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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Be sure to check out the front page for first in a series of tutorials by Coyote on creating new aircraft skins for Strike Fighters.
  2. Yeah, it's there. Don't get me wrong, but the point I was making was, we should NOT have to be doing this. For those of you that are not aware, I'm a Systems engineer (Lead R&D Engineer) for a major Pacific NW bank. I concentrate mostly on networking and security. I've messed with hardware and software full-time since I got my first TRS-80 in '79. I can troubleshoot anything, build mission-critical servers blindfolded, and have officially beta-tested probably 50 different software packages, not including all the sims I've bought in my lifetime. :D The point is, I don't want to have to do the same thing when I load up a flight sim. I want to play! And if I, a pretty knowledgable (IMHO) systems geek, has to fight the software they use to relax, where does that leave the average Joe Gamer that just wants to install and go? If it's nothing but frustrating, then what's the point?? :D Again, this is more of a rant on the state of recreational software in general then directed at Thirdwire. And I do feel better after stating what I've been thinking for months (as well as a night's sleep... :P ) I will continue to support this game, as well as play it. But I probably won't be doing much flying until a more stable, enjoyable and working game has been released.
  3. Ah Kali, many fond memories. That may be worth a shot. I'll grab the latest and try it out with someone tonight...
  4. Anyone having a good laugh in simhq fourm?

    Man that is one long thread... What I don't get is why do people even respond to these kind of comments anymore?
  5. Well, upload them here at Biohaz of course! 8) You can submit files from the main page.
  6. Andy?! Nice to see you drop by! Any news on the forums at SimHQ?
  7. Damn, I missed that one, and I read the damn thing.... Oh well, don't I look foolish... :roll:
  8. I've hung on to my review since it came out so I could review with the patch, guess I better get it out and dust it off...
  9. I have the same RWR issues here, but with DX8.1 and a Radeon AIW 32meg, Catalyst 2.5 drivers (I'm lame, haven't kicked to 3.0 yet). Maybe it's a Radeon issue? Any other ATI users out there with the same problem?
  10. It's online and available in the downloads area. Strike Fighters SP1 from Biohaz Strike Fighters SP1 from Strategy First Please post any bugs/issues in the Bug Reports forum!
  11. I just received an email from TK. He has released the patch file to beta testers for a final test to see if there are any problems with application, etc. The current file size is about 2.8 megs. My opinion is that the patch should be released by this evening. That's MY opinion, not TK's... =)
  12. Come join the webchat! We might as well chat until the patch shows up... 8) http://www.biohazcentral.com/modules.php?o...=index&roomid=1
  13. Well then Ranger, get over there and knock on the door and see what TK is doing!
  14. I have not heard. I sent several emails to TK who usually is pretty responsive but he was understandably busy yesterday, so I haven't heard yet. I was hoping to get the patch up and ready before the actual release time so when the patch went live we would be ready.... :?
  15. Damn DK, you just rendered me blind with that post, use the enter key dammit... As for the story, sounds good...
  16. Damn, I have a meeting all morning here too, I forgot about it. You guys be sure to post a new thread with the title "Patch Out" or something to that effect with links to the DL if it comes out before I get back. :D And no joking around this time or I'll personally wring someone's neck... :twisted:
  17. hehe, man some people take things very literally... :D My understanding from what i've heard (but not from TK) was that it would be this afternoon sometime. The 21st date didn't mean 12:01 AM... :D I have yet to hear from TK, although I know he was (understandably) VERY busy yesterday. I would assume that it will come out sometime today, so just tell yourself tomorrow and ease some of that stress...
  18. Alright people, I don't mind good-natured ribbing in the forums, but we don't need the personal attacks and name-calling. Like I said before, let's just drop the thread. As Ranger stated, this was a (bad) joke and he just wanted to make people aware of it. Unfortunately, the title of the thread was a little misleading, especially when the thread titles show up on the front page... :D Now, I ask again, let's just drop it. It's starting to sound like another unnamed forum around here...
  19. Actually, the title is a little misleading, so I renamed it with HOAX in the title. It was a dumb joke, let's just let this one lie....
  20. hehe, no kidding, I know what the #1 DL will be in the next 24-48 hours...
  21. Wiley, the links are below the pics on the bottom of his message. I edited them to make them a little more pronounced.... :D
  22. OK I got USAF...now what?

    You know, I've been getting the itch to install USAF again, I may have to throw it on this weekend and join you guys... :P
  23. Saitek Comfortability

    OOhh, a joystick mod! Make sure you take lots of pics during the construction! Sounds like a good article.... :D
  24. WebChat is back online!

    In case you missed it on the frontpage... The WebChat is back online! For those of you that haven't tried it, it's a full-featured web-based chat along the lines of IRC. Works like a charm! You can enter the room by clicking on the WebChat link. Just a heads-up, it does popup a second window that some popup-blockers will stomp, so you may have to OK the window. Let me know if you have any issues with it.
  25. Armchair Empire..

    Dark, I've been looking for writers here at Biohaz, you should have emailed me first! Seriously though, I am looking for articles from users if anyone is interested in writing.

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