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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. File Name: Canopy Mods for SP3 File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 13 Nov 2004 File Category: SF Object Mods This is a new version of Hawker7's canopy mod that I updated to make use of the new SP3 plane_data.ini files. The mod affects most of the stock SFP1 stock planes and official addons ---> -A4B/C/E -F4B/C/D/E/J -F100D -F104G -Mig17F -Mig19S -Mig21F/MF/PFM -SU7 Installation: Just put the .ini files in the corresponding aircraft folder in your "Strategy First/Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/xxx/" folder Example: the A4B_data.ini has to be put into the A4B folder After the installation the canopies of these planes will automatically open at speeds credit where credit is due: - Hawker7 for actually finding out how to make this work and for releasing the original mod Click here to download this file
  2. File Name: R07 HMS Albion Carrier Addon for SP3 File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 13 Nov 2004 File Updated: 5 Mar 2006 File Category: SF Add-On Ships R07 HMS Albion of the Centaur Class - Beta Release The model represents the ship as completed in 1954. Not perfect, but seems worth releasing. Working AA and radar to be developed. Model/texture: Hinchinbrooke Loads of help: Gramps "This class was an improvement over the war-built light fleet carriers of the "Colossus" and "Majestic" classes with double the power for an additional 5 knots of speed, accompanied by increased dimensions which resulted in more hangar space and a lightly armoured flight deck. Construction was arrested by the termination of hostilities and four units (including the original Hermes) were cancelled. Three of the remaining units - Albion, Bulwark, and Centaur - were completed to a modified design, which considerably increased their original displacement of 18,300 tons and resulted in a 2-knot loss of speed, and included a 5 3/4-degree angled deck; while the final unit - the second Hermes - had further extensive modifications worked in placing her in a sub-class of her own. The Albion and Bulwark were later converted to commando carriers during 1959-62, leaving only the Centaur able to operate fixed wing aircraft, and she had steam catapults installed in 1957. Owing to her relatively small size and limited hangar space, the Centaur does not now meet modern requirements, but is nevertheless, still capable of active employment although laid-up in reserve." H. T. Lenton, Warships of the British and Commonwealth Navies, Ian Allan, 1971 All files should sit in an "Albion" sub-directory within the "Objects" directory. The data.ini file should be moved to the main "Objects" directory. Extract the groundobjectsdata.ini file and add lines for Albion. Please do not distribute or post without previous consent. All copyrights reserved and no modifications are to be made without prior consent. Complaints, reference books, beer, send to: Hinchinbrooke1963(AT)yahooDOTcom Click here to download this file
  3. File Name: R08 HMS Bulwark Carrier addon for SP3 File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 13 Nov 2004 File Updated: 5 Mar 2006 File Category: SF Add-On Ships R08 HMS Bulwark of the Centaur Class - Beta Release The model represents the ship as she appeared in the late 50's, before her conversion into a commando carrier. The Albion model has been used, with a later flightdeck texture. Not perfect, but seems worth releasing. Working AA and radar to be developed. Model/texture: Hinchinbrooke Loads of help: Gramps "This class was an improvement over the war-built light fleet carriers of the "Colossus" and "Majestic" classes with double the power for an additional 5 knots of speed, accompanied by increased dimensions which resulted in more hangar space and a lightly armoured flight deck. Construction was arrested by the termination of hostilities and four units (including the original Hermes) were cancelled. Three of the remaining units - Albion, Bulwark, and Centaur - were completed to a modified design, which considerably increased their original displacement of 18,300 tons and resulted in a 2-knot loss of speed, and included a 5 3/4-degree angled deck; while the final unit - the second Hermes - had further extensive modifications worked in placing her in a sub-class of her own. The Albion and Bulwark were later converted to commando carriers during 1959-62, leaving only the Centaur able to operate fixed wing aircraft, and she had steam catapults installed in 1957. Owing to her relatively small size and limited hangar space, the Centaur does not now meet modern requirements, but is nevertheless, still capable of active employment although laid-up in reserve." H. T. Lenton, Warships of the British and Commonwealth Navies, Ian Allan, 1971 All files should sit in an "Albion" sub-directory within the "Objects" directory. The data.ini file should be moved to the main "Objects" directory. Extract the groundobjectsdata.ini file and add lines for Albion. Please do not distribute or post without previous consent. All copyrights reserved and no modifications are to be made without prior consent. Complaints, reference books, beer, send to: Hinchinbrooke1963(AT)yahooDOTcom Click here to download this file
  4. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...code=sst&id=665 File Name: MIG-29A Fulcrum Version 0.9 / Release Version 1File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 13 Nov 2004 File Updated: 6 Aug 2006 File Category: Mig-29 MIG-29A Fulcrum Version 0.9 / Release Version 1 This version is the culmination of all those who provided feedback during the Public Beta Versions 0.5 thru 0.8 and has only a single area that is still being worked. The Flight Model is still being tweaked by Column5 and will be available when he has deemed it complete. This version is flyable but does have handling issues concerning Pitch Rate and Roll Rate. A big thank you goes to those who provided feedback and made this aircraft in a 1 month time frame. 3D Model: Michael "wpnssgt" Engle Flight Model: Column5 Initial Testing: USAFMTL, Column5 Public Testing: INSERT NAME HERE :) Aircraft Data Contributions: Howling1 & Eagle114th Click here to download this file
  5. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...code=sst&id=667 File Name: F-16B Blk 10 Fighting Falcon AddonFile Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 14 Nov 2004 File Updated: 6 Aug 2006 File Category: F-16 F-16B Block 10 Addon by Team Viper Click here to download this file
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...code=sst&id=668 File Name: F-16A Blk 10 "Netz" AddonFile Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 14 Nov 2004 File Updated: 6 Aug 2006 File Category: F-16 F-16A Block 10 Israeli "Netz" Addon Click here to download this file
  7. File Name: Strike Fighters Service Pack 3 (v11-05-04) File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 9 Nov 2004 File Category: SF Patches The Service Pack 3 updates the game to make it more compatible with the latest video cards, and adds host of new features for third-party expansions. Please read Readme.txt for more details. Note: This patch can only be applied to the "v12-25-03" version of the game; if you have a previous version, please apply Service Pack 2 below before downloading this patch. Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: Strike Fighters Service Pack 3 (v11-05-04) File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 9 Nov 2004 File Category: SF Patches The Service Pack 3 updates the game to make it more compatible with the latest video cards, and adds host of new features for third-party expansions. Please read Readme.txt for more details. Note: This patch can only be applied to the "v12-25-03" version of the game; if you have a previous version, please apply Service Pack 2 below before downloading this patch. Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: Wings over Vietnam Patch 1 File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 10 Nov 2004 File Updated: 15 Apr 2005 File Category: SF Patches This is a maintenance patch to bring Wings Over Vietnam up to the Strike Fighters: Project 1 Service Pack 3 standard. Click here to download this file
  10. File Name: Wings over Vietnam Patch 1 File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 10 Nov 2004 File Updated: 15 Apr 2005 File Category: SF Patches This is a maintenance patch to bring Wings Over Vietnam up to the Strike Fighters: Project 1 Service Pack 3 standard. Click here to download this file
  11. File Name: Strike Fighters: Gold Patch 1 File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 10 Nov 2004 File Category: SF Patches This is a maintenance patch to bring the GMX Edition of Strike Fighters: Gold up to the Strike Fighters: Project 1 Service Pack 3 standard. Click here to download this file
  12. File Name: Strike Fighters: Gold Patch 1 File Submitter: MadJeff File Submitted: 10 Nov 2004 File Category: SF Patches This is a maintenance patch to bring the GMX Edition of Strike Fighters: Gold up to the Strike Fighters: Project 1 Service Pack 3 standard. Click here to download this file
  13. I've seen a lot of people claim the death of the sim is upon us, that LOMAC will be the last of the great flight sim. I was curious what everyone's thoughts were on the subject. My own personal feelings is we are just in a lull right now. I don't know how many times I've heard this gloom & doom prediction in all my years in this hobby. It's just the ebb and flow of the publishing game, stuff gets hot, then you don't see it for awhile. Anyway, what do YOU think?
  14. MadJeff checkin' in!

    Hey all! Damn, it's been awhile! Nice to see a lot of old names as well as a lot of new ones as well! Thought I would drop in and say hey and see how the ol' homestead was doing. It's been a busy year for me, lots of stuff going on workwise. All in all, it's been a pretty good year. About the only thing I've been playing lately is Battlefield2. It's been (gasp!) over 6 months since I've touched a flight sim. With fall coming, I expect to get some stick time soon. MK2 and crew have done a great job moving the site forward, my hats are off to them! I see Fates is working his usually magic as well. So, how's everyone been?
  15. Wow, the place is lookin' good!

    Hey all! Yeah, I'm still alive and kickin... Just wanted to drop in and say what a great job the new management is doing! Participation is ramping up, and it looks like everything is falling into place. Great job all!
  16. I just got a dedicated box up here at home to run the new Biohaz public 2K4 server with FSHost, and it's now running. I need some people to jump on and try it out, then report back. Since I'm on the inside my testing doesn't do much good. ;) For those of you not familiar with FShost, you can read more about it here at the FShost home site. Basically, it allows an easy way to hook up with others and fly online. I'll get a little more indepth later, but for now go grab the server spy here: FSHostSpy Utility This neat little util will list all the FSHost servers out there. Just find the "BiohazCentral FS2K Server" listing, then double-click the server name. The IP address will be copied to your clipboard. From there you can fire up FS2K4, and go into Multiplayer. It should already show the Biohaz server listed, just join and you are set!. For FS2K2 it is a little more involved, but still not bad: Report back here with your experience, then I'll "publically" announce the server as open for business.
  17. New site owners, the A-10/F-4 sections

    Dice, it's been an honor to be able to help you out when you needed it! I enjoyed having you and your group on the site. With the new ownership transfer and new focus, as well as the fact that not to many of you hang out here anymore, I'll go ahead and archive the existing forum and call it good. Mostly so it doesn't confuse your site members on where to go. We can setup a redirect to the forum link over to Warthog territory forums where you moderate as well if you like, just let us know. Just yell if you ever need anything, and don't be a stranger over here! <S> MadJeff and the rest of the crew
  18. Guys, for the few of you that might still use the box, I have had to pull the FS2K MP Server and the Teamspeak server boxes. They have been relegated to other uses here at home. The new management may want to pursue a replacement, but at this point I do not know what the plans are. I apologize for any inconvienence.
  19. Sorry guys, just saw this. Downloads are currently offline at the moment. Sorry for the confusion.
  20. Why not simply close it down?

    My plan was to leave it up for a few weeks so the stragglers get the news, then pull it down. I'm still trying to decide how to handle it, as there is a lot of good info that I hate to just see disappear into the ether. I've also had several people express interest in taking it over, and I'm weighing those options. Unfortunately I've been too busy this week to spend much time on thinking about it. I hope to have some sort of announcement/decision in the next few days. As for withering away and lack of participation, that's one of the reasons I decided to pull it in the first place. This is not something that just happened since the announcement, it's been going on for months. If it depresses you to come, then by all means, no one is twisting your arm... ;)
  21. God no, MadJeff's got a blog

    For those of you that want to stay in touch, I've decided I can't just leave cold-turkey from the web, so I'm doing a little experiment/therepy and have started a blog. As if there was not enough useless crap on the internet already, now I'm adding to it! This is going to be quite a departure for me, as the blog will be more personal than Biohaz was, covering some of my varied hobbies/work/net security stuff, and my worthless views and thoughts on various topics such as the sim scene, etc. Yep, pretty much worthless crap that no one but I will care about. But if you get bored, by all means mosey on by sometime. I'd love to keep in touch with the regulars. They great thing about this one is that I have no self-imposed pressure to perform/maintain it. You can waste your time here: http://blog.biohazcentral.com Not a lot there yet, but it's a start.
  22. 6 GMail Accounts

    NC, sent you an invite.
  23. 6 GMail Accounts

    I've got 10 invites to hand out as well, so once Skater's are handed out I'll pick up the overflow.
  24. New Crewmember...

    Congrats buddy! Hell I leave for a couple weeks and all hell breaks loose...
  25. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all, have a very safe and happy holiday! I've been on the road the past two weeks, just got back last night and now I'm loading up to head to the folks for the holidays. I'm REALLY looking forward to some downtime after the past two weeks...

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