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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Got it today!

    Just picked it up at Costco today for $46, installing as I type. The metal case was a nice touch, it looks really nice on my shelf!
  2. Calling MadJeff, Come in MadJeff

    rgr, received and perusing now... :D
  3. yes it did, unfortunately I've been too busy to finish the job. Fates did a great job on some artwork, but the ball's in my court right now. Stay tuned...
  4. A thought

    I should post a link to that on the main page. I'm sure there a few that would love to take it out for a spin again.
  5. In hot... Check out the bombs fishtailing as they come off the racks... Just before impact Egressing Limping home
  6. A thought

    Preach on brother! :D
  7. Gecko, you aren't prejudiced for SF are you? Actually, most of the birds have oil streak, weathering, etc. Take this one: Notice the weathering on the wings, such as the darker paint where the wings sweep into the body. Here's another one: Notice the oil streaks along the ailerons and seams on the wing.
  8. Sorry about that, I seem to have broke it. It's now fixed. :D
  9. Not me, it was my wingman. You think I would scratch the paint? ;)
  10. Lex, if you want to complain about release dates that's one thing, but your rant is a little over the top, so it was edited. Let's keep the language civil please.
  11. Here's a series of pics showing a cruise missile strike on a carrier with some rather spectacular results. Here's the windup... and the pitch! Check out the boosters falling away... It's a low slider Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark!
  12. Go with the Pro, it's got faster RAM and you can OC it a lot better. It's worth the extra few bucks you are going to spend. You'll like the card, it's what I have and I'm finding I can OC the thing another 180Mhz above stock and stay rock-solid stable. And it runs LOMAC well. Of course, a 9800Pro would run it even better...
  13. I am having as much fun creating AI fights as I am flying! Here's some misc. pics for today... In Hot... Spanked by a Shilka B-1 Money Shot 1 B-1 Money Shot 2
  14. rgr that, submit a story for me? I'll post it as soon as you do... ;)
  15. Navy Cheifs:

    FE!! Welcome back!
  16. Take a look at some of the environmental effects...
  17. Rgr that, it was an AI pilot. Damage most definately effects your flight however, as I've experienced quite a bit yesterday Purely for experimental reason, not because of stupid flying...
  18. Flew first successful IFR with FS9

    Damn Shep, that is one dead-on shot... :D
  19. Sigs

    use the IMG tags, like this: [img=url to sig]
  20. Fixed it. You guys need to tell me when this stuff is broken... ;)
  21. You can drop Stingers and hand-held SAMs, but there are no ground troops as in grunts running around shooting small arms at you. :D
  22. Just wanted to let everyone know I should have my LOMAC preview build in my hot little hands sometime next week and will be writing up a few preview articles soon afterward, so stay tuned!
  23. Here's some different pics showing various carrier ops... How's that for detail Call the ball On the deck One wire?

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