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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Biohaz site down??

    Is anyone else having trouble getting on www.biohazcentral.com? I can hit the ftp, forum and dev sites ok, but the server doesn't seem to be responding at www.biohazcentral.com... :?
  2. Files up in the downloads area. Great job Armourdave!
  3. Ranger, I believe he's talking about saving out missions that get generated by the game when you fly single-mission.
  4. Warning....this will make some of you very angry....

    I hate to say this, because I do NOT agree with her actions in the least, but this is America, which means she has the same right to voice her beliefs as you or I, even if they are completely opposed to mine. After all, freedom is what you and millions of others in the Armed Forces have fought for over the past 200+ years... :D That said, her actions are shameful IMHO and reflect on the college in a bad light. She has the rights to voice her beliefs, but she is doing it on the college's and team's dime.
  5. I have been asked by Leon Smith to remove his Strike Fighters Bombing Tutorial from Biohaz due to recent forum events, and I have complied. I apologize to everyone for the inconvenience. If you are looking for the tutorial, it may be posted at SimHQ, but I am not sure.
  6. It's his tutorial and I respect his right to decide where it resides, even if I disagree with why he requested it pulled. Let's leave it at that.
  7. That is weird, usually the forum changes them automatically, I wonder if it's the quotes. I'll check it out... :D Got it, the er at the end threw it off. It's taken care of.
  8. I had a talk with my graphic artist friend and he's more than willing to come up with some logos and designs. He's come up with some great stuff for me in the past, and once he has a few things I'll post them up and have everyone vote on the designs. I did get on cafepress today and look at some of the products, they've come a long way since I last looked. I want a silver Biohaz lunchbox and frosted beer mug... Stay tuned... :D
  9. I've toyed with this idea in the past but wasn't sure what kind of interest there would be. I just wanted one for myself... I do have some ideas on a t-shirt design, and my best friend is a graphic artist with loads of talent, so we could come up with some really awesome stuff. Is anyone else interested in this?
  10. Man, you guys are the greatest! I'll PM the people asking for an address. I want to thank all of you for your generous offers, they are greatly appreciated! The funds will go towards another year of site hosting. MadJeff
  11. That's interesting, I DL files from Biohaz using DAP all the time without problem. That makes me wonder if the issue is somewhere between the two countries... Odd... :?
  12. Thanks for the heads-up! I'll post this news on the frontpage as well today. Excellent job as usual fng2k!
  13. After the last few days I have had to deal with several issues and now feel I need to do this officially. BiohazCentral has few forum rules, and luckily we have a great bunch of people here so most of the time they are not needed. You guys police yourselves pretty good. That being said, there are a few forum rules here that must be followed or face expulsion from the site: NO PERSONAL ATTACKS ARE ALLOWED What constitutes a personal attack? Things like name-calling, belittling other people who's views you do not agree with, things like that. Use common sense, people. I don't mind friendly disagreements, if we all agree on everything it would get pretty boring around here. But blatent attacks against people or other sites will not be tolerated. You will get a friendly warning to stop such attacks, after which, if it continues, a not so friendly boot out the door. I pride myself in running a community-centric, friendly forum and I want to keep it that way. :D NO DISCUSSION OF SOFTWARE PIRACY IS ALLOWED This one is pretty self-explanatory. NO PORN Another obvious one, but now no one can say they didn't know. NO POSTING OF OTHERS WORK AND CLAIMING IT AS YOUR OWN The various modders work very hard to bring you the latest skin/mod/mission, usually without any form of compensation other than the respect of the community and their own personal satisfaction. By taking someone's work and claiming it as your own, or using it as a base of work and not giving credit where credit's due is robbing them of that satisfaction, and it will not be tolerated here at BiohazCentral. NO MISREPRESENTING YOUR MILITARY CAREER Several times in the past year we have had people lie or misrepresent themselves as being someone they are not, specifically in the area of military career. This is unacceptable behavior and if proof of this behavior is found, they will be banned. MADJEFF'S WORD IS LAW The most important one of all. This is not a democracy people. I like to think of it more as a "benevolent dictatorship". I won't usually throw my weight around, but when all is said and done, I pay for this site, both with my time, and my wallet. If the moderators or I ask that you stop doing something on the forums, then please do. If there is conflicts, please email me and I will work it out between the parties involved. Other things may be added in the future as needed, but let's hope not. Like I said, use common sense. Thank you for your support!
  14. I've watched this flight sim for a long time and even messed with the demo some, and it looks pretty nice at first glance, but I haven't had the time to really test it out. Now I see the author is raising the price soon, and I'm wondering if I should grab it now before it goes up.;) Anybody out there really spent some time with it and can make a recommendation on how good it really is? Is it comparable to FS2K2?
  15. Got an quick email from Andy that I wanted to pass on. SimHQ is currently down with some site issues and should be back online hopefully sometime today. Just wanted to let everyone know the status. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.... :D
  16. It's a straight AVI file, runs in WindowsMedia and WinAmp fine here....
  17. Wow! I have some of the best users on the web! :D I really appreciate the show of support, it goes a long way to make this whole thing worthwhile. I've had a few people ask me if they could send money or some other kind of support in the past and I've always been reluctant to do it, after all, I do this as much for me as I do for you. But I guess a little help wouldn't hurt either, since the bandwidth does cost me. I'll email you asap. As for others that have offered, I may setup something like a PayPal donate thing, or something like that. One thing I will never do however is become a subscriber site or beg for money, hell if it ever got to that I would shut down, as this is a hobby for most of us. I hate subscriber sites... :roll: Anyways, thanks guys, you've made my day. After this week, I could use it...
  18. Agreed. Scrooge, I appreciate the support and am aware of the site. But I don't want to waste another minute on this guy, not to mention the bandwidth. So please, let's all just drop the whole issue. Besides, the rule here is no personal attacks, that goes for everyone, no matter who it is directed to. It would not be very fair of me if I allowed it to be directed at one person and yet clamp down on others. So, this is official. I want no more on this subject. Thank you. 8)
  19. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    I've decided to lock this thread, as it's not really contributing anything to why we are all here. :D Let's just put this behind us. :roll:
  20. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    Oh, I'm sure it's not quite the end, but it is as far as I'm concerned. Maybe Biohaz will be put on that hit list of a forum he has... 8) Anyway, it's over as far as the forum and site is concerned. I ask that there are no further discussions about him on this site, as it will just feed into his paranoia. Thank you for your support in this matter.
  21. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    What's the use, he would only accuse me of editing them. I've kept them all if needed. 8) I kind of feel sorry for the guy (not sure why, he seems to bring it on himself...) and I actually gave him more leeway then I would have given most of you sorry lot...
  22. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    Sorry guys, but after he threatened me via email, that was the last straw. He now has the distinct honor of being the first person ever to be banned from BiohazCentral. I tried to give him a chance, but I will not be threatened by him or anyone else for that matter. Let's consider this matter closed and move on. I guess at the least it gave everyone a little entertainment for the day... :roll:
  23. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    Wow. Well, one thing's for sure, you've made my day interesting. :roll: I warned you in Private Message as well as on the forums, as I did everyone else involved, not to push me on this. I asked repeatedly for you to think about what you were posting, and to not antagonize people, but it's like you are looking for a fight. Now that I've treated everyone involved in this manner the same, and have tried to give you every chance in the world to try and fit into one of the only sim websites that will still allow you to participate, you now accuse me of sending you spam and signing you up to MANY online subscriptions. I guess it's true what they say, no good deed goes unpunished... For the record, I would NEVER sell email lists, or sign up anyone to any mailing lists. You see, my day job is in the Networking Design/Architecture and Network Security field, and I spend a lot of time fighting the very thing you are accusing me of. So I take a huge offense to what you are accusing me of. Also, if I had proof that anyone else did this to you on this forum, I would ban their ass so fast their head would spin. To be honest, my first response would be to ban you from this site and never speak of you again, but I think that's exactly what you want me to do, as you seem to display classic passive/aggresive tendancies. And several other users seem to want to give you another chance. So what the hell, I'm going to let things ride for a little while longer just to see what happens. But I will state clearly one more time (Seems I've said that several times already...) that I will NOT ALLOW PERSONAL ATTACKS ON THIS FORUM. If you cannot contribute to the site in any meaningful way, that don't waste your time and mine by coming here. We are here for the fun that sims bring, not to listen to crap all day. Hell, we can get that on other forums... :roll:
  24. Cylix, please no personal attacks, the rule applies to everybody...

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