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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Do You Miss The Old Forum??

    I've been thinking about this the last few weeks and was wondering what everyone else thought. Before the switch to the new server I converted from phpBB to Invisionboard due to the nicer features and slightly faster access times IVB had. Now I find myself missing some of the old phpBB features, not to mention the old color/layout. Of course, the old layout is something I can duplicate in the new software... B) I'm not saying I'm going to change back unless the response was overwhelming, but I was just curious as to what all of you thought about it. I've never really heard much feedback on it after I did the migration.
  2. Could There Be A Daily Update???.

    Yeah, daily would be a little tough to do. Heck, weekly would be a little tough sometimes I would imagine. :D That said, you guys are doing a GREAT job communicating with the community so far, it is to be commended!
  3. Merry Christmas To All...

    I want to take a quick second to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday season. Spend time with friends and family and cherish the time spent, be thankful for what you have, and remember the people that are not as blessed as you. :) It's been a hell of a year around here and I want to thank all of you for being a part of it. Here's to an even more successful 2004! :D
  4. 1 More Little Video

    BTW, I take it you didn't pull out of that dive in time at the end of the clip... ;)
  5. 1 More Little Video

    Sweet video guys, the little details such as the moving control stick, working guages, and the sense of speed through the clouds was very well done!
  6. 1 More Little Video

    Posted on the front page... :)
  7. madjeff@biohazcentral.com B)
  8. Yeah I took a look and unfortunately regular BBCode doesn't allow for specific sizes like you can with HTML. I have setup the board to create an thumbnail for any pic over 800x600 for now, but that's only for attached images, there's no control over linked images. I am currently looking at a modification to InvisionBoard that will size linked images...
  9. PC, go ahead and send me the file email, I'll get it posted. I've noticed the file upload is a little glitchy sometimes, I'll see what I can do to fix it.
  10. Looks Great! Just Don't Let It Turn Out Like...

    Agreed. Posting it in the correct forum is one thing, but spreading it over to another sim is quite another... Consider this a friendly warning. :D
  11. BiohazCentral is currently looking for several dedicated Project-1 Editors to help us keep up to date with the latest and greatest in the world of Strike Fighters. If you are interested or know someone that might be, please contact me via this forum, email or PM. This position would entail keep up to date and posting on the latest SF news from around the web, writing reviews and articles, and contacting the various modders and skinners as needed. Please, do not volunteer unless you have the time and can do the tasks above. B)
  12. In the first of a series of new additions to the staff, I want to take a moment to announce that we have added some new LOMAC and Strike Fighters Moderators/News Editors to the staff to help keep up with all the news and mods from around the web. LOMAC Moderators We are adding a couple of new moderators for LOMAC, the first being Mark "SlickWili" Wiliszewski from Ontario, Canada. Next up is BBQ, an old hat around here who has helped me unofficially in the past with LOMAC news, but we're going to make it official now. ;) I am adding at least one more person but have not had a chance to email them yet, so I'll announce the rest tonight. These guys will be keeping everyone up-to-date with all things LOMAC-related, posting the latest news as well as handling the moderating chores in the LOMAC forums. They will be a good addition to the staff, which will allow our existing great staff of TBone and MrMudd to focus on more in-depth articles and features. Strike Fighters Moderators We are adding a couple of new moderators for Strike Fighters as well. Biohaz used to be the place to come for Project-1 news, and while we've slipped in that regard a little, it's time to rectify that. There is so much happening in the mod front that we need more than one person to cover it all. Luckily, we have 2 new people to help out here. Falcon Six Two and Philipp "BlackLion" Weber have joined the team to get us back on track in the Strike Fighters front. These guys will be keeping everyone up-to-date with all things SF-related, posting the latest news as well as handling the moderating chores in the SF forums. I'll have more info and Bio's from all these guys in the next week after the holiday week is over, but for now I want to extend a warm welcome to all the new (and existing) staff and want to say thank you for giving of your time and talents to help the sim community stay up to date. It's the first step in a series of goals I have for Biohaz over the coming year. Be sure to give them all a warm Biohaz welcome! :D
  13. I Got It !!!!

    I use a 9600Pro here with FastWrites enabled (4x) and have not had a single CTD with the retail version of LOMAC. I must be the luckiest SOB on the block, as I've really had no problems yet. I do feel for everyone having a problem, but it makes me wonder why my machine is so damned special to run it without issues and with decent FPS. B)
  14. Desert Combat 0.6 Released

    That's it, I'm going to go pick up BF1942, today! :D
  15. She's mirrored in the SF Aircraft Addons here at Biohaz. Great job guys!
  16. Desert Combat 0.6 Released

    I take it you can actually fly the helos?
  17. Well, be sure to drop by and post any other skins you do, this one is a real gem.
  18. She's a beaut! I'll post it on the frontpage...
  19. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Man, this thread has generated a huge amount of replies... I'm going to go ahead and lock it, as Fast Eagle has never replied to me either here or via email, and I've banned his account. Since he can no longer defend himself, I think it's only right that I lock it. If you guys want to continue any other parts of this discussion in another thread then by all means start up another thread, but let's leave FE out of the discussion. The whole incentive-ride procedure discussion has been very interesting, I would love to hear more about it. So I'm going to split those posts into a new topic
  20. Tweaking the colors, icons and layout. Things will be a little scattered at the moment, but let me know what you think.
  21. Forum Layout Under Contruction This Weekend

    I was feelin' festive... :D
  22. Forum Layout Under Contruction This Weekend

    Opps, missed that one... ;) It's fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out to me, and be sure to let me know if you notice anything else...
  23. I noticed that today, I'll try to get it fixed by tomorrow... Sorry about the mixup, files are still kind of a mess... :(
  24. Sky Captain And The World Of Tommorow

    I have to admit, I think it looks pretty dang cool. B) I reminds me of some of the old 40's sci-fi but the new CGI stuff makes it pretty unusual. It's nice to see something that is not a remake of something else for a change.
  25. Forum Layout Under Contruction This Weekend

    OK, the changes are mostly complete, I have some color fixes, icon/smiley cleanup, and a new logo to do, but it is pretty much complete. I've set Biohazv2 as the default forum skin and changed everyone to the new layout. I've left some of the old forum skins up in case you want to manually switch back to any of them. Please let me know what you think of the new layout and colors.

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