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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Sorry, missed this till now. We have a Missions section in the LOMAC Files area, about 8-10 there at the moment with new ones being added almost daily.
  2. Sorry guys, checked my files and this is the only one I have. I'll put the v.6 online as soon as it's released...
  3. I've got to chime in on the CH discussion as well. I've owned a non-USB Pro Throttle, Pro Pedals, a ForceFX Joystick and their steering wheel as well for about 5 years now. I've tried almost every HOTAS out there, and you just can't beat the CH stuff for quality, reliability and just plain ease-of-use. My only complaint I have with my current setup is that with it being the Gameport style (non-usb) I have to dual-boot to Win98 to program the stick, and my fancy force-feedback joystick is no longer supported in WinXP. Get CH Products stuff, you just can't go wrong with it! :D The Cougar has an undeniable gee-whiz factor and looks cool, but I just keep hearing about problems, bad springs, bad pots, and the fact that everyone says you need to spend more money on the mod kits has turned me off the Cougar.
  4. Track IR Who has it

    Sure, I'll try to get them posted tonight...
  5. Sorry, I haven't got all the files moved over to the new system yet. You should still be able to DL it from the old site here: http://dev.biohazcentral.com
  6. OK, so I'm a little late. Like 6 months late... =) But my review of NaturalPoint's great little TrackIR unit is finally here. So, what did I think of this much-discussed and often-misunderstood piece of hardware? Read the full review here.
  7. This thread will be a repository for must-know info/tweaks/files for LOMAC gleaned from around the web. I am currently creating a web page for this info that will be an all-inclusive LOMAC FAQ, and will create .PDF files with the content and post it for download as well. But it's only as good as we ALL make it, so please post any new info on tweaks/fixes/etc. as it comes in to this thread, and I'll add it to the FAQ. Patches Patch 1.01 UK version Patch 1.01 - US version Patch 1.01 - German version Patch 1.01 - French version Must-Have Files Missing LOMAC Keycard in .pdf format Med-res Replacement Overcast clouds to improve framerates LOMAC Docs and Manuals Nic Cole's excellent 3rd-party manual with training material and more! LOMAC Editors/Utilities CDDS Browser - texture import/export utility LoMan ver. 2.0 - Install and uninstall mods easy and tweak all graphics settings LOMAC-specific tweaks to help performance System (non-LOMAC) Tweaks to help with LOMAC performance Clean that system registry - (experienced users only) Configuring Snap-views LOMAC & Firewalls Shepski's Additional Training Track for the Su-27 and how to use it * this post was updated by GhostDog - Feb. 8th. 2004
  8. I will be online tonight hosting some multiplayer action tonight at 5pm Pacific Standard Time (8pm Eastern) and am calling on all you FS2K pilots to join me! You can find out how to join the server in this thread. I will get some voice comms setup as well and will post in this thread on how to join that server later this afternoon. Check back in this thread for more details soon. See you tonight!
  9. I just got my Retail LOMAC version today and have been messing with it for the past hour. All I can say is I must be extremely lucky, because on my middle of the road system I am getting silky smooth framerates. This is on an Xp1800+ (overclocked to a 2100), a Radeon 9600 Pro and 512Mb of RAM. I have to say, I've had more fun with this sim in the past hour than I've had with any sim in years. The Hog is an absolute blast, as is the Su-25. I flew a couple of missions as well, and had no stutters at all. This is with the default graphics setting, I haven't even tweaked it yet. Maybe it's because I flew the betas, but the damn thing seems pretty problem-free to me framerate-wise. Maybe I have read so much complaining in the forums I expected worse... :P
  10. Post here when you have the LOMAC box in your hot little hands. :P No cheating! B)
  11. We had 4 or 5 of us earlier in the evening, but I got pulled away... We'll do it again with a little more warning this time.
  12. I have a TeamSpeak server online, just ping fshost.dtdns.net for the IP address. I haven't had a chance to test from outside, but it should be working. Feel free to join the server and try it out, then let me know if you have any issues. You can grab TeamSpeak at the following link if you don't have it already: http://www.teamspeak.org/
  13. I finally got LOMAC here at the Biohaz Batcave and am installing it as I type. My punishment for having beta builds to do previews with, I get the retail version after everyone else... ;)
  14. Vendor Recommendations?

    I have purchased a lot of stuf from a company called JN Computer Service out of New York: http://www.jncs.com They are a touch higher than you can find at some other places, but they have absolutely flawless service, test all their MB combos before they send them out, and have a really good return policy. I HIGHLY recommend them from personal experience. The last 4 MB's I've bought have been through them.
  15. You're talking to someone that's been waiting for SF Patch 2 and LOMAC... Don't lecture me about patience...
  16. Thanks, I was actually trying to get on Ubi's forums most off the day to get this, to no avail. I was unable to attend the chat this morning unfortunately...
  17. Help With Winxp

    You only get a perf boost if the OS and swap are on seperate physical drives. Seperate partitions on the same drive is not going to gain you anything, but is always a little neater to find stuff on. :)
  18. Help With Winxp

    NTFS, no question. It's a better performing disk system with all the advantages NT security brings. As far as the games, everything will install the same, since it's an OS subsystem, the games/apps don't know the difference.
  19. I want to take a moment to welcome T-Bone to the staff here at Biohaz. Most of you know him for his graphics capabilities over at the Ubi LOMAC forums, and we are now lucky enough to have him here to practice his talents. He will be helping out in a myriad of ways, including a graphics-rework of the site, as well as a lot of LOMAC-related articles and how-to's. He is currently working on a great user guide that is going to knock your socks off. Be sure to give T-Bone a warm Biohaz welcome. I was going to announce this last Friday but it was a very busy weekend here, sorry T-Bone.
  20. Rgr that. This one's been pretty stable as far as I've heard.
  21. It's supported now, that's what this post was about... :)
  22. Is Simhq Down?

    I just jumped on and they seem fine, but I wasn't on there yesterday...
  23. Wags posted on the status of the upcoming patch tonight, here's the quote.
  24. What Music Evokes Flying To You The Most?

    "Learning to Fly" by Pink Floyd...

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