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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Seriously though, there are some great guides out there on the net for learning about/tweaking your system BIOS. The undisputed king of the BIOS tweaking guides is Adrian's: Rojak Pot's Bios Optimization Guide This will tell you about every setting in all the different BIOS versions currently available. What they do, recommended settings, etc. Don't be afraid to try them out, but a few tips when working with BIOS settings: Only change one setting at a time., then reboot, test and benchmark Make notes on what you are changing so you can set things back if you screw up Most motherboards do not come to you tuned for performance, but this is where you can get the biggest gains if you take things slow and one step at a time.
  2. oh come on guys, if you're too scared to mess with the BIOS, then why own a PC in the first place?! ;)
  3. Hey! We're trying to get people over here from Ubi's forums, not the other way around... <_< :P
  4. Mission Building?

    Keith! Welcome! Glad to have your expertise here... ;)
  5. Check to makie sure you have AGP Fast Writes enabled in bios AND in the Catalyst driver control panel. When I was doing the LOMAC preview and they sent me the early beta, I had the same problem. The thing that fixed it for me was that I had AGP Fast Writes disabled in Bios and Enabled in the driver.
  6. This is the "Update" to Falcon 4, with updated graphics and enhancements as well as a flyable A-10. As for release date I'll believe it when I see it... ;)
  7. Boeing Warrenty Card

    This was a hoot!
  8. Similarities With Sfp1 ?

    The more I hear the more excited I get about the prospects of this one... ;)
  9. New Forums Online

    I added a couple new forums in the last few days. The Jet Thunder forum is for discussion of the work-in-progress Falklands flight sim by ThunderWorks. You can find it in the Flight Sim area. The Buy/Sell/Trade forum is for advertising those old games and other software/hardware that you have on your shelf collecting dust and want to sell. Looking for a certain sim title? Request it here as well. Remember, the "No Pirating Discussion Allowed" rule is in effect in this forum as well as all the rest. B) If you would like to see any other forums you think would be a good addition to Biohaz just email me and let me know, I'll get it added.
  10. I turned off sound hardware acceleration just to see if it made a difference for me, but didn't notice a change in FPS. I'm running a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz (best. card. ever... ;) )
  11. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    You're all a bunch of liars! I'm Jeff, and I'm quite mad... Nothin' phoney here! ;)
  12. We're always happy to host good sim files...
  13. So Much Potential...

    Go check out the site, they have some pretty ambitious plans, including a dynamic campaign...
  14. Welcome To The New Jet Thunder Forum

    Dante, welcome!
  15. Looking For A Tacsim Editor

    BiohazCentral is currently looking for several dedicated TacSim Editors to help us keep up to date with the latest and greatest in the world of Tactical FPS. If you are interested or know someone that might be, please contact me via this forum, email or PM. This position would entail keep up to date and posting on the latest FPS news from around the web, writing reviews and articles, and contacting the various devs and publishers as needed. Please, do not volunteer unless you have the time and can do the tasks above. B)
  16. Track IR Who has it

    Sorry man, was at my kids school for meetings tonight. I'll try again tomorrow night.
  17. Who needs Virtual reality when ya got drugs man... ;)
  18. This one's all Tbone's baby, and he's doing a hell of a job on it. He should have something online here in the next few weeks I believe. Tbone, you want to comment on that? :D
  19. Geez, you'de think I would check the forum title on my onw site before I answered someone... ;)
  20. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    I have notified FE via email and PM to come and explain/defend himself from these allegations. Hopefully we will get some feedback from him soon. As I mentioned before, we had this happen a few months back with a very active poster here at Biohaz. To this day they still have not admitted their mistake even after presented with a mountain of evidence. Why do people feel the need to build themselves up at the expense of honesty? Who knows... :( It's too bad, but it's unfortunately something we always have to look out for online. I've looked back at the evidence and at this point am waiting to hear what FE has to say.
  21. Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

    Great, we've already had to deal with this unpleasantness before... <_< I had my suspicions before, but since he has not been around much I didn't pursue it. Looks like I have some emails to send. Let's not comment on this further until we hear FE's side of things. FastEagle, we are waiting for your comments....
  22. Hey! We're pretty dedicated around here... B) Actually, I've seen several LOMAC-only sites pop up in just the past few weeks. It's early, I wouldn't worry too much about the community, it's only gonna get bigger, especially after the first patch.
  23. Squid, must just be you. ;) I see all the explosions with the default settings here, including cluster munitions. Love those dang things... ;)
  24. how goes the tutorial, is it done? I've been looking for a good one, no luck yet. Anybody know how to make a MP COOP mission work? Like the specific settings that makes it COOP. I have made a few really detailed mission but when my squadmates try and connect, the "join" button for them to pick the coalition is not enabled. Any reason why? I have all the plane slots there, and they show, just the join button is not working for them. No, haven't had the time, probably won't until after the holidays...
  25. Fs Navigator Mp Connection Problems

    I remember reading something on FSNav in regards to FSHost, but don't remeber at the moment what it was. Check the FSHost FAQ here (i'm a little under the gun here at work at the moment...): http://www.chocolatesoftware.com/fshost/

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