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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Doom 3 - Wow!

    Well, I just got done playing some of the most intense FPS I've ever played. Best Buy had Doom3 on the shelves here today, so I ran over and picked it up. I've been playing for an hour or so, and I have to say it's definately one of the creepiest damn games I've ever played. ;) It's running pretty good on my 9600Pro/2.2Ghz box here, with settings to medium (800x600).
  2. Navy Chief is back online!

    NC! We've missed ya buddy! Good to see you back online.
  3. Did you look in the File Area? :D http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?download=343 Lot's of good stuff in there, take a look around.
  4. Trouble on the main page??

    Is anyone having trouble getting on the main site in the last few hours? I was messing with search-engine-friendly URL's and while I could get on just fine at work and home, I had a report from Fates that he was having problems getting on.
  5. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    Thanks for that, although I figured it out right after I posted the message. I was missing the damn valve. it was frustrating, as I knew what I needed to do, just wasn't seeing the switch to accomplish it. In the canals now on the aircycle, damn that thing's a hoot! Especially running over bad guys with it...
  6. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    I'm stuck in the dam buzzsaw room with all the barrels and the pool below. Can't... get... past... arghhhh
  7. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    No kidding on the install, that was the most painfully slow install I've ever endured. I got the same thing you show above (that is after I could finally connect) but then I clicked on the "Register A Product I Already Own" link and put in my CD-key. Now it's been downloading and unlocking the game files for the past 15 minutes. All I can say is this BETTER be the best damned game I've ever played to have to sit through this just to get to the first screen.
  8. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    Couldn't wait, ran by EB by my office and picked it up. Yesss, my preciousssss, we's have it now... Now to duck out of work early and get home.
  9. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    I knew that was coming. Actually, I worked on it quite a bit last night because I knew tonight was going to be a bust... ;)
  10. HalfLife2 is unlocked

    I'm swinging by to pick it up today. You know what I'll be doing tonight!
  11. I just went in and purged all old user accounts with 0 posts that have not logged onto the board since April 2004. I wanted to do a little cleaning of the databases, plus make sure that was not an issue with some of the reported logon issues I've been hearing about. If you had an account created that fit those parameters you are welcome to create a new account. I will be doing this 1-2 times a year just to keep the DB fresh, but I will give a month's warning before I do it from this point on.
  12. Guys, I've had this idea for a central repository of all modding/ini/how-to articles at Biohaz for over a year and have not had the time to get things in place until now. Let me explain, then tell me if it's something you guys would use and contribute to. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Wiki. Here's the "official" explanation, then I'll break it down on how it would fit into what I'm talking about: Basically what it means to us, is that it's a living breathing repository that anyone (or anyone with rights) can add to, edit, update, etc. This allows a group of people to add their bits of knowledge to a central area, creating a central source for all this info we seem to figure out, then lose later. ;) The explanation sounds complicated, but it's really quite easy to get a handle on and use. Pretty soon, we'll wonder how we ever got along without it. I would very much like to create something like this for Project-1 and LOMAC, eventually expanding it to other sims as well. I think it could turn into an incredible resource for current and future modders. But before I put any work into it, I want to get a feeling for what the modding community thinks. Would you use it? Do a quick search on Wiki on Google and you can see some great examples of what other communities have done with Wiki, then please post your thoughts. Here's some examples to look at to get a feel for the possibilities: Halo Modders Wiki http://wiki.fpsgamers.se/index.php/Halo/HomePage BF1942 Modders Wiki http://www.twilighthalls.de/bf1942/wiki.ph...title=Main_Page Unreal Modders Wiki http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki
  13. Old inactive user accounts deleted

    That's done nightly automatically... ;) As well as I always export the DB before I start messing with it.
  14. Version


    Blank template for Bunyap's excellent AT-6D Texan.
  15. Beer has once again given us a look at the P3 Orion and how it's effects on Subs will be in the upcoming S.C.S Dangerous Waters Naval Simulation. Lets take a look as Beer takes us thru the mission editor and then creates a P3 vs. French Sub. http://www.biohazcentral.com/index.php?opt...=1142&Itemid=25
  16. The ED site has some new pics up of the Su-25. This thing is really shaping up to be a solid addon! You can see all the new pics over at Eagle Dynamics new Lock On site: Eagle Dynamics Lockon Pics
  17. Version


    MiG-23 Flogger B Addon
  18. Version


    MIG-29A Fulcrum Version 0.9 / Release Version 1 This version is the culmination of all those who provided feedback during the Public Beta Versions 0.5 thru 0.8 and has only a single area that is still being worked. The Flight Model is still being tweaked by Column5 and will be available when he has deemed it complete. This version is flyable but does have handling issues concerning Pitch Rate and Roll Rate. A big thank you goes to those who provided feedback and made this aircraft in a 1 month time frame. 3D Model: Michael "wpnssgt" Engle Flight Model: Column5 Initial Testing: USAFMTL, Column5 Public Testing: INSERT NAME HERE :) Aircraft Data Contributions: Howling1 & Eagle114th
  19. Version


    R08 HMS Bulwark of the Centaur Class - Beta Release The model represents the ship as she appeared in the late 50's, before her conversion into a commando carrier. The Albion model has been used, with a later flightdeck texture. Not perfect, but seems worth releasing. Working AA and radar to be developed. Model/texture: Hinchinbrooke Loads of help: Gramps "This class was an improvement over the war-built light fleet carriers of the "Colossus" and "Majestic" classes with double the power for an additional 5 knots of speed, accompanied by increased dimensions which resulted in more hangar space and a lightly armoured flight deck. Construction was arrested by the termination of hostilities and four units (including the original Hermes) were cancelled. Three of the remaining units - Albion, Bulwark, and Centaur - were completed to a modified design, which considerably increased their original displacement of 18,300 tons and resulted in a 2-knot loss of speed, and included a 5 3/4-degree angled deck; while the final unit - the second Hermes - had further extensive modifications worked in placing her in a sub-class of her own. The Albion and Bulwark were later converted to commando carriers during 1959-62, leaving only the Centaur able to operate fixed wing aircraft, and she had steam catapults installed in 1957. Owing to her relatively small size and limited hangar space, the Centaur does not now meet modern requirements, but is nevertheless, still capable of active employment although laid-up in reserve." H. T. Lenton, Warships of the British and Commonwealth Navies, Ian Allan, 1971 All files should sit in an "Albion" sub-directory within the "Objects" directory. The data.ini file should be moved to the main "Objects" directory. Extract the groundobjectsdata.ini file and add lines for Albion. Please do not distribute or post without previous consent. All copyrights reserved and no modifications are to be made without prior consent. Complaints, reference books, beer, send to: Hinchinbrooke1963(AT)yahooDOTcom
  20. Version


    R07 HMS Albion of the Centaur Class - Beta Release The model represents the ship as completed in 1954. Not perfect, but seems worth releasing. Working AA and radar to be developed. Model/texture: Hinchinbrooke Loads of help: Gramps "This class was an improvement over the war-built light fleet carriers of the "Colossus" and "Majestic" classes with double the power for an additional 5 knots of speed, accompanied by increased dimensions which resulted in more hangar space and a lightly armoured flight deck. Construction was arrested by the termination of hostilities and four units (including the original Hermes) were cancelled. Three of the remaining units - Albion, Bulwark, and Centaur - were completed to a modified design, which considerably increased their original displacement of 18,300 tons and resulted in a 2-knot loss of speed, and included a 5 3/4-degree angled deck; while the final unit - the second Hermes - had further extensive modifications worked in placing her in a sub-class of her own. The Albion and Bulwark were later converted to commando carriers during 1959-62, leaving only the Centaur able to operate fixed wing aircraft, and she had steam catapults installed in 1957. Owing to her relatively small size and limited hangar space, the Centaur does not now meet modern requirements, but is nevertheless, still capable of active employment although laid-up in reserve." H. T. Lenton, Warships of the British and Commonwealth Navies, Ian Allan, 1971 All files should sit in an "Albion" sub-directory within the "Objects" directory. The data.ini file should be moved to the main "Objects" directory. Extract the groundobjectsdata.ini file and add lines for Albion. Please do not distribute or post without previous consent. All copyrights reserved and no modifications are to be made without prior consent. Complaints, reference books, beer, send to: Hinchinbrooke1963(AT)yahooDOTcom
  21. Canopy Mods for SP3



    This is a new version of Hawker7's canopy mod that I updated to make use of the new SP3 plane_data.ini files. The mod affects most of the stock SFP1 stock planes and official addons ---> -A4B/C/E -F4B/C/D/E/J -F100D -F104G -Mig17F -Mig19S -Mig21F/MF/PFM -SU7 Installation: Just put the .ini files in the corresponding aircraft folder in your "Strategy First/Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/xxx/" folder Example: the A4B_data.ini has to be put into the A4B folder After the installation the canopies of these planes will automatically open at speeds <25kts... above that speed they will close again! credit where credit is due: - Hawker7 for actually finding out how to make this work and for releasing the original mod
  22. Why ask why? Seriously, you mean your avatar pic below your name on the left? I just checked your profile, and you have it uploaded wrong. You can have 2 pics attached to your profile. The first is an avatar, which is what you are talking about. There is also an option of uploading a personal pic, which is what you actually did. Just go back into your profile and reup the picture as an avatar.
  23. LOMAC V1.1

    I wouldn't worry until november 30th then, you know software devs...
  24. Half-Life 2

    You know I'll be there...
  25. I am happy to announce BiohazCentral's new and VERY improved file area! If you haven't noticed already, there is a new link on the top right link menu labelled "Downloads". Click on it and take a look around. Some of the new features are: FULLY integrated with the forum user database. All your stats are linked to your forum account. Finally, and easy AND reliable upload mechanism, you can upload files up to 10Mb in size. If you have a larger file, please email me and we can work out other arrangements Uploaders can now manage all their uploads, such as uploading updated files, changing descriptions, etc. This is a great feature for modders, and keeps the multiple versions of the same file down. A new thread along with a screenshot (if uploaded) is created automatically in the associated sim forum announcing the new upload. This thread can be used for support and questions to the file author Screenshot upload support. In fact, in the skin catagories a screenshot is REQUIRED to upload. No more wondering what a file looks like. You can subscribe to files and receive notifications of updated files Automatic PM to a file submitter if their file is approved/denied (with option of PM, Email, Both, or None) Tons of backend stuff that only the mods and I care about, but suffice it to say it will be MUCH easier to manage the file area now. All existing files have been moved to the new system and all links now point to the new file area. I will leave the old system up for a week or so so remote links will still work, but then I will delete the old system. Please, try out the system and let me know if you run into any issues, and report broken links via the reporting link in each file page. Now that everything is in place, I ask that everyone start uploading your mods and skins! And spread the word that BiohazCentral's file area is THE place to get thos files you need.

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