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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. To MadJeff and other Moderators

    Well thank you for the kudos. :D We probably won't ever be a CombatSim or SimHQ, but we do what we can. I just want to provide a place where people can come and talk about their sim habit. It's a community site, it's only as good as the users make it. We are actually talking about where we want to take Biohaz from here, as it's time to move things up to the next level, so stay tuned for some (hopefully) improvements in the near future.
  2. Graduating High School

    I remember doing that at my grad, cleaned house in blackjack. IIRC, I won a VCR (of course, this was early 80's when VCR's actually cost a lot...) and some car stereo equipment. It was a blast!
  3. I seem to remember someone else reporting this problem with a Saitek as well, but don't remember who. do a search on joystick stuck and see what comes up.
  4. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Well, I spent about a half hour with it so far, and I have to say, it is in a much more polished state then I would have guessed for an early alpha build. I don't have my joystick unpacked so had to just do some quick arcade-style flights, but this title has some real promise. Here's a quick screenshot just to get you interested:
  5. Thanks for the forum!

    Agreed, this will definately be on my "must-get" list. I'll be following this one closely. :D
  6. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Looks like a big DL, weighing in at 297Mb. I'm DLing it now on a T1 but the DL is a little slow at 61Kb... I'll post my thoughts on the demo later this evening.
  7. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Crap! I'll get it on the front page...
  8. As promised, here are just a few of the 15 exclusive screenshots we got today from Vlad Suglobov from the latest build of Fair Strike. You can view all the screenshots in the Fair Strike Image Gallery. My thanks to Vlad on the great pics!
  9. Here's some shots I have not seen before: http://www.gbase.ch/index.asp?zone=pc&targ...=shots&id=11694 This were just posted today: http://www.gbase.ch/index.asp?zone=pc&targ...=shots&id=11765 Here's a couple of the better shots:
  10. In the first of what I hope to be an ongoing feature here at Biohaz, I am soliciting user-submitted questions that I will be presenting to Vlad Suglobov for discussion. For those of you that don't know, Vlad is one of the developers at G5 Software working on Fair Strike. Users can post their questions (one question per post, please) on this forum, of which I will select the best 5-10 questions, and then forward them to Vlad. Once he sends me back the answers I will post them here for everyone's purusal! So ask away! Before you post questions, I ask that everyone do there homework first to make sure you are not asking questions that have already been answered in other interviews. I suggest you read the following to get some background on Fair Strike: Fair Strike Vital Info Action Vault Fair Strike Interview HomeLAN Fair Strike Interview IGN Fair Strike First Look AdrenalineVault Interview
  11. Sweet! LvP, you have got to quit teasing us with these shots and release it... :D
  12. Have you created an account on the main site? Unfortunately it is a seperate database from the forums. :D
  13. Now that my move is over and things are getting back to normal, I want to get this article done. So get those questions in! :D I'll probably wrap up the questions and add my own, then talk with Vlad this weekend.
  14. Ranger, 800x600 or even 1024x768 are fine. What I do ask people is not to post 300dpi 1600x1200 images. :D
  15. Matt and the gang came through with some new pics and a vid to kickoff E3. This new video shows the first look at the new missile trails and explosions for air-to-air weapons. Object self-shadowing and engine heat blur effects are shown in this series. Grab the new 7.6Mb video here.
  16. Picked this up on the Russion forums this morning, a few new shots: Formation flying with a cruise missile... Evidence of skins support?? :D If you read Russion you can see the threads here: http://forum.lockon.ru/viewtopic.php?t=149 http://forum.lockon.ru/viewtopic.php?t=150
  17. The post your pic thread

    Snap, did you ever try wiping all your cookies?
  18. Argon, can you submit a news article for the front page, I'll post it there as well. This is front-page news... :D Go here: http://www.biohazcentral.com/modules.php?o...News&file=index
  19. Another excellent job Hawker! I'll move this to the weapon mods area tonight. :D
  20. I deleted yours, since mine has pics... :P ;)
  21. I think there will be some limited modding, such as support for skins. Take a look at this thread: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.php?t=1877 You can see that there's been some skin tweaking goin' on there. :D As for mods making or breaking a sim, as we've seen from recent events, moddability does not a sim make. 8) To be honest, while I love to be able to tweak skins, add aircraft, etc, I don't want it at the expense of an unstable or incomplete package. Worse yet, I don't want to see UFO's when I MP either. There has got to be some good middle ground.
  22. Shacknews has a great review with pics of the upcoming HL2 FPS. They are looking sweeetttt! Best of all, they are actually talking about a released date of around 2 months from now. I'll believe it when I see it on my desk... Half-Life 2 Preview at ShackNews
  23. Haven't waded through their forum in a week or so, looks like there's some more great shots: Thread here: http://forum.lockon.ru/viewtopic.php?t=140
  24. ok..who got the copy of Flanker from me?

    Found the thread, it's here: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.php?t=1234 Looks like Jag won the auction. Jag, am a little embarrassed to ask, but I never did get a check from you, did I send you my address? It's been so long since then I don't remember.
  25. TK, so far the biggest issues I've seen on the forums or experienced myself are: Missing AAA/SAM objectsKick-to-desktop on Multiplayer Spotty object collision-detection Keymapper issues Misc. graphic glitches One I have had but have not seen much reported on is a rather nasty crash/reboot when trying to switch to external view while there is radio traffic at the same time. It actually takes my XP box down completely and reboots, no blue screen, nothing.

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