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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. That's what we are here for, we should have ALL strike Fighters files here... ;)
  2. AD, why would you do that? Do you have a problem with the above mentioned site for some reason? ;)
  3. We're Back Online!

    Sorry for the downtime all, seems we got moved to a new server today. When I asked them why they had not given me any warning, they stated they had sent emails out to all at about 01:30 last night warning everyone. Of course, I was in bed sleeping at 1:30am and when I got up at 05:45 the site and email was already down... Let me know if you notice any issues or problems.
  4. Sorry guys, was away from the PC all weekend doing other things. I'll try and get that DLed and posted tonight here.
  5. Here's a crowbar to wedge that foot that's lodged so tightly in your mouth...
  6. Biohaz Bf1942 Night?

    Just wondering who's got BF1942 here at Biohaz? I just picked it up over the holidays and would love to schedule some online time. Who would be interested in picking a night and have a bunch of us get on, specifically the Desert Combat mod?
  7. Minor Issue

    I think this was due to me backing up the entire site via ftp, just to be sure. :D I also did DB backups so we were up to date.
  8. We're Back Online!

    I do have to say, the response time does seem slightly better. I'm noticing faster script execution times posted on the bottom of the page...
  9. Good suggestion, I'll see what we can whip up in the next few days now that the patch has been released.
  10. Problem--help Needed

    Jinks, that's one of the dumbest things I've heard on this forum, not only is it a broad blanket generalization, it's just plain wrong. <_< I don't like to see these kinds of posts on Biohaz, and I would ask that you not go down that road in the future.
  11. Track Ir2 Advice

    Not sure how you have your dots setup or if you are using the hat, but I use 3 dots on a non-trackir ballcap, 1 centered and one on each side of the bill. With this config you can turn your head completely sideways and it still tracks. I had the problem you described when I first got mine, I had stuck one dot on my mic boom, and when I turned to far to one side the unit would lose track. Try it and let us know if it fixes it. :D
  12. New Site Layout - Please Vote!

    Hey, you wouldn't want things to get boring and repetitive around here would ya?
  13. Anyone See The New Trailer For "sky Captain" ?

    Hey, I thought it looked cool... :D
  14. Posting the loadout in the LOMAC area now...
  15. Moved this thread into the SF General Discussion and merged the topics....
  16. Nfl Postseason

    I'd so kick your ass if I could send my boot through the wire... :D It was a good game too bad it had to end the way it did. Personally, I didn't think they played good enough this year to make the playoffs, so I'm not too depressed about it. But after the missed GB field goal got me hoping for the best. You know it's a sure sign of the apocolypse when the Colts blow out the Broncos in ANY game, not to mention a playoff game.
  17. He's contacted me about hosting them, and as soon as I get back with him on exactly how to get them uploaded to me, we'll get them posted.
  18. I'm putting a call out to interested parties that would be interested in helping out at BiohazCentral as a LOMAC Moderator/News Editor. I am looking for a couple of people that can help keep up with news on a daily basis, as well as keep the forums lively and on-topic. Besides a love of LOMAC, you need a cool head and the ability to string together coherent sentences is a plus. If you think you would like to help us out please get in touch with me at madjeff@biohazcentral.com and let me know if you are up to the challenge. ;)
  19. Hi Everyone

    Welcome aboard! :D
  20. The new version is up in the files area...
  21. Sig Setup

    Unfortunately, no, you only get one sig. It would be cool though...
  22. I think it's time to start scheduling a weekly onliner. Say every Friday night at 5PM Pacific time would work for most of the North American users. I think that's the only way we are going to all hit at the same time. I would like to setup some flight plans as well, and will gladly take suggestions. I'll start advertising this weekly flight right now and we'll see what happens over the next few weeks.
  23. Great Posters

    Damn, those are a riot! :D
  24. 5ghz Barrier Acheived

    That is insane! :D I love this kind of stuff, impractical but damn cool anyway...
  25. When you double-click the server in FSSpy, it just copies the IP to the clipboard. Once done, fire up FS2K4 and go to the multiplayer section. You should find that the IP is automatically pasted in. From there you will get the chat window and can talk to anyone else online.

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