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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Problems with Hotas?

    Damn, I didn't realize they were having that many problems with them. I was originally going to pre-order one before they were released but decided to hold off due to my busy schedule lately. Now I wonder if I should just jump to the USB CH Products stuff. I currently own a gameport CH ForceFX/Pro Throttle/Pro Pedal setup and am very happy with it other than no programming it in XP.
  2. I'm back!

    Better change that location entry on your profile... :D Welcome back!
  3. This is a question to all you skinners/modders out there. With the new image gallery installed and all the neat new features it has, I would like to start offering a place for the modders out there to put their work-in-progress screenshots. I can create albums that each dev has the rights to upload and manipulate the images as they are created. This would benefit the end users as they could go to one place to see the latest shots of the project they are interested in. Right now you have to bounce around the different forums to see progress. Of course this would benefit Biohaz with increased traffic as well, so I think it's a win/win situation. But I don't want to waste my time and bandwidth unless there's interest in it. It's easy to setup on my end, so no problems there. So modders, please reply and tell me if you think this is a good idea and are interested. :D
  4. Need help finding Flanker 2.5 and 2.51 patches

    Ooh, we should have those here since we are a LOMAC-heavy site. =) I'll dig them up and upload them tonight.
  5. New Image Gallery now online!

    More new site goodies today! I've installed a new Image Gallery today that has some really neat new features such as slideshows, image sizing, etc. Go play with it and let me know what you think. One of the best features is that it actually works, which is a step up from the existing gallery I had in place. Development had become non-existant over the past year, and had a boatload of bugs. Users will now be able to submit screenshots now, and I plan on adding a few new albums for things like damage pics, screenshot contests, etc. so stay tuned for those RSN. :D Let me know what you think of it, and any ideas for other image album catagories I should add.
  6. Fixed. Thanks Fates... ;)
  7. Well, after talking about it for the past 6 months, I finally got off my lazy butt and got the official BiohazCentral FTP site configured and ready for uploads. This new FTP site will enable you to upload your larger submitted skins, mods and other sim-related files without the issues we had with the php upload script I've had in place up to now. I ask that you still upload the smaller (<2 meg) files through the Submit Files link on the Contribute Menu to the left unless you are having issues with it, then hit the FTP site. But first, a few ground rules. =) Please people, don't abuse this privilige. Sim-related files only, I don't want to have to clean out a bunch of junk every other day. Also, if you are planning on sending up any files larger than about 20Mb, please contact me first! Also, all activity & IPs are logged. So spread the word, and send up all your skins and mods now! You can now upload files directly to ftp://ftp.biohazcentral.com/pub/incoming and I will move them to the proper directory for downloading, as wellas add the file to the Downloads Section. Just be sure to shoot me off a message and let me know you sent something up, otherwise I might not notice it for a few days.
  8. BiohazCentral FTP Server is now online

    phpBB didn't handle the URL right. It's fixed in the post above, try it.
  9. Well, after talking about it for the past 6 months, I finally got off my lazy butt and got the official BiohazCentral FTP site configured and ready for uploads. This new FTP site will enable you to upload your larger submitted skins, mods and other sim-related files without the issues we had with the php upload script I've had in place up to now. I ask that you still upload the smaller (<2 meg) files through the Submit Files link on the Contribute Menu to the left unless you are having issues with it, then hit the FTP site. But first, a few ground rules. =) Please people, don't abuse this privilige. Sim-related files only, I don't want to have to clean out a bunch of junk every other day. Also, if you are planning on sending up any files larger than about 20Mb, please contact me first! Also, all activity & IPs are logged. So spread the word, and send up all your skins and mods now! You can now upload files directly to ftp://ftp.biohazcentral.com/pub/incoming and I will move them to the proper directory for downloading, as well as add the file to the Downloads Section. Just be sure to shoot me off a message and let me know you sent something up, otherwise I might not notice it for a few days.
  10. Rgr that, same here, he can upload the skins to the new FTP site I put up. That 20Mb a day limit is just not gonna work. ;)
  11. Test Message

    Just reupload the avatar and you should be fine... =)
  12. Test Message

    testing file attach after move
  13. -

    Agreed, I don't mind the jokes, but the topic title says it all. Let let this thread die.
  14. Pacific Northwest LOMAC squad forming

    Bard, glad to see you made it over here! :D
  15. Test Message

    Thanks Byron! Great job as usual. So everyone knows, Byron is the main man at TurboWeb and is always there for any problems or website needs. I heartily recommend them if your looking for a good host! :)
  16. Now that I can get on the site, I'll get the files moved over.
  17. There is lot's of great stuff going on in the LOMAC scene today. First we get a great new vid, but now there's talk of a addon in the works even before the game is released. Normally I would chalk this one up to rumor, but this one's straight from the keyboard of Stormin' Norman! I read this over at FrugalsWorld just a little while ago: You can see the entire thread here.
  18. Later this afternoon (5-6pm EDT) the website and forums will be offline for a short period of time while we move to a new server at TurboWeb. This will finally enable us to have a dedicated FTP server! This will allow much easier file uploads as well as a few other things I have in the works. We should be down an estimated 30-60 minutes, although anyone in the IT field knows that estimates don't mean much. =) If it takes longer, just keep trying.
  19. Correction to bad info put out at Simhq

    I just saw this thread, otherwise I would have commented earlier. Ranger, I don't see the issue. The way I read USAFMTL's post, he states there were no ANG F-86's deployed in Nam. What I don't want to see is arguments from other sites spilling over to Biohaz. If you have an issue with USAFMTL or his info, take it up with him privately, not in a public forum here. As far as I'm concerned, USAFMTL has done nothing but help this community with quality skins. Repeatedly critisizing his work based on wether there is too much red in his earthtone camo scheme seems a might petty, and tells me there is other issues that need to be dealt with between you two. This thread is now locked as nothing constructive is going to come from this. :roll:
  20. I have no sims to play!

    Good question. I doubt Xicat gets any of it. A lot of times these old titles are purchased by a distributing company and they get all the money. So who knows... :D
  21. I have no sims to play!

    Nightshade, please no discussions on pirating software, that is a cardinal rule here at Biohaz. I understand you were just trying to be helpful in this case, so I won't jump you too hard, but please do not let it happen again.
  22. Check the Sticky thread on the top of this forum, it's got this FAQ in full... ;)
  23. Upload Avatar feature fixed

    It was brought to my attention that the 'Upload Avatar' function was not working correctly. I have fixed the permissions and tested it, and things are working again. Apologies for the problem, you can upload those pics again! :D

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