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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Just to put the final nail in this coffin, here's a quote from Wags himself: Nuff said, next on the agenda... :D
  2. Bard, you obviously don't know me very well do you... ;) I'm about as straight-shooting as they come, and I've never pulled punches on anything I preview.
  3. I agree. The Ubi forums have been downright ugly lately, with so many people claiming 'entitlement' of everything, from no-time demos to perfect flight models. It's a wonder any dev makes any statement to this community at all at this point. :(
  4. Full quote from Igor Tishin on the situation: So it looks to me like it is a false alarm, as I figured it was. All I know is it's fun as hell to fly!
  5. Actually, I haven't been able to sit down for more than a few minutes this weekend and play with it. :D I'm going to try and sit down for an hour or so and write up my initial thoughts and get some screenshots together. I'm testing it on my lower-end system right now to see how things work. The answer might surprise you, it's not as slow as you would think. More later... ;)
  6. USAFMTL, send them up, the up/downloads are working now. :D
  7. It was linked to another site that seems to be down. I pulled the link until I can upload the real files here locally.
  8. I did some major rework of the script and it seems to be working now. Can everyone that was having issues go check it out and report back for me please?
  9. Here it is, my first screenshot from my preview build. Take a look at the detail on this SU-25 cockpit, and keep in mind this shot was taken on an old original Radeon AIW 32Meg card (haven't dropped my new R9600Pro in yet): Look at the reflections in the HUD glass as well as the canopy glass. As you pan the around the cockpit the detail is amazing! All I can say is the screenshots and vids have not done this game justice, and I don't even have a good vidcard installed yet. I don't want to give away too much yet since I just started messing with it, but all I can say so far is Wow! Stay tuned...
  10. Great new video and 2 screenshots today of a Su-25 "Frogfoot" taking a pounding while performing a cluster-bomb attack on a convoy of M-109 self-propelled artillery. The cluster-bomb explosion effects are incredible! Grab the new 9.0Mb WMV video here.
  11. I can look at a lot of that, but you guys need to remember this is a PREview not a REview, there is a difference. From what I've played so far a lot of things are close to complete, while other things are not so polished. While I have a pretty recent build, it will be far different then the final RTM version I'm sure. ;) But I'll do what I can.
  12. Ask away. I plan on a very thorough preview and will try and concentrate on a lot of stuff that has not been covered before.
  13. It's here! In a plain brown wrapper even! Installing as I type....
  14. This is for all you skinners out there. We got an email today from Rollan asking about a decal problem he's fighting, so I thought I would post it here. Any ideas?
  15. Gecko6 took a few moments to sit down and take a few questions on the Tainted Cigar campaign that is currently in the works. Here's a sample: You can read the full interview and also take a look at some of the latest screenshots in the dev album.
  16. It's out!

    I've seen several people mention seeing and buying 2K4 as of yesterday, so sounds like it made it out a few days early.
  17. A moment to reflect... :0)

    Welcome to the "Get a Life or at least get out in the sun a little" gang... :D
  18. It's been on and off all week. The frustrating thing is that it works perfectly for me here and at work. I'm working on it... :D
  19. Test Sig

    Spade4, use the code below, you forgot to add the IMG tags... [img=http://www.world-data-systems.com/aerofiles/albums/userpics/sigbusch.gif]
  20. Skater got a chance to sit down and chat with the creators of the awesome new Vario Pro rudder pedals and asked a slew of questions about how they came about. Here's a snippet: Simped Vario Pedals Interview
  21. DoomIII Minimum System Specs

    Min. system specs were announced by the man himself, John Carmack. 1GHz CPU 256MB RAM GF1 or Radeon 7xxx series card Not as bad as I thought. Just don't expect a lot of eye candy with the above. You can read more at 3DActionPlanet here.
  22. Here's the link: ftp://ftp.ubisoft.de/lockon/lockon_movie20.zip You can read more in this thread (with screenshots): http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.php?t=2215 You should be able to find links to any of the vids here on the forums or by searching the lomac news article archives on the main site.
  23. As FS2k4 is due out the 29th and I along with a lot of you are planning on picking this one up, so I thought we would go ahead and add a forum for it. I know, we are conbat flight sim oriented, but damn this sim just looks too good to pass on. See you in the skies!
  24. We were writing at the same time. :D It's on the frontpage.
  25. Another Thursday, another set of pics. Today we get to se a little Tomcat vs. Su-27 action. The smoke effects are really getting to a nice finished state. Grab the new 13.8Mb WMV video here.

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