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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. This morning, Ranger332 posted a disturbing thread on the death of a fellow biohaz member in Iraq while serving his country. I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say it troubled me greatly this morning. As evidence in the thread shows, I was not alone in this sadness, as many of you posted condolences in the thread. We were all duped. Yes, you read it right. Ranger332 lied to us. Actually, he didn't lie, PhantomWarrior did die. But PhantomWarrior was just an alter ego and alias for one of several accounts held by Ranger332. Something didn't seem quite "right" when I read the initial post, so I started to investigate. When I looked at all of PhantomWarrior's (from here on referred to as PW) messages, several things stood out to me. First off, in one of PW's posts he said he was 39 years old and retired military. That got me thinking, why was he in Iraq? Then I started looking at other things. For instance, on a whim, I looked at his sig image and found out it was linked to an image located at: http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ranger332walker/images/pwsig.jpg Wait a sec, I though Ranger barely knew the guy. But hell, he was probably just being nice and sharing some webspace. Then I checked IP addresses PW posted from. You see, when you post on the Biohaz forum (or just about any forum for that matter) your IP address is logged. It took about 2 seconds to realize that PW and Ranger were posting from the same dsl exchange in Austin, Texas (dsl.austtx.swbell.net). At first I couldn't find an exact match, but there was other interesting clues. For instance, Take SandViper's post. After I asked Ranger to find out more info so we could do some sort of 'memorial' for PW, he said he would try to find out more from his friend SandViper. A little while later SandViper left a vague message. Guess where SandViper posted from: This evening, I got a rambling message from Ranger about PW's family: Tonight, Fates found the smoking gun. Ranger, you are one stupid sick individual. Bulls**tting me is one thing, you've tried to do it before, and you were banned for over a month. Against my better judgement and the recommendations of my staff, I allowed you to come back online with the express warning not to try pulling any more crap. Not 3 weeks later, you bulls**t me (and the whole community) again, bigtime. That's bad enough, but to lie to the Biohaz community about a death of a soldier is beyond belief. I could go on a tirade for the next hour on what kind of a pathetic lowlife sick scumbag you are, but I think I'll let some of the REAL men and women who served in our armed forces speak on that. As for me, I'll make it simple. You are banned from this community for as long as I have any say. Do not darken my door again with your pathetic existence and fake accounts. I WILL be watching for you. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out any aliases you might come up with, as your 1st grade language skills give you away easily. Also banned are your other aliases: Jaeger332 SandViper and the dearly departed PhantomWarrior Plus any others I find with matching IP's. And I WILL be looking. I will hold the ban on your account for 1 day to see if you have anything to say for yourself, not that I can imagine anything you could say to make up for what you've done here today. The most I can hope for is an apology to the community for your actions. Get some professional help man, you need it. Dismissed.
  2. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    Actually Dagger, I agree. There is nothing more to be gained from this thread. I am done with this ugly incident as of now, and it's time for all of use to move on to better things. Ranger has been banned as of now and no longer has posting priviliges. Since he can no longer defend himself I will lock the thread. Let's put this one behind us. MadJeff Site Owner/Admin www.biohazcentral.com
  3. Update on "Armand"

    So Chief, how's he doing today? I've been waiting all day for some good news! ;)
  4. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    You mean this thread: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=1292 Damn, how did we miss this one? :shock: He's posted that pic plus this one a lot: Wow, this pic was a gold mine. Check these out: 1. Definately not a black man. 2. Check out the PhantomWarrior poster. 3. Wait, there's a name label on the back of that helmet. Let's zoom in on that... Well, what do you know....
  5. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    While I normally don't condone it, in this case I can understand. ;)
  6. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    I know how you feel. I too kept trying to come up with a good explanation of what I was seeing yesterday, long after everyone else involved was telling me to nail him. But the evidence doesn't lie, and it is overwhelming. I will say this. If I was shown unequivocal 3rd-party proof that what Ranger has said is the truth, I would be the first to admit I was wrong, publicly as well as privately to Ranger. But I cannot believe anything Ranger says at this point. He was caught in a lie before when he took credit for another's mod work, then tried to cover it up with crudely doctored images to back up his claim. (see this thread for more info: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=2258 ) Against popular opinion I let him come back after the temporary ban. So you can see why I cannot accept his lame excuses as to what happened. They don't fly from a technical or logical standpoint. It's unfortunate, but sometimes the truth hurts.
  7. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    For you new users to the forums here at BiohazCentral, this public flogging of Ranger is not the usual mode of operations here. In the year plus this forum has been operational, we have banned ONE person. I pride myself in the friendly community atmosphere we have here, and I try to keep things as loose as possible. I spent the day yesterday really torn on how to handle this as the evidence mounted against Ranger. Some of you might think that maybe I should handle this privately, and if it was just an issue between the two of us that's exactly how I would have handled it. But unfortunately, Ranger didn't lie to just me, he lied to the entire Biohaz community. To me, that is unacceptable. We are family here, and when someone takes advantage of that I will come down hard. At this point, this is all I'm planning on saying on this matter. I've stated the case and the reason Ranger is being banned. At this point you can make your own decisions on the issue.
  8. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    And more... There are quite a few more of these matching IP's for the various aliases. And here's an interesting thread, which I think really shows just how sick Ranger is: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.p...highlight=#8640 In it, Ranger's "Wife" and PhantomWarrior discuss the fact that Ranger is gone for awhile, supposedly on deployment. Of interest, look at the pic showing Ranger's profile in Strike Fighters, especially the name. I attached it to this thread so he cannot delete the evidence: If you remember the post above, SandViper's stated name in his website profile is Mike Walker. I will give you this Ranger. You have a total of 5 posts made from the location of agtx-guards-w01.tx.ngb.army.mil. 5 out of over 1700 posts. It was easy to spot as it comes from a COMPLETELY different Netblock than your dsl account. The vast majority of your messages (as well as ALL of Jeager's/SandViper's/PhantomWarrior's) come from the xxx.dsl.austtx.swbell.net Netblock. So, it appears as if you do something out at the Texas National Guard, although at this point you could be the janitor for all I know.
  9. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    Oh man, the more I dig the worse it gets. I went to disable SandViper's account on the website and guess what I found. His email account is: Mike.Walker@xxx.ngb.army.mil (Email domain slightly changed for privacy) So what, you may ask. Let's look at the path to PhantomWarrior's sig, shall we? http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ranger332walker/images/pwsig.jpg Let's look at some more "coincidences", shall we? Ranger's Site URL taken from his profile: http://www.geocities.com/rekbre/SFW.html PhantomWarrior's email account from his Virtual Squadron roster page and his account here: rekbre@netscape.net
  10. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    You are correct, he has been helpful to people in the past. That's what makes this all the more unbelievable to me. But the facts don't lie, nor can the be explained away with the utterly lame excuses he is trying to come up with now. The more excuses he gives, the deeper the hole he digs himself.
  11. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    Can't really speak to that one way or another, although I don't believe a word you say at this point. SandViper has posted 7 times. All 7 times he posted they were from your IP. A few times, maybe, but if he really plays online he would log in from his own IP at least once. This dog won't hunt. Guess what, I did an IP trace. He didn't post from your website, he posted from your internet router! This was you're undoing BTW. There was a ton of circumstantial evidence (and I mean a TON) but you cannot explain the IP address match away. You said you met him once on a flightline. You are pathetic. I never understood why guilty people never know when to just say, "damn, you caught me. I did it"
  12. Update on "Armand"

    Great news! Keep us posted please!
  13. As I'm sure you've noticed, we are getting some rather weird server issues going on, blank pages, mySQL erros, etc. I'm working to resolve and will post when things are back to normal, but for now things are rather 'Flakey'... :D
  14. Well Here's an interesting pic.

    That's gotta be a fake, there are WAY too many lights showing. Hell, look at the midwest, Montana, the Dakotas, there is no way there are that many large light sources there....
  15. HOAX - A Salute to PW - HOAX

    What? This is indeed sorry news. This is the first Biohaz regular we have lost that I am aware of. Any idea what he was doing in Iraq? IIRC, he was 39 and retired wasn't he?? Hold on... Just did a search on his old posts and came across this. In case anyone is confused on who this is just click the link for a listing of his previous posts: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/search.php?...=PhantomWarrior
  16. sig

    30mm, is that not A-10.org's banner? Not sure how they would feel about you using it as a sig...
  17. Wright Flyer Simulation

    ArgonV is the WWI Moderator for Biohaz and doesn't get around to the other forums as much, so he didn't see your post. It's more relevent in this forum anyway. ;) Carry on...
  18. Moved to the Strike Fighters forum... The hat mappings needed to be edited by hand, do a search on hat map and see what you come up with...
  19. sig

    Same deal here: [img=http://home.kooee.com.au/andrewcarmen/jetsig.gif] Just copy and paste into your profile. Nice sig BTW. ;)
  20. sig

    Killer, this is how it should look in your sig: [img=http://www.x-plane.org/users/30mmKiller/a10.jpg] Although I clicked the link and there was no file by that name, so be sure you get it there.
  21. Agreed, that pic is definately legit, looks like one of the coastal towns to me. Looks like what I've seen as well. I'll do some screenies tonight for comparison.
  22. What Det drivers are you on? They just released a new version a week or so ago. Be sure you have the latest 4in1 drivers if your running a Via chipset.
  23. The Biohaz Store is now online!

    Actually, I'm working on a design for it now... I want to do a few different aircraft design tee's, should be cool.

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