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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Some sweet new addons for USAF released over at Fighter Town. Go grab 'em while they're hot... 8) These are strictly for Admin SuperPro 9.0+

    No problem, since I posted my plans at several sites...
  3. The post your pic thread

    Actually, that's my son at the Fairchild Airshow last summer. The pilot let him sit in the cockpit for awhile. I was jealous as hell...
  4. Latest exclusive photo..
  5. America's Newest Stealth Fighter...

    If I Recall Correctly
  6. Cookies?

    I always assumed when you uttered those three words in the same sentence it summoned a Balrog from the very depths of hell and start the apocolypse?!
  7. The post your pic thread

    Some say I look younger than I really am...
  8. Cookies?

    Best bet is to just wipe all your cookies and start clean. You will have to type in your password again on some sites, but it will get you off to a clean start, as well as take care of the invalid session problem.
  9. Cookies?

    Yes, the cookies are set to expire once a month.
  10. More Galen Thurber fun...

    It's been brought to my attention that Galen Thurber is still trying to be a thorn in my side by trying to continue his tirade against Biohaz and myself. The latest is this thread posted at his soapbox website here: http://www.flightsimhq.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=146 As far as I'm concerned this guy is just a sad, lonely & unstable person that is not worth of another second of my time. Everyone in the sim community knows his history of irrational behavior. But I've had a ton of people asking me exactly what is going on between this person and I. So, I'm going to post this one time, and then I'm not going to give Galen the pleasure of devoting one more second to acknowledging his miserable existence. :roll: It's finished as of now. As everyone knows, Galen showed up here a month or so ago and started posting under the handle Global Tribunal. When several users recognized him and started attacking him, I put a stop to the attacks both publicly as well as via Private Messages to all involved parties, and explained that as long as he kept things civil he was as welcome as everyone else. For those of you that missed the exchange, you can click this link to see all of Global Tribunal's messages on Biohaz: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/search.php?...=GlobalTribunal Unfortunately Galen could not let it go, and continued to try and incite others. After multiple warnings to him via Private Message and emails asking that he stop his personal attacks against others, he refused to cooperate. This left me little recourse but to ban him from Biohaz. As everyone knows, my one hard fast rule here is no personal attacks are tolerated, and users will be banned if they continue after being warned by me. The final straw for me was when he then accused me and others of signing him up to SPAM lists and other assorted wrongs, which, as a Network/Security Engineer by trade, is an insult to me, as I spend my days fighting that kind of stuff. At that point I decided I would have no more dealings with this person and would ignore any emails he sent me. After this incident Galen started talking with another member of this board (I will not post his name unless he wants it known, he can post in this thread if he wants to corroborate this) to try and continue his mission of disrupting things here at Biohaz. After several back-and forth emails Galen then CC'ed me with an email accusing me of being dishonest and unfair in my moderating of the forums here at Biohaz. Out of curiosity I decided that I would try and engage Galen in some sort of dialog to try and get a feel for exactly what his beef was and to see if maybe we could come to some sort of understanding. Even I miscalculated what a waste of time that would be. I tried to be fair and bring up what I felt were the points I was concerned with, and asked for feedback from him. I even offered to lift his ban at Biohaz if he would be willing to get along with everyone and try to contribute to the community in a positive manner. He replied by accusing my of lying about the facts, ignoring his claims of spam attacks by users, and then dismissing all the points I made as attacks and lies or ignoring them altogether. I also asked for proof of his claims of spam attacks other than an IP address, which any supposed "security expert" such as he claims to be should know an IP address is easily obtainable, and is not proof of anything. He stated that his word was proof enough. When I explained to him that in light of the fact he was changing his story as he goes about what had transpired, his word meant little to me. Basically, I asked that he put his money where his mouth is. Of course, he can accuse me of lying all he wanted, but the second I called him on the carpet to prove or disprove his claims, and stated that I didn't believe much of what he said either, he immediately shut down the dialog and accused me of threatening him, as well as defamation, and threatened litigation, which is his usual tactic in these cases. So at that point I stated that it was obvious that he was not interested in any kind of intelligent dialog and only wished to argue for argument's sake, and I was not interested in wasting my time any longer. I also asked that he not contact me via email or any other means or I would consider it an act of harassment. So now he has switched tactics, and is now using his forum as a means to attack me and Biohaz. He has the right to post what he wants on his forums, as do I. Galen, since I know you read this forum on a daily basis looking for anything you can rally against, read this and understand. I am done with you, and I wash my hands of you and your accusations. I firmly stand by my actions on this board and will let my actions speak for themselves. My users can look at my actions and relatively minor contributions to the community as well as what you've done for the community and then decide who to believe in this issue. As I've stated to you many time Galen, I have nothing personal against you or your views, even if I do not agree with them. You can post what you will on your forum, I do not care anymore. I've voiced my opinion on this matter, and I'm done. I care little to nothing about what you think of me, but I do care that you are accusing me of instigating or knowing about any "supposed" spam attacks against you or your site. For the record, I would NEVER condone or instigate any type of spam attack against you (or anyone for that matter), and would ban anyone here that I found out instigated such an attack. But know this, I would also not trust ANYTHING you told me in regards to such attack, as your word means nothing to me. You've proved to me how trustworthy you are :roll: in your words, deeds and actions. As far as accusing you of anything, I don't remember posting any reference to you when I discussed the previous offensive post by a guest user, so it's curious that you would have brought that up. However, in light of your post I would not be surprised in the slightest if it was you. Am I accusing you? No, I have no proof that it was you, but know this. If I EVER link you definitively to any spam or DDOS/hack-type attack on me, my site, or my place of employment, you will be punished via every legal means available by me , my ISP, and my employer (in the case of actions directed at my employer's assets). So Galen, you can continue (and have every right) to post your opinions on your site, but you will get no more "fight" from me. After awhile you will get bored and move on to your next perceived injustice. For you it seems to be the "circle of life" that gives you meaning. I honestly feel sorry for you, it must be a miserable and lonely life. :roll: Sorry folks, I like to keep things friendly and upbeat here, free of just this kind of turmoil and petty bickering, but it was something I needed to get off my chest. But as I said, I'm done with it and won't clutter up the forum with any Galen-related material from this thread forward. I would also ask that everyone that reads this also refrain from engaging with Galen in any way, as it is a futile effort anyway. If you really want to bug Galen, ignore him. It's the attention he craves. Now back to your normally scheduled program.... Sorry, had to edit some misspelling, that's what I get for posting a damn book...
  11. More Galen Thurber fun...

    No problem, the issue is resolved, at least as far as I'm concerned. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread as-is. I've stated my opinion on the matter and am now putting it behind me. Let's get back to why we are here in the first place. :D
  12. Ok guys, don't like where this is heading. Let's suffice it to say that it's an excellent skin and leave it at that.
  13. More Galen Thurber fun...

    After reading some of the replies this morning I decided to remove all but the relevent posts, so I apologize to everyone that got a post removed. Galen is an easy target, but I don't want to stoop to his level by allowing posts that can be construed as personal attacks against him, it only feeds his paranoia. As I've stated before, I don't allow personal attacks, no matter how deserving in this case. This thread was only to post the facts of his accusations. Thank you for your understanding in this matter, it's encouraging to see all the support through emails and posts.
  14. Looking good bud! I think that's the best camo skin I've seen yet IMHO... :D BTW, what's that terrain tilesite, it looks new?
  15. More Galen Thurber fun...

    I had an interesting email tonight about an incident that happened at McFly's forum the other day that mirrors what happened here, in which disturbing pictures of dead American Marines were posted. Here the poster went by the name of U.N. and posted as a guest. In the case of McFly's forum however, they post was from none other than Global Tribunal himself. McFly understandably removed the message from his site after it was brought to his attention. So Galen, do you really think the flight sim community is so unbelievably stupid that we don't talk to each other or frequent each other's forums? Or are we to believe that this is just some sort of coincidence? :roll: As I said before, I judge your trustworthiness by your words, deeds and actions. Thank you for proving yet again that my instincts were correct.
  16. DX9a? Where is it?

    Damn, take that back, the link is now broken. I'll do a little searching...
  17. DX9a? Where is it?

    http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&DisplayLang=en Check the front page... 8)
  18. You can grab the demo in the downloads area below: glHorizon Downloads Remember, this is for Win2k & XP only, so if you are not running either OS do not bother DLing it. :D Take it for a spin and leave your feedback here, as Repulsor is looking for constructive input. Let's help 'em out, this is a great project!
  19. Why is it every time I take a day off this crap happens? :evil: I apologize to everyone that had to view that post. Unfortunately for the user, I have tracked their IP and followed the trail back to the point where I think I can prove who actually posted it, and I think most of you know who that is. I will be finishing my forensic trace and will post once I have proof. I have switched this forum to members only posting, and that's the way ALL forums will be from this point forward. You just can't trust anyone anymore, and it just about makes me want to bag the whole damn thing. Disgusting... :x
  20. Geez...

    All forums are set to members-only can post, but had left this one open in case someone had a login problem and needed to notify me. Suffice it to say that is no longer the case. It's too bad there are people that can't be happy unless they sow seeds of discontent and misery to everyone else around them. In this case, I'm 99% sure who did this, and am currently gathering the evidence I need to send to their ISP for review. In this case this person made a major mistake, as the same IP/Domain this post came from was the same IP that tried to SPAM my work email server with a large barrage of junkmail the other day, all of which I logged and traced. Stay tuned... 8)
  21. I just got an email from Matt that stated they were shooting for a demo release in April or May, but it was pretty low priority at this point in time.
  22. Mitch, email them to me at madjeff@biohazcentral.com and I'll post them.
  23. Forum Update scheduled

    Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that I will be doing a forum upgrade this evening between 6-9PM Pacific Time. The forum should be unavailable for no more than an hour.
  24. Forum Update scheduled

    OK, update is mostly done, I am still updating the attachment mod, so if you notice anything screwy for the next few minutes, I'm still working.
  25. I wonder what Saddam Hussein is thinking right now?

    Why are you apologizing to me, I agree with you. Although in Saddam's case I think prison and hard time would be way worse punishment for him then getting killed in battle. He's used to a high standard of living, and sitting in solitary would be the ultimate in humiliation and misery.

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