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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. I wanted to take a few moments to let everyone know we have several new staff members helping cover the daily flight sim news. CowboyTodd41 is a longtime user that will be covering a variety of sims, while MrFrench's multi-lingual skills will come in handy covering a lot of the great french sim sites such as Check6. Be sure to give them a warm Biohaz welcome!
  2. Anyone Here Have The Title?

    Thanks Tarheel, that's exactly what I needed! That and the damn scenario completion patch. When I bought this a long time ago I could never get the first mission to complete, so I gave up on it. Now I have something to keep me busy until Harpoon 4 comes out... ;)
  3. I had a couple of requests for some pics showing different SAM launch sequences, so I thought I would throw some up. There are a LOT of SAM systems modelled in LOMAC, so I grabbed shots from 4 of the more common ones including the SA-10 and SA-11 on the Soviet side, and the Hawk and Patriot systems on the NATO side. There are about 7 images in each sequence showing the system, launch, flight & impact. Enjoy! Check out the new full-size images here...
  4. The new site software is now up and running! You can login to the site using the same username/password as you use on the forum. They'll be some missing and broken stuff over the next week as I get things up and running, as well as changing the site colors and such. Please bear with me while I clean up the mess.
  5. Great news, I posted a notice on the frontpage...
  6. ATI was true to their word and released the new Cats at 3PM EDT. This is a big release, with a lot of bugfixes as well as performance increases, as well as quite a few new features. 3.8 Release Notes Grab the XP Drivers here!
  7. Login?

    Vegas, my mistake, try it again, it WILL work this time. ;)
  8. Mudd, I edited the post to allow the images to show.
  9. Calendar?

    They are posted in the Image Gallery here: http://www.biohazcentral.com/gallery/calendars
  10. A Navy Joke.....

    Seems to be a rash of drinkin' and postin' lately, eh Snapple?? ^_^
  11. I just went in and re-enabled the feature. If people abuse it too much I may have to rethink this, but for now it's enabled on most of the forums.
  12. A Navy Joke.....

    Schizo. did I miss something here? What the hell are you talking about?
  13. How To Edit My Album (f-5e Project)

    PM sent... ;)
  14. Now that things are finally starting to come together after the forced move, it's time to get back to the business of LOMAC. What better way then some nice new screenies! Since everyone's got a good look at the A-10, Mirage and Mig-29 I thought I would show something different, so this series of pics focus on the F/A-18, with a Tornado shot for garnish. You can see all 14 new pics in the LOMAC Image Gallery
  15. I know there's lots to do and while I'm working as fast as I can, my time is rather limited at the moment. So, I thought I would put it up for a vote on what I should concentrate on next. Please, your input is important to me, so throw out your thoughts or anything I might have missed that you guys think is important I focus on next.
  16. Excellent vid Mudd, smooth and really shows off the TrackIR panning nicely. Be sure to put a link on the frontpage... ;) I've downloaded the F-16 addon but haven't had time to install it yet. A matter of fact, I haven't had time to do ANYTHING fun on the computer the last few weeks... ;)
  17. I did some major work last night and got (I think) all the downloads restored. Until I get them moved over to the new system they are accessable here: http://dev.biohazcentral.com It's a restore of the old site defaulted to go to the downloads area. I've also edited the downloads link in the main menu to point there as well until I get all the downloads sorted and re-entered into the new system. If you notice any links that are missing or broken please let me know. Enjoy! MadJeff Site Admin
  18. Login?

    Vegas, try it now and let me know when you get logged on, then I'll delete this account.
  19. We've got another great new addition to the Biohaz staff! Beer has joined the staff here at Biohaz and will be helping out with the Naval Simulations moderating chores as well as taking on the role of our new NavSim Editor. His background is perfectly suited for the task, but I'll let him talk more about that. Beer's been a longtime regular member, but be sure to give him a warm Biohaz welcome anyway! :P
  20. Not getting anything here Dagger, you can always upload the images here locally.
  21. A Personal Opinion About Biohaz Members

    Luckily, my warnings are few and far between. We've been pretty lucky here, other than a few incidences, the community is pretty laid back and courteous to each other, and I think it shows. Good thing since I'm generally a pretty lazy person, and too much work would scare me off... ;) My hats off to you guys, as YOU are what makes this forum what it is. I'm just glad I can supply the technology and location to enable such a great community to happen in the first place.
  22. Forum Message Listings

    It's in the works Chief, we are having to code this one by hand. I hope to have something in place next week.
  23. Lock On

    Lexicon, you are entitled to your opinion, and I wouldn't try to change your mind, but I do have to say this. If you are having problems with the demo with that system then you have something setup wrong. I have a 2100+ with a Radeon 9600 Pro and 512Mb RAM and the demo runs quite respectably on my sustem with almost all detail maxxed. As far as the comment on not releasing a buggy demo, they only released a demo because they were trying to make the community happy after listening to people whine for 6 months to release a demo. So then what happens? A bunch of people whine because it's based on a early beta and they want ED to spend more time fixing code that is about 6 versions old. I think a lot of people in this community need to grow up and realize that the world doesn't revolve around them personally. Lex, I remember you came on the forum when FS2K4 was released complaining of the same things, frame rates in the single digits, poor models, etc. After we gave you some helpful suggestions you got things sorted out and apparently are now enjoying it. We can attempt to do that for the LOMAC demo as well if you like. But the idea that <insert sim title here> looks better than LOMAC is dubious at best. I've personally owned or flown just about every sim since the old Commodore64 days, and I can say without hesitation that this is the BEST looking sim I've ever flown, BAR NONE. The terrain, the aircraft models, even the atmospheric conditions (except the clouds in FS2K4, hard to beat those) are incredible. If you think that Strike FIghters looks better then you have obviously got your PC setup wrong IMHO. <_<
  24. Comming Up On 1 Year At Biohaz

    There is a chat room onsite, go to the echat link on the main site menu. You can open it up in a window and chat away while you surf. :D
  25. Skater's back with us after being out for 2 months with wrist surgery and starts off with a full-fledged review of the DHS-Electronic Simped Vario F-16+ Rudder Pedals. So what did Skater have to say about this expensive piece of HOTAS kit? You can read the full in-depth review here: Vario F-16 Pedals Review by Skater Great review!

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