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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Mitch, I only show two uploaded skins, the F-86 German and A-4B Camo skin. Since you posted 4 picks I assumed there would be more... Anyway, the have been posted in the downloads and I'll get thumbnails up tonight.
  2. McFly's Departure From USAF

    Fates, what do you think about us stepping in and offering Biohaz as a place for USAF'ers to congregate? I am more than willing to donate filespace for the mods, and we have forums, etc. I wouldn't presume to replace McFly's site, but it would give them a place to congregate and continue work on this great old sim. If you think it's a good idea, how would you feel about approaching the community over there?
  3. I wonder what Saddam Hussein is thinking right now?

    I've been wondering myself lately. It's amazing to me what people can convince themselves of, irregardless of the facts. Hell, in his mind his still thinks he won the first round and the coalition lost, even if we blew his troops to kingdom come. I honsetly believe he still thinks he can win this war as well. I just hope we can keep the civilian casualties to a minimum when we take out his infrastructure. If we can remove him from power while keeping the civvies out of it, they will be more than happy we came in and finished the job. 5 yeasr from now the world will acknowledge that this was the right move, but it will take some time.
  4. New IL-2 forum added

    With the released of Forgotten Battles, I had several requests to add a forum for it. It is now in place. Also added in the last week is a forum for the up and coming glHorizon sim. Feel free to suggest any other forum subjects you might like to see here at Biohaz.
  5. Ask and ye shall receive... 8)
  6. What if it happened to the French?

    OK, that's all for tonight boys and girls, nothing more to see here. We are done as of right now. PM's have been sent, and I don't want to hear any more about it.
  7. What if it happened to the French?

    OK, this one's starting to get a little out of hand. This is why I hate political discussions on web forums... Snapple, you have the right to your opinion and I can respect that, but you are really generalizing and straying into the realm of personal attacks. While I myself disapprove of the way the French government is handling things, to generalize that all French people believe a certain way is the same as the rest of the world generalizing that all Americans are loudmouthed obnoxious idiots. Neither are true, and it is a dangerous and misguided path you are treading down with that kind of closed-minded thinking. I suggest we drop this line of discussion, as neither party is going to sway the other, and quite frankly, is starting to offend and create bad blood between users.
  8. Oh sure, gone for the day and then it's released... I'm uploading to the file area now and will post the news on the frontpage.
  9. We seem to get that every once in awhile, then it will go away for awhile. It seems to be really random as well. I'll see if I can troubleshoot it, as I've not had the problem when I post.
  10. I'm currently writing up a review of the TrackIR unit and should have it posted this week.
  11. See ya for now

    Stay safe, get the job done, and get back home in one piece! :D
  12. Great job! I like the lighting, I think that's something seriously missing in SF objects right now, night is so damn dark!
  13. Biohaz Monthly Calender

    That's not a bad idea, as long as we got enough people submitting for each catagory. I'll setup some subcatagories later this weekend.
  14. Biohaz Monthly Calender

    I will be announcing this on the frontpage as well as some other places, but I want to make this a regular thing. Submissions can be uploaded to the Image Gallery here: Desktop Calendar Submissions You can see all the submissions and pick and choose here: Biohaz Desktop Calendars
  15. Biohaz Monthly Calender

    I was going to reply to this post last week when you wrote it and then got sidetracked and forgot about it. I think this is a great idea! Once they were done they could even be submitted in the Image Gallery, now that I have the script upgraded and fixed. :D Who would be interested in doing some of these?
  16. Be sure to take a look at the latest vid, it's showing off the A-10 in all it's glory. 8) Can't wait to see the AGM-65 launch next week! The sense of speed in this sim is unmatched IMHO, I can't remember any other sims in the past that portray the sensation of speed like LOMAC does. Looking forward to this one.
  17. Ummmmm......

    Sorry, I'll be posting on this soon, as I will be uploading the latest demo. It's a nice little project, especially since it's a one-man show. Propulsor, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself? You can check things out at this link: http://www.web-discovery.net/ Here's a shot:
  18. Final Post by Snapple2993

    Snapple, I don't remember anyone asking you to leave, but if you are going to post things like that expect to get some dissenting opinions. By all means, please stick around. This is the only forum I'm going to allow these type of discussions, and anytime you add politics to the mix it makes for sparks. Just because I personally don't like your stance on the issue, that by no way means you are not welcome here. 8) As long as personal attacks do not enter the discussion, then go at it all you want.
  19. Geez guys, let's watch those image sizes a little better, ok? That thing was huge, and I'm at 1600x1200.... :D
  20. Charlie Daniels, a true American

    Nightshade, agreed. That post was over the top, and rather offensive in my view. What do we as Americans accomplish by stooping to Saddam's level? Be should be above the types of things that we accuse Saddam and others of. He deserves a lot of misery for what he's done, but I don't see what your proposing will do to make up for all the pain he has caused. If we are going to kill him, let's drop a bomb on his ass, at least he's a casualty of war that way.
  21. Charlie Daniels, a true American

    Damn straight AmonSul, you hit the nail on the head perfectly (and the best first post I've ever seen... ). I've been saying this exact thing for weeks. We are the ones that created the mess in the first place, along with Afganistan and several other places I won't mention. We need to go finish the job we started 12 years ago and didn't have he guts to finish then. But it just irks me to no end that suddenly this is an issue, with no taking responsibility of the fact that we created the mess to begin with. Meanwhile North Korea is blackmailing and threatening us with nuclear weapons and we ignore the problem. If we are going to clean house, lets do it and get it over with, just don't feed me a bunch of bulls**t in the process... Sorry, got a little carried away there, I just had this conversation at a family get-together last night...
  22. There have been some reported problems with patch, so please post them in this thread so we can help TK get the problems ironed out. Again, clear and concise people! :D
  23. Just a few words of warning from the Admin. I'll let this post stand for now as I think there are some great points brought up by both sides. As long as we keep this thread CIVIL then you can argue the pros and cons all you want. Just remember the cardinal rule here, no personal attacks directed at each other OR TK. Keep it friendly and maybe we can have a productive discussion. If it doesn't stay friendly, then I will lock the thread. :P
  24. Chief, it hasn't been released yet, current estimate is late 2nd quarter of this year.

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