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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Great news! The fine folks at NaturalPoint are shipping a unit to me for review. I'll put it through it's paces and give you a full review when it gets here. :D
  2. Just so you guys know we will be mirroring the patch here....
  3. MJ...Site Improvements

    Thanks bud, it's always nice to hear sonmeone notice. It's funny, but you guys must have some kind of telepaths or something, every time I start to question what my reasons are for spending time on this, someone sends me a email or posts a message complimenting the site. :)
  4. Ok, movie preview status: finished

    BTW, why don't you submit a story for the front page explaining the project and I'll post it, get a little more exposure for ya... :D
  5. Ok, movie preview status: finished

    It's up in the Files area under Strike Fighters/Videos. Cool preview, can't wait to see more!
  6. Ok, movie preview status: finished

    I'll contact you via PM...
  7. I really want to get my hands on one of these for a hardware review here at Biohaz, and have contacted them to see if they will provide a demo unit. I'll keep you guys posted... :D
  8. Welcome BBQ! Pull up a chair and join the fun. :D I just want to say thanks again for helping out. It's hard to keep up with all the news AND run a site AND keep up with the submissions, skins, etc when it's just me doing it all.....
  9. Yes, in fact that's what most people are using I believe. You can also plugin gameport pedals right into the Cougar and they work great. When I upgrade I'll end up using my Pro Pedals with it.
  10. I moved this into the appropriate area.... :D
  11. Funny you should ask. I have a full CH Products HOTAS gameport setup, including Pro Pedals and Throttle and a ForceFX joystick. Since I run WinXP Pro I can't program the thing or use the force feedback. They did finally come out with a decent driver so I can at least adjust the sensitivity and dead zones. What I haven't tried yet, and theoretically it should work, is to run Win98 in a VMware virtual session. In case you don't know what VMware is, it is an awesome piece of software that lets you run other OS's on Windows (or Linux) in a virtual session while using XP or whatever you are running. I use it a lot for development, it's sweet. You can also dual-boot into Win9x and program the joystick, then boot back to XP to play yourgame. The stick will keep it's button assignments. A pain, but it works. I'm going to upgrade to a Cougar once LOMAC comes out, but I've always loved this CH setup. I just felt a little screwed when they refused to try and write an XP-compatable version of SpeedKeys. I don't buy their "can't write to the gameport in XP" excuse, others have done it. :x
  12. Have you read Dagger's excellent Radar tutorial here at Biohaz? You can find it here in the KnowledgeBase as well as in the Special Articles section. A good rundown on how to use the radar in SF.
  13. Is this Destro from my EECH days, and author of the great WUT util? :D
  14. You had just mistyped the address, I edited your profile and fixed it for ya. You should be working now!
  15. Just go into your profile and modify your signature Use the following: [img=http://www.yourserver.com/imagename.jpg] Replace the web address and image with your own. That should be it! :D
  16. Who's Next

    Ahh, the ol' BB gun wars... That takes me back. We used to have those all the time, until a school friend blew off his finger with a homemade CO2 bomb... Kind of put a damper on the festivities... :roll:
  17. The New Biohazcentral

    Yes and no. The site runs off of Postnuke and misc. mods and scripts, but I usually hack the heck out of them to suit my needs.
  18. Hmm Biohaz looks different

    Yes, we've had an "update". :D I did some much-needed updating yesterday as well as moved to a different site theme engine. I also updated PostNuke (the php scripts I use to run the site) to the latest version to get rid of quite a few annoying bugs. I also cleaned up the site as well as the theme. The upgrade is complete, but I still have work to do on the layout. FYI, this is actually an interim theme, I just converted the existing site layout to the new theme engine and cleaned it up a little. I'm working on a completely new web interface that I hope to debut in a few weeks, I think you guys will like it.
  19. The New Biohazcentral

    Thanks, it's been needing an overhaul for awhile. I needed to update the software that runs the site to fix some really annoying bugs, as well as clean up a few things. I also switched the site skin to a new format that will let me get a lot more flexible with the layout. I still have some cleanup to do tonight but the majority of the upgrade is complete. The next major thing will be to integrate the forum and the website to single signon. That is about 95% complete, but will be a little disruptive due to the fact that I will be wiping the website user database and importing the forum database over top of the site database. A few people will have to re-signup, but the majority of users have an account on both sites, so it shouldn't be too big a deal. The nice thing will be total integration with the site and single signon instead of this "seperate" site setup as it stands now. I hope to do that by next weekend. Also in the works is a new "skin" or site layout. I converted the existing theme to the new theme engine and cleaned up a few things, but I am starting a completely new site interface from scratch that I think you guys will like. I hope to unveil it in the next 2 weeks. Stay tuned... :D
  20. Quitting smoking!!

    Hell, all that's just from gettin' old...
  21. Quitting smoking!!

    Great job Dagger! Stick with it, it could be the most important decision of your life...
  22. I just tested it and got the same thing. Looks like my web host has been messing with PHP settings lately... That's why my upload script on the site hasn't been working either... :roll: I'll send 'em an email and see what I can do.
  23. You can attach it to a message right here in the forum. Reply to this and then you will see a buttom below the message window to add an attachment.
  24. BTW, Win2000 is also on the list of compatable OS's, just in case anyone was worried...
  25. Don't forget, these are Minimum specs, not recommended specs. I'm sure you will need quite a bit higher for full-detail on. 8) The only odd thing I see is the "Not recommended for use with CD-RWs" statement. What in the heck would that have to do with anything?

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