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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Thought it would be fun to see some damage screenshots from everyone. Here's a shot of the A1-H I took up for a spin tonight. I was tasked to hit a fuel dump at an airfield, and the AAA was fierce. Hit the tanks on the first run, but after the delivery I noticed I couldn't turn or bank. Switched to outside view and this is what I saw: I kept it in the air for a few minutes until a MIG came after me. I could climb and dive, but augered in while trying to go evasive. :D
  2. Shuttle Accident

    I don't know why, but I really take these shuttle losses personally, like I lost a family member. I've been glued to the TV all morning, and we've lost a local Spokane boy in this tragedy . I was watching the morning we lost the Challenger and watched it happen on TV. I remember how deeply it affected me, and I find myself feeling the same sense of loss this morning.
  3. BTW, where exactly did you post the loadout at? I thought you meant here at Biohaz, but I have no DL's waiting...?
  4. Actually a grey and a straight panel lines/rivets template would be cool. We need to get some more templates posted anyway! =)
  5. Rgr that, guess I'll hold off till then. BTW, do you have a layered template for the A-1 I can bum off ya? I'm in the mood to do some skinning this weekend.
  6. I'm doing some research tonight on this very topic. I found some great Skyraider sites: Ordanance Loadouts: http://www.skyraider.org/hook/weapons.html...l#anchor1727724 http://www.skyraider.org/hook/ordinfo.html I'm going to mess with the loadout tonight and see what I can come up with that's a little more "realistic"... :D
  7. We now have an excellent tutorial online by Leon "BadBoy" Smith on how to deliver the MK82 on-target in Strike Fighters. It shows step-by-step just how to get those bombs to hit your target using the standard gunsight and a little practice MK82 Bombing Tutorial
  8. $1,000 Flight in a Phantom II

    Dice sent me this great story of his experience of taking an "unusual" incentive ride in an F-4E at Clark AB Philippines back in 1989. It's a great read! Here's a snippet: You can read the story in the Special Articles/Flight Stories section here at Biohaz. Thanks go to Dice for giving me the honor of hosting this! =)
  9. ROFLMAO ... Damn, I just fell off my chair. You made my day Coyote!
  10. This forum is dedicated to discussion on building missions and campaigns. You can swap tips and tricks, whatever. Thanks to Dirtman for kickin' me into gear on this...
  11. Cougar users sound off!

    So, who's got their Cougar sitting on their desk now? :D I want to hear all about it before I place my order...
  12. No, unfortunately I seem to have tweaked the tendon in my throttle elbow and I've had it propped up all night. My wife had me moving furniture last night, she owes me big time now...
  13. It's now up and available under the Special Articles/Strike Fighters section. Collision Points Tutorial
  14. I moved a few mission-building threads to the new forum, so if you are looking for a missing thread, check there... :D
  15. Carl?! Great to see you here, it's an honor! :D
  16. I answered you over at SimHQ while you were posting this... I'll post it with the other tutorials tonight. Great job!
  17. 1 month and still not smoking...

    Great job Dagger! Glad to see you sticking to it, you're already past the worst part... :D
  18. Your site has been added to the weblinks here. :D
  19. Why do I get the feeling a lot of you don't hit the main site... Radar Tutorial Part II
  20. I've decided to set Strike Fighters aside for awhile. Frankly, the frustrations are outweighing the fun at this point and it's either take a step back or never touch the game again. I've held my tongue these past few months, as well as my review that I wrote after the game initially came out. I've played with most of the beta patch builds, and while they were fun, I bought this game for the MP aspects, and right now MP is nothing but a headache. I swore I would not whine about this, but it's either get it out of my system or take the CD outside and use it for some skeet practice. So I'm going to say this once and then let it go... As it stands right now, this game is a major disappointment. Not because it's a horrible game, because this game has more potential than any sim I've ever played. But that's the problem, the POTENTIAL is there, yet it has so far to go just to be fun. It's a modders dream, yet it's just too frustrating to be fun. Sims are supposed to be fun! But every time I play I want to put my head through the monitor by the end of the session. I'm not a fanboy, and I'm don't think Strategy First is the antichrist. I'm just a guy that likes to fly sims. Who's to blame? Frankly, I don't care. I have my opinions. I think this game was released by SF against TK's wishes and he's trying to make the best of a bad situation. I don't think he's any happier than we are about how things are going. I think he's bending over backwards to get things fixed. I don't even doubt that he will get the problems ironed out and this sim will shine eventually. But will anyone care by then? Only time will tell. It's all just a reflection of the bigger problem of publishers pushing known buggy crap out the door that they know the consumer will buy regardless, they can always release a patch later. And we as consumers are no better. We moan and bitch about the state of the business, but in the end, we go back to the trough ever time, so in their eyes there is no need for them to change their SOP... This doesn't mean I'm not going to cover Strike Fighters, so relax. 8) I'll keep on doin' what I've been doing. I'll probably even start playing again, AFTER some more issues are resolved and the MP problems/features are dealt with. And TK, if you read this, this is by no means an attack against you. Like I said, I know you are busting you butt trying to get things resolved. It's just too bad SF didn't give you six more months to really make things perfect (or as close and can be expected in this business... :) ) Damn, a bit of a rant there. It's late and I'll probably regret this in the morning, but I feel slightly better right now.
  21. Crap, don't know how I missed that one after the upgrade, I went into every module and checked it. I had jumped into the sections on the image gallery but didn't actually hit an image. And to top it off the image thumbnails are still being pulled from the Random Screenshot block on the frontpage. :roll: I'll work on it today.
  22. No, I haven't upgraded yet, I've been waiting for a little more feedback on it. But I seemed to have fixed at least some (but not all) of my issues. - No Engine Sounds in Cockpit My engine sounds have returned only after I switched my 4-speaker setup to a 2-speaker setup in the sound control panel. I have a TB SantaCruz, and this is the only game that I've ever had a problem with sound-wise. Black Screen on MP Game Launch Not sure if this is what fixed it or not, but I removed my Catalyst 2.5's and installed the latest Catalyst 3.0's. Since then I have had no black screens, although I still have had 1 or 2 weird CTD's. both while in external view during a mission. I have joined MP at HL several times since with no issues.
  23. Well, now that I've had a day or two away I fell a little better about things. To start with, I've solved my no-engine sound problem. I have a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz with a set of 4.1 Atlec Lansing speakers. After tweaking a bunch of stuff trying to get the sound back, I found that if I switch the sound card from 4 speaker to 2 speaker setup, I now get engine sounds! So there's one for the buglist... :D Next up, upgrade my ATI drivers to 3.0 to see what that does. I usually stay on top of my vid drivers but just haven't had the time to do the new Catalyst 3.0 install. I'll report my finding... After installing the 3.0's, MP on HL seems much more stable! I actually played a game for almost 15 minutes... :D Maybe there's some hope yet...

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