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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. I have no doubts they will get the bugs fixed, they have more than proven to me they are sincere about fixing things. I don't have the final yet, but I've been following the problem threads pretty closely. What i've found is if you sift through all the posts, they pretty much boil down to a couple of bugs. Not bad in my book. Especially since I suffered throught the nightmare that was Falcon4 the first 8 months... ;)
  2. Don't hold your breath Lex, ED has already stated they are not giving away things for free anymore. Patches will be free, addons will be $$. I personally don't have a problem with that, it seems to be the way of things anymore.
  3. Good news for all you Enhanced Manual buyers, the first run ships tomorrow and should arrive Friday of this week!
  4. Track IR Who has it

    I'm currently updating my review to the latest drivers and I WILL have it posted by this weekend. You have my word on that. :D
  5. Addon CD here

    I was just browsing through the threads checking on old posts and ran across this, so sorry it took so long to get on this. You can get the addon CD here: http://home.arcor.de/swiper/addon/addon_eng.htm It's well worth the price of the CD, as there is a lot of stuff you can't even find anymore on the web, all in one nice package.
  6. I think it's time we schedule an Biohaz Fly-In! How about sometime next weekend, say Friday evening sometime? I can come up with a flight plan this week, something fun we can do, since we can't actually blow each other out of the sky in 2K4... B) Who would be interested in this?
  7. New Site Layout - Please Vote!

    Not getting much feedback here folks, I take it no complaints means you all love it? :D
  8. New Layout

    Keeping you on your toes... ;) You wouldn't want things to get stale would you? :D
  9. Just FYI, Mudd is taking a much-deserved break from the web, so he may not answer you for a little while. :D
  10. Hey all you mission builders, let's get some submitted here at Biohaz! I still haven't got my gold copy yet or I would of had a bunch cranked out by now... ;)
  11. New Site Layout - Please Vote!

    I've checked it in netscape, mozilla and Safari (Mac) but not Opera... I'll see what I can do.
  12. Sorry guys, I missed a forum permission to allow members the ability to add new threads in this forum. Yojimbo pointed out my error and it's now fixed. Sorry guys... ;)
  13. Carl posted this in the UBI forum today and I wanted to make sure everyone here saw it as well. It addresses some of the bug questions that I've seen on the forums the last week. You can read the full thread here: http://forums.ubi.com/messages/message_vie...mac_gd&id=zrvwc
  14. Anyone have this issue? None of the actual in-game videos display on my XP box. The sound is fine, but the vids themselves just show a blank screen. The rest of the game runs perfect. BTW, I forgot how intense this game can be. I played the India/Sri Lanka campaign last night and those damn Indian boats attack immediately! I'm racing to get my sensors online and there's already a crapload of stuff inbound! <_< But I managed to beat them back without taking any damage.
  15. Looks like everything is working correctly, flew around Spokane for a few minutes and it worked like a champ! Hit this link and you can checkout who's is currently on the server, where they are flying, etc. http://fshost.game-host.org/ This will be up 24/7, hope to see you in the virtual skies soon! B)
  16. What's Up With The Brits??

    Was not directed at you per se, more a blanket thread warning... ;)
  17. F-15 Car Quals?

    Wow, who pissed in your Cornflakes today...
  18. Biohaz Mp

    It's now up, the Biohaz Public FS2K4 server. See the thread in the 2K forum for more info...
  19. What's Up With The Brits??

    Keep it civil guys...
  20. I'll check it, maybe something got mixed up when I reuploaded all the files...
  21. This forum is to discuss techniques and announce new aircraft skins, stuff like that. There is a new file area in the Biohaz Download area for LOMAC skins as well, you can browse the files here. Have fun, and let's see some skins! :D
  22. Please give me a link and we'll get it uploaded. File uploads work, but PHP limits the max filesize to 2Mb. Anything bigger and you need to email me a link, the file, or ICQ it to me. Then I'll do the rest. :D
  23. Well, since others with a lot less system are getting more than twice that framerate, there has got to be something setup wrong with your system, so let's try to troubleshoot. What version drivers are you running? What mission are you trying to run? Stuff like that... I think you will find many that will be glad to help work out issues, but a general "this game sucks" post is not gonna get you too far... :D That goes for everyone here BTW.

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