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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Dice, I was there yesterday once, this morning I couldn't get on.
  2. Just checked the forum thread over at SimHQ. I see things kind of blew up over there, and I'm not all that surprised. But, while I'm still surprised they posted the article, i think it was just a bad judgement call, nothing more. In the grand scheme of things it's not going to hurt sales any, so it's all good. :D
  3. Wan't there a fix posted for this, an INI change somewhere? I'll do a search and see what I can find... Check this thread, it supposedly fixes the problem. I haven't checked it myself. http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.php?t=904
  4. hehe, I knew this one was coming. I'm not so sure I agree with posting benchmarks based on an early (and unoptimized) beta version of a game. It really doesn't reflect any true final product performance numbers, and only serves to create negative press on LOMAC. But it was still interesting to see the numbers.
  5. Hey Darkpresence, I would love to setup a project album for you guys here in the Image Gallery for this project. Let me know if you guys are interested and I'll get you setup and make you owner of the album. You will be able to add and delete images as needed. Ask Gecko, it's pretty slick. :D
  6. hey MJ whats this?

    Not sure, haven't seen that one before. Anyone else ever get this one?

    I can't see anything now due to my burned-out retinas. As for my spine, I thought it was fear, but it turned out it was just gas... :D Welcome to Biohaz!
  8. hehe, that is a riot! Who created this one? I need to do some research and see what the deal was. Definately worth the look. :D
  9. I know, this is a combat sim sight and I don't usually cover civilian flight sims, but this one's big news. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 has gone gold! Here's the news release from Microsoft that came out last night: In case you've been under a rock for the last few months and haven't read much on this new release, the Microsoft FS2004 website is here and is loaded with info on this great new addition to the FS heritage. It's been awhile since I bought a civilian sim (FUIII anyone??) but this one looks like it's worth the price of admission.
  10. HalfLife 2 Pre-Orders at CompUSA

    CompUSA is taking pre-orders for HL2's September 30 release! This one might cut into my LOMAC time a little... :) Pre-Order now!
  11. 4 new pics at the LOMAC site! These show a F-15C vs. MiG-23 mission flown by none other than Wags himself.
  12. I always felt the same way. I was a huge fan of Flight Unlimited 2 & 3, IMHO those were the best civvie flight models ever in a sim. I loved doing touch-n-go's in the 152, as that's one of the few planes I've actually flown in real life, so I have a good point of reference. It handled just like the real thing, plus the scenery was stunning (at the time). Plus in FUIII the scenery was in my neck of the woods, so I could fly over some familiar terrain.
  13. Well, let's try and salvage this thread, shall we? ;) Anyone notice the actual release date was slated for July 29? Seems like a larger than normal lead time from gold to ship compared to most sims. I wonder if it's to give them some time to crank out a ton of product?
  14. Actually, I wouldn't even argue that you are wrong, I've ready all the facts and you are probably right, except for one fact. I feel pretty strongly that there were probably earlier flyers then Dumont, after all they've found working gliders in Egyptian tombs, so there's a pretty good chance someone flew them one time or another. Of course, powered flight is another thing, but who knows. I don't think too much about it when I fly Southwest or Alaska Air... :D
  15. Hooah!

    I haven't messed with this one and I do have HL, i'll have to DL and try it out once I get all my computer stuff unpacked... :P
  16. Aragorn has Wrights issues... :D
  17. Pacific Northwest LOMAC squad forming

    Bard, I'll get a screenshot of your website this evening and add it to the weblinks, or if you would prefer a squad patch/logo just post it here and I'll use it. Image should be 100x70 or close to it anyway. :D
  18. geez, in the absence of any real info, people will create any story they need just to have a debate. :roll: I think we can safely assume the flight models will be very good, at least as good as they were in Flanker. I can hardly stand getting on the forums anymore because of everyone engaged in pointless arguements about topics they can't possibly have a clue about since the info is not currently available. :? I'm starting to long for the release just to shutup the debaters even more than wanting to fly the sim. BTW, this is not directed at you Seawolf., just some of the idiots over at the Ubisoft forums...
  19. Boxart on the upcoming Graphsim F/A-18 sim... No detail yet, but they've got a page up finally. http://www.graphsim.com/operation-iraqi-freedom/
  20. Didn't someone already create some new bases? I remember seeing the pics a while ago, but forget who did it.
  21. Beer, you'll appreciate this one. I saw this over at www.techzone.com last night and thought it was right up your alley. http://thetechzone.com/display.php?i=265&p=1 It's a Peltier Beer Mug! Shows how-to and everything. I may build one for the ol' comp desk here.
  22. Here's some quick 'n dirty screengrabs I captured from the video. Not great quality, but you get the idea... BTW, the video is really good quality, nice and smooth, so don't judge it by these crappy grabs... :D I'll get some better ones when I get home today.
  23. I wonder how many times he had to do that before he got a good take? ;)
  24. Fracture, how about hosting that here at Biohaz?

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