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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Our forum works great, perhaps we should get everyone over here. I wouldn't mind... :P
  2. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving all! I'm sitting here full of roast and pie and thinking how damn fortunate I am... :D
  3. Amc Military Flights And Parking

    Gotta try the Fairchilds field since I only live 10 miles away... :P
  4. Upload it, I'll host it. Looks good!
  5. Dang, that's it. Not that I'm settling in my new den I'm reinstalling SF. This one's too pretty not to fly... ;)
  6. BP, you have the right to your opinion on Project-1, and so does everyone else. But I would ask that you not act like you are the only one that is enlightened on the facts, and everyone else are clueless idiots. I don't mind the pro-con discussions over SF (or any other sim for that matter), and I actually agree with a lot of your points. I personally have not touched SF in over 6 months. On the other hand, I know for a fact there is a patch being seriously worked on. Why has it taken this long? Only TK knows for sure. My only comment would be this. About every month you come to the forum and post some condescending or inflammatory remark about the status of the patch. Since we are all more than aware of the current situation, your comments do nothing to make the situation any better, and just arouses the ire of the die-hard project-1 flyers. Not to mention all the modders that have put a huge amount of blood, sweat and tears into trying to make this game something better than it originally was. It's been long enough that you should probably either let it go and move on for now (like I have) or play it regardless of the quirks until the patch is released and enjoy it. Anything else at this point is a waste of energy. :D That being said, I am all for constructive discussion about problems with any sim.
  7. I know I would like to see it, as it's a little more in-depth than the manual... :D
  8. No problems, we've all been there. ;) Welcome aboard... B)
  9. I will be creating a tutorial here at Biohaz, just waiting for the retail version to arrive.
  10. Moved to the LOMAC Mission forum. :D
  11. It's now official! Nic Cole's hard work has paid off, the paperwork has all been signed, and the official press release is out: US Price is $30, and worth every penny from what I've seen. We'll have much more on the manual, as well as an interview with Nic Cole later today. You can read all the details at www.lomac-manual.com as well as see better quality PDF examples of what the page layout will look like.
  12. I'll grab them and add them to the file area here as well this week.
  13. Sorry you feel like that Pain, I know almost everyone is out doing the LOMAC thing. Well, except for me, I've been laying carpet and moving into my newly remodelled den today. No rest for the wicked I guess. B) Guess you can't please everybody... <_<
  14. Sweet! That's Mountain Home alright, except in real life there's even less trees... :P
  15. Falcon 4 Gold Announced

    God help us all. In a partnership that seems to come straight from hell itself, G2Interactive has teamed up with Xicat to bring out Falcon 4 Gold. Here's the press release from Xicat Falcon 4.0 Gold Site G2Interactive Site Xicat's Press Release in PDF format
  16. Sounds like an IE issue, I have XP at home and work and it's all centered for me. Same with Mozilla on Linux. I don't have any Win98 boxes currently to test with. If you can handle it for a few weeks, I'll be done with the new Biohaz forum template. :)
  17. Login?

    If you've create an account recently, the integrated forum/website signup is broken. You may need to create an account on the website. I'll have the stuff reintegrated soon.
  18. You think that's bad, you should see the dev site, it's changin' by the minute... ;)
  19. I'm tweaking and testing some stuff, things will be changed in a day or so. I've been working on a better way to layout a ton of info on the frontpage as cleanly and compact as possible. The current layout is NOT it...
  20. Biohaz Mp

    Not yet, finishing my Den remodel this week then I'll get all my servers unpacked and setup. Then I can get this setup. :D
  21. Just created the new LOMAC skinning forum to give people a place to discuss tips and techniques as well as post those repaints. Now, get to skinning! :D
  22. Wags posted the final ReadMe file from the release version of LOMAC. Mostly manual revisions, but there's some great info in there. Be sure to read it now, since we both know you won't when you have the CD in your hot little hands... Lock On: Modern Air Combat Readme 04 November 2003 Manual Errata Page 5. Starting the game. A "Show Replay" (SHOW)" button has been added to the Navigation Bar on the Main Menu. Once selected, you can use the browser menu to select Track Files. Once selected, press the Start button to begin playing the Demo track. Page 5. Starting the game. Lock On includes the option to install DirectX 8.1. Lock On can also run with later versions of DirectX that can be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/" target=_blank>http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/ Page 5. Starting the game. A "Network Play (NTW)" button has been added to the Navigation Bar on the Main Menu. This allows you to directly access the Network play menus from the Main Menu. Page 6. Starting the game. The Back/Fwd Button has been removed from the Main Menu. Page 9. Graphics. We suggest setting VISIB RNG and SCENES to High and WATER to Very High only if you have a top-end computer. Page 9. Graphics. An option to toggle civilian road and rail traffic on and off had been added to the Graphics settings. From the CIV TRAFF button, you can select Yes or No. Page 9. Graphics. An option to toggle the advanced haze effect as been added to the Graphics settings. From the HAZE button, you can choose Basic or Advanced. Page 9. Graphics. An option to choose water detail level has been added to the Graphics settings. From the WATER button, you can choose Low, Medium, High, or Very High. Page 9. Graphics. An option to determine how much terrain is pre-loaded around the player before loading the mission has been added as a Graphic setting. This Terrain Pre-loading can be selected from the TERR PRLD button. While this will decrease texture loading times during the game, it can lead to higher mission loading times and require more RAM. Page 9. Graphics. An option to disable engine heat blur has been added to the Graphics settings. From the HEAT BLR button, you can select On or Off. Note that game smoothness can at times be negatively impacted if Heat Blur and FSAA are used simultaneously. Page 9. Graphics. The FREQ selection has been removed. Page 10. Audio. If you feel the engine and other cockpit sounds are too quiet, you can use the COCKPIT slider to increase the volume. You can also increase the ENGINES level to make the engine sound louder in the cockpit. Page 10. Audio. "Betty in Russian" has been changed to Native Betty." This is because you can now hear all radio communications in Russian when flying a Russian aircraft. If you select the German MiG-29A, the Betty voice will be in German. Page 11 and 45. Difficulty. Two additional buttons have been added to the My Plane box. The G-EFFECTS button allows you to disable black-outs and red-outs when under extreme G. The PADLOCK button allows you to enable or disable the use of the padlock option. Page 11 and 46. Difficulty. The AWACS view has been renamed the MAP view. Page 11. Difficulty. Within the Simplification box is a button entitled SET GLOBAL. When this button is ON, the player's difficulty settings and the Scene setting for Graphics will be used for all missions. If however the button is not on, the difficulty and scene settings will be used when the mission was created. Page 11. Difficulty. When simplification is changed between imperial and metric, this only applies to measurements used in the Mission Editor. It does not apply to the flight portion of the game. Page 12. Cockpit. The G-Effects setting has been moved to the Difficulty page. Page 18. Multiplayer. After pressing the NTW button, a window that allows you choose either a LAN or Internet game will be displayed now. You must make this decision before preceded to Host or Join a multiplayer game. Page 19. Multiplayer. Protocol section has been removed from LAN network connection options. Page 19. Multiplayer. The Ubi.com button only applies to an Internet game. This button has been removed from the LAN screen. Page 18. Multiplayer. The multiplayer description in only accurate for when LAN play is selected. Internet play uses an entirely new system of connection. When you enter an Internet game, there will be a two-position dial near the top of the screen. One setting is labeled Player and the other Connect. When set to Player, you can enter your name in the NAME field. Press the enter key once you have typed in your name. When set to Connect, you can enter your Host or Client connection properties. If Network Settings button is set to SERVER, then you are acting as the Host and you can determine PORT number, connection speed, and password. You can also set global setting such as session title, maximum number of players, and game mode in the Game Settings screen. If set to Client, you can enter the SERVER IP number and the required password if needed. Once the SERVER and CLIENTS have entered the required data, they can press the START key to proceed. After the SERVER presses the START key, they will be brought to the OPEN mission screen. After selecting the desired mission, press the MAP key to return to the Internet interface. Once all players have reached the Join Game screen, they can select their coalition. If no planes are available in a coalition, the JOIN box will be grayed out. Upon selecting a valid coalition, press the SELECT button in the top / left portion of the screen to select an aircraft. Simply click on the aircraft you wish in the Select Plane list. If you wish to change coalitions, you can click the Coalitions button on the top menu bar. Once players have selected their aircraft, the FLY button can be pressed to start the mission. Note that each player must press the FLY button in order to enter the mission. Page 22. Multiplayer. It is not possible for clients to in-flight refuel during multiplayer games. Page 22. Multiplayer. Only a single player can be assigned to take off from the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier. Adding more than one aircraft will cause over-lapping. Page 22. Multiplayer. When flying an Internet game, each player must be assigned an individual Group when creating the mission. You cannot assign players to separate Flights within a Group. Page 22. Training. Advanced Training has been renamed Top Gun. Page 22. Training. Select the EXIT button in the lower / left portion of the screen to exit the Training screen. Page 22. Training. In order to avoid problems with the training missions, please mind the following: - Resolution to 1024x768 -Cockpit view angle set to 60(default) -Mouseview off -Mirrors off -Russian HUD setting -Do not press any key but "S" to pause and un-pause while viewing Page 25. Log Book. The pull down menu to view general statistics has been removed. Page 26. Log Book. To exit the Log Book, press the Exit button in the lower / left portion of the screen. Page 29. Easy Radar. When setting the display mode to ALL, all ground, surface, and naval units will be displayed on the screen. Page 30. Mission Editor. From the File selection on the Menu Bar, Merge is also available. This allows two separate missions to be combined into a single mission. Page 30. Mission Editor. From the View selection on the Menu Bar, Crimean View has been changed to Actual Size view. Additionally, Object View and Region View have been removed. Page 30. Mission Editor. From the File selection on the Menu Bar, Record AVI has been added. After selecting a track file, this option can be enabled and allow the player to convert a track file into an AVI video. To create an AVI file, please follow these steps: 1- From the Mission Editor, select the desired Track file you wish to convert to an AVI file. 2- Once selected, select RECORD AVI from the File pull down. 3- A new dialog screen will be presented in which you can select Start and End time of recording, the compression Codec and quality level, the name you wish to save the AVI as, and the frame rate you wish the AVI to play back as. Once you have made your selections, press the Start button. Lock On will then replay the Track file frame by frame until completion. Note that this can be a long process of the recording length or frame rates have been set high. After the video had been recorded, the sound pass will automatically be recorded. This will play back in real time, but you will only hear the mission being played out. For proper AVI sound recording, ensure you have WAV as your Windows sound recording device. Page 30. Mission Editor. From the File selection on the Menu Bar, Loop track can be selected to continually loop the selected track file. Page 30. Mission Editor. The Help selection from the Menu Bar has been removed. Page 44. Mission Editor. Regarding cloud cover, when the Density is set to 5 or higher, the precipitation drop down becomes active. Selections include None, Rain, and Thunderstorm. If however the Season is set to Winter, the precipitation options will be None, Snow, and Snow-storm. Page 45. Mission Editor. Creating a Campaign. Creating a user-created campaign is a simple process that uses the fundamentals of creating a single mission within the Mission Editor. To get started, enter the Mission Editor and press the CAMP button on the left portion of the screen. You will now be presented with the Campaign creator / editor. To create a new campaign, follow these steps: 1- Select the countries that will take part in the two coalitions. From the Coalitions button at the top of the screen, place at least one country in the Red and Blue coalitions. Press OK when complete. 2- In the top Title box, enter the title of the campaign you are about to create. 3- Each mission is composed of a generated stage that you create. In the Stage box, enter the name of the first stage in the Title box. In the Description box, enter the text briefing that the player will read. 4- Create the stage as you would a normal single mission. However, all the static objects you place in the first stage will automatically be carried over to later missions. 5- When you are ready to create the next stage in the campaign, forward the stage number to 2 and create you next mission. You can keep adding stages this way until you have all the stages you wish in the mission. 6- To enter the text that the player will read when he or she has finished the campaign; select the Results button and enter the campaign debriefing text. TROUBLESHOOTING & TIPS Increasing frame rate and performance It's always a good idea to defragment your drive for better performance. Use the Windows Disk Defragmenter in Accessories/System Tools to defragment your drive. Ensure that you have the very latest drivers for you video card. You can usually obtain updated drivers on the support website of your card's manufacturer. The manufactures of the more popular video cards often update their drive sets. Ensure that you have DirectX 8.1 or higher installed on your system. DirectX 9 is included as part of the Lock On installation routine. The setup for DirectX 9 is located on the Lock On CD. Many of the "MX" type of cards are older video chips that are use more memory and are then marketed as newer cards, but many of them do not support 8.1 or higher. Older video cards MAY run Lock On but without all the effects and the performance will be questionable. Your video card MUST support DirectX 8.1 or higher. NOTE: Having the correct version of DirectX installed on your system alone is NOT the answer. Your card MUST also be compliant with 8.1 or higher. Older cards will most likely NOT meet this requirement. Shut down programs running in the background (Virus Scanners, Firewalls, etc.) Zone Alarm is known to cause problems when trying to use the Options menu as reported by several Lock On Demo users. If you choose to run other applications in the background you WILL have a lower performance with Lock On. There are several utility programs such as Enditall and others you can obtain on the Internet that can assist you in shutting down other applications. Lock On will run slower if you have all the graphics and effects settings on their highest settings. This is particularly noticeable with minimum spec computers and hardware. Your "mileage" may vary, but to get all the effects and have good performance you will need top of the line equipment. Lock On can be run at lower settings and still be a very enjoyable simulation experience, but the high end and the future of hardware were primary considerations when we designed this product and its graphics effects. Performance will also be affected by the size and content of missions. Large missions with many vehicles, missiles, aircraft, and radars will have a noticeable affect on performance and frame rates. Try adjusting the settings in the Options - Graphics screen to optimize for your best performance for your hardware. There are quite a few different options for graphics and cockpit settings in Lock On the more of them you use and the higher the quality you select then the lower your performance will be when running the program. While we would like to provide you with an optimum settings profile, it is impossible to give a profile that will be optimum for all the many different hardware configurations that users possess. You are going to have to experiment with your individual settings to see what works best for you and what options you feel are worth the hit in performance. As each of us have our own personal preferences for graphics and effects, these aspects only add to the difficulty in our providing a standard profile. Again, your preferences and personal tastes will have to be factored into how you set up the features in Lock On. The settings for WATER, VISIBLE RANGE, and COLOR have a big impact on frame rate. The WATER effects are a big frame killer even if you are not flying over water and have the setting on high, your performance will be lower. Set WATER to Low if you do not have a high performance system and/or video card. VISABLE RANGE will also take a lot of your system's performance. Unless you are using a high resolution, there really is no big difference between the Medium and High settings for this option. Medium appears to be optimum. Your results may differ depending upon your hardware. The HEAT BLUR effect is NOT compatible with your video card anti-aliasing features turned on and will create a conflict that will greatly affect performance and frame rate. If you want HEAT BLUR effects you need to turn off your anti-aliasing settings. Note: The HEAT BLUR effects do not appear for all aircraft (A-10 for example) and will not appear for aircraft if they are traveling at high speeds. The COLOR setting should really be set to 16 bit as the advantages of 32 bit are only for the very top end video cards. The advantage of 32 bit will most likely be noticeable with video cards that will be hitting the market in the near future. For now it is recommended that you stick with 16 bit. If you do use 32 bit, ensure that your Windows Desktop is also set for 32 bit. Cockpit Mirrors are nice to have, but they can rob you of performance. They are not essential, particularly for air-to-ground. Turn them off unless you really feel that you need them. You can also lower their resolution to save on performance. Joysticks, Throttles, Rudders, and other devices You may need to manually adjust your joystick, throttle, and rudders using the Options - Input menu. The default settings for Lock On may not match your particular input devices. Go to the Options section and set the select knob to INPUT in the upper right hand corner of the Options screen. In the upper left hand corner there is a toggle switch showing BUTTONS or AXIS, click on this so that AXIS is selected and then select the pull-down box window so that your particular joystick is selected instead of KEYBOARD or MOUSE. In the BUTTONS MAP text box below on the left will be a list of input areas and their corresponding inputs (PITCH, ROLL, RUDDER, THRUST, etc.) and their respective axis or rotator. To ensure your equipment is configured properly select each one and then hit the CHANGE button to upper right. A CAUTION dialog box will appear with a blank entry for an Axis input. When this box appears move the appropriate device you want to set. The proper axis or rotator will appear in the text box. Hit OK and you have set the device properly in Lock On. NOTE: This section also provides you the ability to configure dual or split throttles to control two-engine aircraft if you have such an input device. In the RESPONSES section of the INPUT screen there is a graph showing the response profile for each device. It is recommended that you select your RUDDER in BUTTONS MAP and then flip the switch in RESPONSES from SLIDER to AXIS. This will display the response curve for your RUDDER. Often the rudder input devices continue to "pull" to one side. This will cause your aircraft to roll or yaw to one side. Configuring your rudders with a bit of a "dead space" will prevent your aircraft from rolling or pulling to one side. Do this by selecting the RUDDER in the BUTTONS MAP area and then moving the D-ZONE slider a small amount to the left. You will notice a flat line appear in the middle of the response curve. This will create a dead space at the center of your rudder that will prevent rudder inputs while your rudder is in the center position. It is also recommended that you increase the curve by placing the SHIFT slider in the middle position of the slider giving the rudders a smooth response curve on both sides. There is also a selection on this screen that will allow you reverse (invert) the directions of your input devices. Trim and Control Several of the aircraft, the MiG-29 in particular MUST be constantly trimmed or your control inputs will not be as effective. Read the section on trim and consult the appropriate Tutorial Mission to learn how to trim the aircraft. ALT-T will neutralize your trim settings. NOTE: Airspeed changes also affect trim settings. Be sure to adjust trim after coming out of Autopilot. Audio Adjustments If you are having choppy or distorted sound, turn Hardware Acceleration OFF in your DirectX Sound Settings. To do this, run the DirectX Diagnostics Tool (C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxdiag.exe), select the SOUND tab, and turn off Hardware Acceleration with the slider. Even if you do not have distorted sounds, many users of the Demo have reported better performance with Hardware Acceleration turned off. If you wish play other titles, you may have to return the Hardware Acceleration settings to their previous setting. If you want more ambient sounds in the cockpit you will need to adjust your audio volume settings in the Options - Sound screen. Adjust the sliders for the various sound effects to the levels you prefer. If you like to hear the engines and gun fire from the cockpit then you should increase the ENGINES and COCKPIT sliders to higher. 100% for COCKPIT will give you both engines and gun sounds. Note that when your aircraft is supersonic, the sounds in the cockpit will be very quite. As with the graphics settings, the volume of the various sounds in Lock On is an individual taste. You need to experiment with the settings to obtain the sound levels you desire. Engaging Targets with Weapons Familiarize yourself with the proper way to configure your aircraft for combat modes. The weapons will not fire unless you configure your aircraft to the proper combat mode. The default mode is Navigation when you first start a mission. The weapons will not fire in Nav mode. Configure View Options In the LockOn/Config/View directory is a file named, "view.cfg". This file can be opened in notepad and altered to offer new default view angles. CDDS Texture File Utility This utility allows users to open and modify the exiting texture files in Lock On. 1- Extract Textures from CDDS files by running ExtractTextures.exe 2- Change selected texture 3- Place edited textures into LockOn\Bazar\TempTextures directory Lock On will recognize the individual texture files IF they are present in the LockOn\Bazar\TempTextures directory. If no individual texture files are present, then Lock On will default to find the appropriate texture in the CDDS files. Taking Screenshots and Recording Videos Screenshots can be made by hitting the PrtScn (Print Screen) button. Each time you hit this button a screenshot will be created and saved to the Lock On Screenshots subdirectory with a sequential naming convention. If you wish to remove the information bar for exterior views hit the "Y" key twice to turn off the bar. Hitting "Y" again will toggle the bar back on. DirectX Installation Lock On includes the option to install DirectX 8.1. Lock On can also run with later versions of DirectX that can be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/ Video Card trouble shooting Matrox Parhelia 128 (not fully supported) 1- You may experience some texture flickering if the 3D antialiasing of the video card is set to "FAA-16x always" 2- If the 3D antialiasing of the video card is set to "FAA-16x always". You will notice a white line across your screen. 3- The Exit button may not be accessible if your resolution is set to 2400 x 600 Key Input Changes 1-Cockpit camera discrete steps have been implemented with Ctrl - Keypad 1-9 or Ctrl - Joystick hat. Alt-Z toggles between snap modes (to return or not to return camera tacitly). The discrete steps are configurable in the Config/View/View.cfg file. 2- If you experience trouble using the S key to un-pause the game, you may need to re-map this key in the Options / Input section. On rare occasions, USB keyboards have been reported to have such problems 2- Ctrl-Keypad 5 action has been changed to Alt-Keypad 5 for F11 view. 3- Shift-F11 trains/cars toggle has been added for Ctrl-F12 view. Hardcopy Reference Manual Available Digital Aspirin is producing a 'leather type' triple fold ring binder with over 300 pages of information for the Lock On: Modern Air Combat fan. In addition to the 136 page full-color, PDF manual that will is shipped with the game, the paper manual will also contain a 70 page additional training section, plus 120 pages of technical data concerning each of the air, ground and naval units in the game. On top of this, a section for quick reference in mind is included. This includes a key reference guide, landing / take-off and engagement checklists and mission planning sheets. Digital Aspirin will also include a large, fold out map that the virtual pilots can use to plan and execute missions. For more information please visit www.lomac-manual.com The manual will be available to ship worldwide beginning in early December 2003. Technical Support Whenever you contact the Technical Support Department, please include the following information or have it available if you are calling: • Complete product title (including version number) • Exact error message reported (if applicable) and a brief description of the problem you're encountering • Processor speed and manufacturer • Amount of RAM • Operating system • Video card that you are using and amount of RAM it uses • Maker and speed of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive • Type of Sound Card you are using Contact us over the internet This is the best way to contact us. Our website is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and it contains the most up to date Technical Support information available including patches that can be downloaded free of charge. We update the Support pages on a daily basis so please check here first for solutions to your problems http://www.ubisoft.com/support Contact us by phone You can also contact us by phone by calling (919) 460-9778. Note that this number is for technical assistance only. No hints or tips are given over the Technical Support line. When calling our Technical Support line, please make sure you are in front of your computer and have all of the necessary information listed above at hand. Be advised that our Technical Support Representatives are available to help you Monday-Friday from 9 am- 9 pm (Eastern Standard Time). Contact us by standard mail If all else fails you can write to us at: Ubi Soft Technical Support 3200 Gateway Centre Blvd Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560 Matt "Wags" Wagner Producer / Ubisoft IL-2 Forgotten Battles Lock On: Modern Air Combat
  23. Damn, that cuts me out :( Me too, since I thought they previous posts were rather funny myself.... :D Archer, lighten up a little buddy... As for the idea, it's not a bad one, but while it sounds like a blast, (speaking for myself) I wouldn't have the time to organize or lead a squad with everything else I need to get done around the site over the next few months. Mudd might be interested, but he'll have to comment on that.
  24. New Member...

    I copied this post over to the Virtual Squadrons forum so everyone will see this post. Welcome aboard!
  25. Half-life2 Source Code Leaked

    Jeez, this is not good news. Seems the Half-Life 2 code has been leaked to the internet and now a bunch of people have their hands on the code, which of course is gonna mean cheating on the servers. Valve's Gabe Newell has an official statement, via ShackNews/HalfLife2.net, indicating "infiltration of our network" and appealing for information on the culprits. You can read more over at Halflife2.net or this link: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread...?threadid=10692

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