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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Dru Blair Free Wallpaper

    That signed print is currently hanging on my wall next to these.... If you've never seen Dru's site, it's a must-have for any aviation enthusiast. And I just noticed he's got some new ones online! http://www.drublair.com/
  2. Unfortunately, no. I have offered my site as a mirror but he never replied to me on it, although he has emailed me on other subjects. Maybe I should offer again. he has a lot of great skins but a lot of people have problems getting good DL's from him.
  3. OK, that's it. I'm about to get "official" on everyone as of right now. This thread is now locked, I don't want to hear any more on the subject. I have sent emails to all involved and they have been warned. Continue down this path and I WILL start banning. This is a friendly warning, but there will not be another. I pride myself on keeping a friendly forum here, and have not had to get after people since we started up. I don't like having to enforce rules, but I will if pressed. Don't forget, I pay for this forum and bandwidth, so it's my way or the highway. That is all.
  4. rude ppl have no reason to live lol

    OK, let's drop this. I sent a private message to the associated parties, hopefully we can leave it at that. But please keep these kinds of discussions in Private email and not on the public forums.
  5. rude ppl have no reason to live lol

    Did I miss something, where is this post you are referring to?
  6. Don't worry, I won't let that happen here.
  7. FE, cool it down a little, no personal attacks. He has the right to have his opinions on Hyperlobby. I don't agree with them at all, but that's my right. As long as he doesn't start any flame wars about HL then he's as welcome as the next person. :D Yes, I do know the background...
  8. Well, you can start here for a tutorial on skinning in Strike Fighters, it's a great tutorial from Coyote written for Biohaz. Coyote's Skinning Tutorial
  9. Well FE, if you don't want to hear about LOMAC, why are you reading and posting in this forum then? I for one have been waiting for this sim with much anticipation. I was never as pissed at a game publisher as when Janes cancelled A-10 just a month or so before it's scheduled release...
  10. That's a great idea! Let me get some things in place on this end so people can submit and vote on the images. I'll get back to you tonight.
  11. Fair Strike Vital Info

    Fair Strike Vital Info Estimated Ship Date: Q4 2003 Developer Site: G5 Software Publisher Site: Buka Entertainment Screenshots: here Game Setting Terrorists! Awful guys, whose basic aims in life are killing fellow creatures and dealing in drugs. But you are not that sort of people, of course. Your helicopter is a part of United Nations strike air forces and you have the only task, “Kill’em all!” In the nearest future 4 points on the planet serve as the permanent source of your acute concern: Caribbean region, Eastern Europe, South- East Asia and the Middle East – so 4 action saturated campaigns you need to pass trough. Just get into your helicopter and lead your aircraft detachments against the unruly bandits. Reliable and approved weaponry will help your troops to fulfill your highly responsible military missions. Playing “Fair Strike” you’ll catch yourself at the feeling that you are totally game-immersed for hours! Key features: - The incredible combination of dynamic action and breathtaking helicopter simulation - Non-linear mission structure allows you to fulfill your tasks in arbitrary order; the tasks can be changed or even canceled in the process of passing through the missions. - You can control some transport or battle helicopters along with your own helicopter – at your choice! - 3D graphics along with scenic visual effects are essential elements of gameplay here, giving you the absolute feeling of presence. For example picturesque sceneries different for each place of Earth, realistic image of water surface and the marks of implosions on the ground – are really delightful! - Multiplayer game permits to use deathmatch and team capture the flag options, which are exceptionally absorbing for each gamer! System requirements: - min Intel Pentium II 800 MHz or equivalent, recommended Intel Pentium 4 1.4 GHz. - RAM 256Mb min, recommended RAM 512Mb. - Direct3D 8.1-compatible Video Card with 32Mb video memory ( S3 Trio 3D, S3 Virge - are not supported; recommended - GeForce 3 or equivalent). - Joystick is supported. - DirectX 8.1-compatible Sound Card. - min 600Mb HDD free space, recommended 1000Mb . - 8x CD-ROM. - Multiplayer: TCP/IP, LAN, Internet, 28Kbps. - Microsoft Windows 98/Me, 2000, XP. - DirectX 8.1.
  12. They are probably shuffling things around in preparation for the next beta sequence. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Damn, Vlad you made it over here fast! It's great to see a developer over here contributing already! I was going to send you an email offering any forum services you might need, I would be glad to help out. Like I said on the frontpage, I will be following this one very closely, especially since you guys have shown a lot of willingness to listen to the end-user community and have already taken a lot of suggestions from them. Consider Biohaz your home away from home... :D
  14. Oh, that news is definately worth some front-page time... :D Keep us posted Coyote!
  15. hit the email button below and just send it up. I'll add it to the file.

    I just wanted to tell you guys how great it is to see this kind of thing on the forums. I feel honored I could provide a place that everyone can support each other in this most important of resolutions. :D Keep up the great work people!
  17. Good timing, I've been contemplating this lately. I get spoiled with broadband and tend to forget there are a lot of users still on dialup. So, I'm going to make an effort from now on to keep the images under the extended story section (the "Read More..." link at the bottom of each story) and off the main page for you bandwidth-impaired users. :D Or at the least, make thumbnails for them.... That should speed things up. Anyone have any objections? Or is that a hail of "Amens!" I hear in the background...
  18. Rgr that, should have it posted tonight, did some family stuff last night. Been letting the site take away too much of my kid time...
  19. Dagger, it's in the downloads area...
  20. There are few things that will cause me to lock a thread, but discussion of piracy is one of them. Consider this a polite warning not to discuss this again. 8)
  21. FOX screws up Memoral

    Sorry, moved this topic into a more appropriate forum... I didn't get to see the memorial today unfortunately, but I'm going to have to agree with Column5 on this one. If the Commander in Chief was speaking, then his words were more important than the fly-by. I'm a little confused that they would do both at the same time, but people will take comfort in the words the President speaks, not in a military fly-by. I personally would think it in bad taste if they panned away from the President while in mid-speech, but to each his own I guess.
  22. fng2k! Great to see you over here! You've been busy lately, I've been keeping tabs with the breakthroughs... I may have to actually stick Gunship back on the drive the rate you're going! It's nice to see some helo folk around here once in awhile. whispermode on Most of these guys don't know am actually a rotorhead at heart, but with a lack of new helo sims I have to fly the fixed wing stuff...
  23. Whats SP4?

    SP4 is short for Falcon4 Service Pak 4. It's a series of user-community created mods/fixes for Falcon4. :D
  24. No problems, I already got it up...

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