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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. "Operation Frenchpoiont"from Sim Hq

    Dagger, I thought it was funny as well. And since Bernard1943, a real Frenchman thought so too, I would say you are safe on this one... ;)
  2. Great job Deuces, this one's going on the frontpage. ;)
  3. I have no sims to play!

    hehe, what the hell kind of hobby would that be? By definition hobbies are supposed to be expensive, time intensive and frustrating... :P I haven't loaded F-15 since I installed XP, so I'm not sure about that one. F4 works with XP though. If you want something to hold you over till LOMAC, see if you can find WWII Fighters in the bargain bin somewhere. There's been a lot of modwork done and is still very playable, and with the upgraded models IMHO it's still one of the prettiest and most enjoyable WWII sims out there. I've been messing with it the last month, at least before I moved and remodelling took over my life. ;)
  4. Falcon V?

    I personally think it's belly-up, but that's just my opinion. :P
  5. Password Problem

    PM sent... ;)
  6. Check out heat effects ...

    Looking really nice Propulsor, you sure do a hell of a job for a one-man show... ;)
  7. Check this out. You will be able to drop vehicles into areas via helo drop. Looks cool! I can't wait to fly some of this hardware... 8) Is it me or do the tanks and helos seem out of proportion. And I don't think a Blackhawk can lift a 60-ton tank... Actually, I just read on their forum that the tank was for demo purposes only.
  8. Now Showing...For a limited time:

    LMAO..... geez, I just about rolled outta my chair on this one. Now I know what I look like when I sing in front of my monitor. And it ain't pretty.... :)
  9. Frac, just upload the images here, use the attachment button below when you reply...
  10. I know he's working on them, but no ETA yet.
  11. DOOM III Trailer

    Oh, and they ripped these little pets from "The Thing", John Carpenter's best. movie. ever. :D
  12. DOOM III Trailer

    The graphics they are showing in DoomIII are nothing short of incredible. It's amazing to see just how far games have come in the last 10 years. I remember when Doom came out, we thought it was just the ultimate at the time. now we have near photo-realistic gameplay. Sure makes you wonder where we'll be in another 10 years.
  13. Half-Life 2 Trailer

    That is so sweet! The alien reminds me of the bugs in Starship Troopers...
  14. Propulsor has added a couple new aircraft to his great work-in-progress. F-15E Mirage2000C Su-34 You can read all about it at http://www.web-discovery.net/
  15. New aircraft added to glHorizon

    No prob, glad to help. Is your site back up? :D Keep us posted, and I'll be glad to mirror the download when the time comes.
  16. I just noticed we were getting the "invalid_session" error when trying to send email via the board. It is now fixed.
  17. To MadJeff and other Moderators

    I know there's been a lot of interest in some mugs/T-Shirts and I just wanted everyone to know they are still in the pipe, the move and unpacking just derailed it for a little bit. I'm going to shoot for something in the next month or so, so stay tuned.
  18. New Saitek Drivers

    Moved this to the controllers forum.... ;)
  19. For you tweakers out here, TechwareLabs has a good article on memory timing and how they effect performance. http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/memory...memory_timings/
  20. To MadJeff and other Moderators

    Actually, I used to run a BBS (dating myself here... do you younger kids even know what a BBS is? ) for an old PlayByEmail game called VGA Planets. It was actually the biggest VGAP BBS online, I had users from all over the world, and this was back in the day of dialing up directly, so that's saying something. Anyway, when I first started it, I couldn't come up with a good name. I think I spent two weeks kicking around ideas with a friend of mine. We were sitting around his place one day running out of ideas when his wife (who was a nurse) walked in from work with a box that had one of those orange Biohazard stickers on it. We both looked at each other and said, "That's IT!" So the name has stuck with me since then. First the BBS, then later when I moved the VGAP site to the web, I always kept the name. I've toyed with changing the name to better match the current subject matter, but all the good sim names have been taken. I bet you actually thought the story would be interesting, didn't you? On a side note, the old site is still online, frozen in time. you can see it here.
  21. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Chief. no prob, didn't think that. I agree with the controller comment, I absolutly will not fly a helo sim without my hotas and rudder pedals. ;)
  22. new F-18 sim

    A little slow there today Dagger buddy... ;) http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.php?t=1934 Also posted on the frontpage... http://www.biohazcentral.com/modules.php?o...rder=0&thold=-1 From the interview it sounds promising, but I guess we'll see. The good news is that by thier 2-month release estimate, it should be coming out really soon now. You can read the interview here: http://www.insidemacgames.com/features/view.php?ID=223
  23. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Not to make any excuses, but you guys do remember this is an EARLY ALPHA E3 build, right? You are all already starting to sound like your judging the final product based on this demo. It remains to be seen if this will satisfy those of use that likes realistic helo sims, but the company (at least on the surface) is trying to accomodate the hardcore sim people, and are listening to the community. All i'm saying is, take the demo for what it is, an early work in progress. I personally have seen worse finished and released stuff out there than what we got with this alpha demo. ;)

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