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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. East Coast Nas Afcad's

    I think it's time for a Military FS2K4 download section. I'm working on the downloads section this weekend, so stay tuned.
  2. I Just Ripped Of Desert Combat

    Hey, that's cool... B)
  3. Favorite Movie

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Best. Comedy. Ever. :P I love their stuff!
  4. Favorite Movie

    Alien (Ridley Scott) was the first. Then Aliens (James Cameron) was the second. There are no others in the series as far as I'm concerned... ;)
  5. Favorite Movie

    What!!?! No one has mentioned Aliens yet? That's it, everyone get the hell off my website... :P Best. Movie. Ever.
  6. Matrix Revolutions

    I'm still trying to decide if I liked it or hated it... <_< As for the APU's, you would think they would build some pilot protection into that thing. Hell a windshield would have been better than nothing...
  7. Biohaz Mp

    I'll work on putting together a server here just for this. Give me a week or two to get things going. :)
  8. Alien Vs Predator

    Best news I've read all day, well except for the Seahawks beating the Steelers... http://www.avp-movie.com/ This thing's been in the works for a good 10-12 years and it's finally gonna happen. Aliens was the Best. Movie. Ever. B)
  9. Great-looking skin! Be sure to send it up when you have it done!
  10. Lots of game fixes in this one. Grab them here: http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html
  11. I think we have that addon in the Strike Fighters section in the files area. Check here: http://dev.biohazcentral.com
  12. Biohaz Mp

    I'll be gone next weekend, but I think we can get something worked out for maybe Thanksgiving weekend or thereabouts?
  13. Already posted in the downloads bud... :P :D
  14. Wanna Host Fs Flight ?

    Mudd, I just took a look at that, it's pretty slick. It's not something I could run on the web server, but I COULD setup a box here off my Broadband connection and run it here at home. I would be more than willing to do that if there is an interest by enough people. So, who out there would be willing to use something like this? I would like to get a quick head count to see if it's worth putting something together...
  15. Biohaz Mp

    Great idea! You want to organize something for us?? (not so subtle hint... ;) ) I do think it's a great idea, I know quite a few of us have FS2k4 at this point, and several have expressed an interest in it over the past 2 months.
  16. Login?

    Actually, I didn't know you were having issues, did you send me a message? :( When you say one login doesn't work with the other, do you mean you have to use a different username/password, or you just have to use the same one twice? If that's the case, it's the way it works unfortunately. I've integrated the forum and website, but only so far as when you signup to one area, it signs you up to both. The actually cookies it saves to your PC are different.
  17. huh, wha?! I'm Awake mommy... err, nevermind... ;) Actually I did fix it, unfortunately, I only did it on one skin and not all of them. DOH! I'll put in a quick fix this weekend. For the record, I'm working on a new Biohaz forum skins with the colors more in line with the old layout. I personally hate all the existing skins I have installed, none of them are 'right' in my book. I'm about halfway done with the layout,I hope to get it completed by next weekend.
  18. The package was pulled due to CTD's, they guys are working on it and it will be reposted soon...
  19. A few days ago I chatted with Nic Cole, the force behind the upcoming leather-bound LOMAC Manual to find out more about the project and the man behind it all. Read the Nic Cole Interview
  20. Just send them up via the upload link at http://dev.biohazcentral.com
  21. Hello

    I'm so there!
  22. Quick Q For Mj....

    I don't know, maybe we should ask that person... :P Oh wait, you're talking about this little ol' site? Once I get a few more tasks out of the way I might start running a FEW unobtrusive sim-related ads just to dig up a little extra cash for the site. I'm sure with the way things are in this post dot-com era, that will be VERY little... ;) I noticed that, we may actually break 1000 in a month or so. Not bad for a year+ old sim website. Fun/frustrating/proud/bothersome... Depends on the day. :) Seriously, it's a lot of work, but I do get a lot of satisfaction out of it. The last six months have been especially rough with the house move and ongoing remodeling, site issues, etc. There were a couple of times the last few months I was an easy decision away from chucking the whole thing. But things are finally easing up here, the site has been pretty stable with the new host, and I have an absolutely excellent staff that keep things fun, as well as forces me to raise the bar around here and strive to make things better. Fates, Mudd, Beer, Dice, and the rest are the people you should thank. If it wasn't for them I doubt the site would still be up. This one's on me guys! :) Actually, the old site counter reads 1,465,073 hits as of right now. Add the 256,056 from the new site and we are getting close to 2 million hits since August 2002. Again, not bad for a website that's advertised pretty much by word-of-mouth. I would really like to get close to double that number of hits in the next twelve months, I guess we'll see what happens. Thanks for the kind words, they are much appreciated... B)
  23. Tm Cougar Going On Sale At Ebay

    I'll post a note on this on the frontpage Snacky, I'm sure someone will be interested.
  24. Can We Get A New Winking Emote

    Agreed, these suck. I am planning on bringing back the old ones, or I have my eyes on a custom set of orange similes... I'll put it on my to-do list... :D

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