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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Post your PC pic

    Holy crap Skater, how 'bout scaling that image down a little... ;)
  2. Post your PC pic

    Fates, did you do the bullet holes with decals or paint? I think it's time to change cases, was just looking at a Chieftec case over at www.tigerdirect.com here: http://www.tigerdirect.com/sectors/chiefte...tec/xtreme2.asp I've modded my Antec 500 full-tower about as much as I can, and the damn thing is soo big! I keep it under the desk, but then you don't get to see all the cool mods, so it's time for a new project. I like this new case design. Lots of bays and room for two CD/DVD's and a Fanbus/LCD Panel.
  3. Can't seem to be able to get on Frug's forums and was a little confused by the post. Is it Frugalsworld that's shutting down in 2 weeks? That seems a little sudden and out of the blue?!
  4. This is a known ATI-specific issue that will hopefully get fixed in the next patch.
  5. You did install Duece's terrain before this mod, correct?
  6. No, I apologize, I shouldn't have taken it that way. Damn packing is starting to get to me I guess... ;) If I get a few minutes this evening I'll see if I can take a look at it and see what I can come up with on my end. Has anyone else played with this mod yet?
  7. You'll forgive me if a take this a little "personal", but I feel most people here are very helpful and will give help when known. I just jumped back through your posts and see you asked one question, about the darksea mod. In the same thread you answered your own question on what the issue was. Did you try asking the author of the mod for help at all, or let him know what you found out? Now I personally have not tried installing it, but my first inclination would be to search the forums for anybody else that's had the same issue, then I would have emailed the author of the mod with the issues. But to basically come on here and more or less say these forums are crap seems a little harsh. I apologize if I seem a little abrupt, but I've been packing for a move for two weeks and didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so I'm a little grumpy... :?
  8. Video

    No, they skipped the vid/screenshots this week. :(
  9. Be sure to post your site in the WebLinks page at Biohaz...
  10. Those are some sweet pedals. Skater, how stiff are they, especially compared to CH Pro Pedals?
  11. I think I figured it out. It's not just the position, but the size of the aircraft in relation to the pilot. If we use the pilot as the scale base, then the A-10 is wayyyy too big. For example, the tires on the plane are almost as big as the pilot, which is certainly not true in real life.
  12. New Video for GLHorizon Sim

    Cool, he's going to have a sweet sim eventually with this baby...
  13. another french joke

    Alright people, a joke is one thing, that doesn't mean it's open season on the french. :)
  14. (in my best Burns voice) Excellent... 8) That is an great idea, and could be easily implemented here in the forums. I could create a seperate forum that was strictly for centralized .INI files, and the modders could be set as moderators of the forum and could edit as needed. What do you guys think?
  15. OK, got it and it's fixed. Of course, you could have clicked on the "Report Broken Link" as well... :D
  16. The beautiful RA-5C Vigilante

    Geez snapple, can you tone down that avatar a little? I have the size limit at 80x80, not sure why you're gettin' by with a 200x200 animated one... :P
  17. He's doing a great job on this model, but is it just me, or are the proportions "off"? The fusalage looks way too short and stubby, especially the nose. I'm sure he'll get it tweaked correctly before he releases it. ;)
  18. Ranger, nice to see you back. Now what did this mean?? :D
  19. Monthly Calendars

    Damn that's a pretty one! Too bad they don't do a 1600x1200 version, although it did strech pretty clean on my desktop.
  20. Phaser 8200DP Article...

    Great first article! :thumbup: How well does the solid ink hold up to UV/sunlight?
  21. IIRC, WTF?

    If I Recall Correctly... :D
  22. This mod is now up in the Files area under Strike Fighters/Effects.
  23. Finally got this one posted in the downloads today. Let me know when you update and I'll refresh the one in the Files Area.
  24. Iraqi's revolt in Baghdad

    Damn, now I remember why I always cringe whenever someone starts a political discussion here. This is a flight sim site people! That being said, I want to weight in on a few things here before this gets out of hand. First off, I want to stress that EVERYONE here has the rights to their own opinions, and while I may not agree with them one way or another, that's what's great about America. You can have them anyway. But, you better be ready to back up your opinions with facts, and be prepared to have people call you out, or disagree with you. Especially within the sim community, who I would estimate has a higher percentage of people who have served in the military, than any other gaming group. And for the record, I myself did not serve. Almost did, wanted to be an Apache pilot more than anything at the time, but a girl had other plans for me... This war has brought out a lot of anger and disagreements in everyone over the past month, and it's understandable. I have my own feelings on the war, and could even write them here, but what good does it do? Would my thoughts and feelings convince you to change your point of view? I doubt it, and personally I would be seriously disappointed if it did. You have to decide for yourselves what you think and feel on the subject, hopefully through investigating the facts, viewing the results, and using some brain cells to come to your own conclusions. Not by listening to one talking head on the news or some idiot actor/actress that spouts their beliefs like they carry any more weight then mine, or my 7-year old for that matter. Now I want to speak to a few of you directly. Dia_0602, while you may be surprised that I actually agree with a few of your points, it's more than apparent to me you are just trolling for a negative response. In fact, your style of writing is suspiciously familiar to another old favorite troublemaker we had here a month or two ago. You pulled a few statistics out of the air and then expect us to just come around to your happy way of thinking? You can't expect to make statements like this and not get called onto the carpet for them. I do agree with you on several points. We did use Saddam when it was convenient for us, and we did have (more than) our share of the blame for creating the situation in Afganistan. I hope we as a country have learned from our mistakes and actually stick around and help Iraqis rebuild Iraq into something far far better than it was. But I am also a firm believer in one taking responsibility for his/her own actions, and to totally ignore Saddam's role in the 100's of thousands of innocent deaths is irresponsible and just flat out wrong. My feeling on the whole Iraqi war is that we should have killed him 12 years ago in Gulf War I, instead of looking for any excuse to do it now. Does anyone truly have any doubt that he did possess (or at least tried damn hard to get) WMD's? Or that he's slaughtered countless numbers of his own people to hang on to his power for this long? Or that the world will be a far better place without him, or others like him? Fast_Eagle, we've had this discussion before. No personal attacks, and accusing someone of having their cranium inserted into their nether-regions is straying into that area I would call a personal attack. If we're going to have these political discussions here, let try to keep them civil, otherwise I may just have to discourage these types of discussions altogether. Which would be too bad, as I tend to feel we have a lot of intellegent adult people here that should be able to discuss viewpoints without namecalling. As far as your comment to stevechester, I didn't take his comment the same way you did. Maybe clarify before you start digging into him? He obviously has earned the right to his opinions, both in his service as well as his children's. But I do agree with your statement about people neglecting to mention Saddam's role in the deaths of innocents. People seem to be so left or right of center, and I myself do not understand it. Look at both sides of the equation people, there are two sides of a story, with the truth usually somewhere in the middle... stevechester, you are correct about the language, I think we can have a discussion here without having to toss in some swearing to get the point across. You are, however, incorrect about not having a say in any discussion here, your POV is as valid as anyone else's in the forum, maybe more so then some. Not sure why you feel this way, and if I missed something that made you feel that way I apologize. The only "Party Line" I know of around here is everyone has the right to their opinion, and no personal attacks. Other than that I'm pretty easy... That being said, I would argue that the majority of the Iraq people are happy that we are there, but there will always be some that are not. My understanding on the suicide bombers are that most of them are Palistinian/Syrian and are being scoffed at by most of the Iraqi people there. Their war and greviances seem to be driven more by the "I hate Americans no matter what" attitude, and are not indicitive of the majority of the true Iraqi civilians over there. So, why did I write this little novel? Because I have concerns that these types of discussion do nothing but harm the community here at Biohaz, and that bothers me. The only other real problem we've had here in the past was also political in nature, and it caused me nothing but headaches. As distasteful a thought it is to me to curb ANY discussion that happens in the forums, I'm really starting to wonder if it's for the greater good of the community to ask that we no longer discuss politics here. Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with these types of discussions, but only if they stay in the realm of civility and intellectual thought, as well as presenting points of view. Of course, now I'm the one with my cranium inserted in my nether-regions...
  25. Just grabbed these of the Russian forums... Check out the mountain range reflected in the water.

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