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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. can't get into the downloads

    Damn this is odd. Now it's not working here either. The stupid thing is it's all from the same script in the same location. ggrrrr... I'll look at it again today.
  2. Man, that's a neck injury waiting to happen... :D This has front-page written all over it... :P
  3. Seems to be fixed for me, try it and post your results. :D
  4. can't get into the downloads

    Seems to be fixed for me, try it and post your results. :D
  5. can't get into the downloads

    That's weird. I can hit it from home, but not here at work. I thought it was my DNS cache here but was too lazy to flush it and test. I'll have a look and see what I can come up with...
  6. Anybody know where I can get a copy of Fleet Command?

    If you mean "Where can I buy a copy" I've seen it at the bargain bin at several places like Walmart and Office Depot.
  7. Yep, they are now online. You guys are gonna bust my bandwidth for the month! :D
  8. Those are even better than version 1! Incredible job bud, can't wait to try it out. :D
  9. Soldner Update: 5 new jets!

    Damn between LOMAC and this game plus HL2 I won't be getting much done this fall... :D 5 new jets have been added to Soldner and the list is impressive: Airplanes: F-15 C Eagle - Tactical Fighter - USA F-16C Fighting Falcon - Multirole Fighter - USA F-22 Raptor - Air Superiority Fighter - USA F-117A Nighthawk - Attack Bomber - USA F/A-18 Hornet - Multirole Attack and Fighter Aircraft - USA This is in addition to the A-10 already in the game. Also, the dev diary has been updated, and it's definitely worth a read. They get into quite a lot of detail on the background of the game, as well as the seperate components of the game. Dev Diary Update #6
  10. After further discussion with the other moderators, I've decided that we need to make a strong stand on this issue so it (hopefully) will not happen again. That, combined with your refusal to 'come clean' on this has forced me to change the warning to a ban. Take a month or two off Ranger, and think about the ramifications of what happened here yesterday. Modders do not get anything for their hard work other than the approval of their peers, and when you take their work and represent it as your own, it takes away from that. I won't tolerate that here at Biohaz, and will be amending my short list of rules to include this issue. MadJeff Site Admin/Owner
  11. I don't know what to say Ranger. Even though I didn't believe your explanation I wouldn't have said much more, but then you pushed it too far with the doctored photo album. You didn't even bother to blend out the edges of the mask for cryin' out loud. This unfortunately will cast doubt on any future skins you post and I have a feeling they will be gone over with a fine-tooth comb. I would ask in the future you refrain from posting any work based on the work of others. Consider this a warning.
  12. Ranger, come on, do you think we are really that stupid?? I've taken the image from USAFMTL's F-4J package for reference and added arrows to the most obvious places to compare. They are exactly the same, and frankly I'm a little ticked that you would think us stupid enough to think otherwise. And unless your wife's name is Gunter Grostein, I don't think she took the picture. :roll:
  13. Ranger, I'm afraid USAFMTL has correctly "called you out" on this one. The image in the F-4B Hanger screen you posted is obviously the exact image that USAFMTL has in his F-4J package he posted onsite a week or so ago from Airliners.net. Unless you were taking a picture at the exact same location with the lens resting on his shoulder, and I seriously doubt that. :? While it's obvious to me the winter terrain tiles you posted above are original and are scanned from the image you show, this kind of thing casts doubt on your current and future skinning work. A simple "here's a redo of USAFMTL's Hanger" would have sufficed, but to continue to insist this is an original photo by you is an obvious fabrication, and I must say I'm rather disappointed that you would stoop to copying others work and claim it as your own. :( I would suggest that a simple admission of guilt and an apology would go a long ways in mending the fences here. MadJeff
  14. Something different but important

    Went ahead and moved this to the OFP forum... :)
  15. July03 Calendars are up!

    The first of the July03 Biohaz calendars are now up. This one's a Jane's WW2 Fighters-inspired one, based on the great P-51 Model/Skin "SixgunWhore" by Matt 'Rammjager' Martin. There's been some great modwork done with Jane's WW2 Fighters this year, and I wanted to direct some attention to the hard work of a few very talented modders in the community. You can see this and lots more great work being done in the WW2F scene by jumping over to www.ww2fighters.net. You can grab the pics in the Image Gallery in 1600x1200 and 1024x768 formats.
  16. July03 Calendars are up!

    Rgr that, they look great!
  17. Bagdad Bob must be quite the sim junkie, he's now released a statement on LOMAC. http://www.theinformationminister.com/pres...hp?ID=612319027
  18. Bagdad Bob must be quite the sim junkie, he's now released a statement on LOMAC. :D http://www.theinformationminister.com/pres...hp?ID=612319027
  19. The french gaming site www.gamekult.com has 10 new screenshots posted. Some are duplicates of the pics released at SimulationNews earlier in the week, but the rest are serious eyecandy. Especially interesting are the smoke and explosion effects, and the B-1 bomber on a runway strike is really cool. Some of the cooler ones... You can see the rest over at GameKult.com or in the LOMAC Image Gallery here at Biohaz.
  20. geez, don't do this one with the volume too loud... ;)
  21. wpnssgt_1, I've setup a dev album for you in the Image Gallery and set you up as the owner, you can upload all the devshots you want there as well. Great job, I've been watching this one very closely. :D
  22. Wolf, can you change your text from the blue text, it's nect to impossible to read on the dark-grey background. ;)
  23. I was just on, so they seem to be up right now. BTW, new pics and video today, see the next thread... =)

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