just stumbled over this story of at the Reg this morning. Link to the Reg Story This is outrageous IMHO. Have we really got to this point? If so, the terrorists have won... <_<
  21. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    I couldn't have said it better myself, a very well-thought-out reply. This whole thing is not really a statement on politics, but a statement on using common sense and to take a minute to think for yourself. We've gotten so hysterical about things that we are turning into a nation of "little brothers", everyone poking into others business and assuming the worst of everyone. It's just an issue of thinking for yourself and taking responsibility for one's own actions, two subjects I am rather touchy about. B) Also as a side note, this is what I love about you guys that is hard to find on other sites, the ability to discuss things in a mature manner. We don't all agree on things (and it would be damn boring if we did...) but we can respect each other's opinion. Makes me proud to be a part of this community. ;)
  22. Flight Simmers = Terrorists

    Hey, a fellow SlashDot reader! :D
  23. Chopper School ...

    Man I need 'em. Flying with keys and mouse is too hard for a stick&throttle guy like me... :D
  24. As long as it's ok from the author (never had one say no yet...) just upload and we'll approve it. Files bigger than 2 Mb will need to be sent to me via email or ICQ, at least until I get a anon upload FTP server going again.
  25. Fair Strike In Us

    I've been curious what the reviews have been, as I haven't touched it since the E3 demo build was released. Seemed too much like Comanche4 to me, but that was a quick judgement... Anyone purchase this one yet?

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