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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Here they are folks, the first of many screenshots! I thought I would start the lot with some of the neglected aircraft. Tomcats on the prowl And there's the prey... Knife Fight Going down Heading home, minus one
  2. I've been flying WW2 Fighters whenever I get the itch to fly WWII Props. It still looks prettier (IMHO) than FB. And those 3d cockpits...
  3. Right now the best bang for your buck in the 150-200 range is the Radeon 9600 Pro. If money is not an object, the 9800 Pro is the best right now. The Radeon cards seem to have a better quality image as well as better AA capabilities. Just MHO...
  4. I'm ashamed to say it...but...I don't own FB OR IL-2. There, I said it. I'm so ashamed... :D
  5. Burried Mig-25 in Iraq

    Man, what a waste, that is just sad...
  6. Project-1 Bug Forum deleted

    I decided to remove the Project-1 Bug Reporting forum since TK will have his own bug reporting on his site once SP2 is out (I imaging). I moved all the posts into the Project-1 General Forum so we don't lose anything.
  7. This was quite an interesting fight and really showed off the AI. I purposely set the two sides fairly close at the start of combat. 001 was shot down pretty quick from a lucky shot, but 002 really got into it with one of the Migs. It was a real turn fight for about 4 minutes before the F-14 finally got the upper hand. You can actually setup the skill level of EACH pilot from novice to excellent, with about 5 choices in between. And it does make a difference. I had set up 003 and 004 as novice, and they splashed pretty quickly, while 002 (set on expert) gave quite a fight. So my initial reaction is that the AI was pretty good, as I never really saw them do anything stupid in this fight.
  8. The preview writing starts today, but I guess I can cough up that much. Right now I'm running on a Athlon XP1900 (overclocked to a 2200+) with a Radeon 9600 Pro. Graphics settings are on high and AA set to 4x. Not a monster system by any means. And an FYI, I actually ran it on my old Radeon AIW 32meg card and it still looked good, and ran quite well with some of the detail off. One other thing. The graphics and vids do NOT do this sim justice. It's the little things you can't see in screenshots that make this thing so immersive.
  9. Stormin, thanks! I was having too much fun to actually figure out the commands last night. :D I'll do that on the next set, which should be later tonight...
  10. After a week or so off, we get a new 'official' video today. This one details an AI-controlled ground battle with tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery, multiple rocket launchers, SAMS, and AAA. The action shown is from the Russian perspective, next week we get the NATO perspective. Grab the new 6.4Mb WMV video here.
  11. this is sweet..

    Seawold, PM inbound... :D
  12. this is sweet..

    Anyone up to writing a in-depth review on this? I'm neck-deep in the LOMAC thing and won't be able to get to it for a little while...
  13. Gary Coleman for California Governor

    Doh, that hurt... ;) I find little humor in that... Damn now you got me doing it...
  14. The explosions and detail in this vid is awesome, one of the best vids yet.
  15. Check out this post by jetson, he has a ton of tech info and plans for planes of the era: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.p...=asc&highlight=
  16. Welcome to Biohaz! There's a lot of resources here for you, we have a lot of talented modders here that can help you out. The F-84 is looking good! :D
  17. I would like to welcome aboard Dagger as our newest staffer here at Biohaz. Dagger will be keeping up with all the latest Strike Fighters news and info as well as moderating the Strike Fighters forums. he is sorely needed around here as I have not been able to keep up with all the SF news lately. Be sure to give him a warm welcome! :D
  18. A new name for the pub

    Actually, that's not a bad idea. I could create a forum for aviation pics. It would be a nice resource for modders as well as just plain cool. :D What do you think?
  19. MJ check your PMs

    actually, just got one, did you send 2?
  20. MJ check your PMs

    rgr, just got it... ;)
  21. Some major bad news on the MultiPlayer front today. Jiri just posted this on the HyperLobby site a few minutes ago This is a major blow to sim users. I'll post more as it comes in, but you can read more on the HyperLobby site.
  22. hit Grisoft.com and grab their free AVG virus scanner. Best one I've used and it's free, uses almost no system resources (Unlike McAfee and Norton...)
  23. Well it looks like HL will stay after all, but Jiri's follow-up message certainly didn't shine any light on the problem... ;)

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