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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Actually, I was thinking they were lower then what I thought they would be...
  2. Sorry folks, the zipfile was bad. Figures the one time I don't DL the file and check it after upload... :roll: The file is now fixed and tested. You can DL it from http://www.biohazcentral.com/modules.php?o...eq=getit&lid=73
  3. Avatars

    Sorry bud, I haven't got a chance to look at that yet. Are you having a problem with the forum avatar or the website avatar? I wasn't aware of any problem with the forum??

    Man, that brings back memories. I had this one for the Commodore64, it was a good game. Back then ANY Microprose game was a sure hit. Gunship, Stealth Fighter, man, those were high-tech! And you were 3 when that was out?? Man I'm old...
  5. Just wanted to let everyone know I have replaced the file in the downloads with the new one.
  6. Users can now upload files and images directly to the forums! Test it out and see if you have any issues and let me know.
  7. You guys did notice it up in the file area as well, right??
  8. What do you think of my sig?

    Nice pic, but I do have one recommendation. Right now that pic weighs in at over 300k. You should be able to reduce the color count and significantly reduce the size. Try saving it as 256 colors and see where that puts the size.
  9. Great job! Attach it when you are ready and I'll post it on the website downloads area as well. :D
  10. Apollo project sims?

    Have you ever checked out Orbiter? http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/~martins/orbit/orbit.html It's a pretty realistic sim, at least I would assume, since I always manage to spread my atoms across the planet during re-entry...
  11. I think it's just been quiet over the holidays. I know I've been neglecting the site the last few weeks, but things should be back to normal in the next week. :D
  12. Welcome to the Project-1 fold! I see you are from Olathe, used to know a girl there by the name of Julie Nelson.... Ahh, the younger days... As for the plane, the F-106 Delta Dart has been discussed as a project but I'm not sure if anyone is currently working on one. It's pretty much a given it will be done before too long, this was a popular plane. I found it. Lud Von Pipper is working on it now, here the thread at SimHQ: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...TML/000394.html It's looking pretty good, especially the missle bays.
  13. Send it to me via email at madjeff@NOSPAMbiohazcentral.com (remove the obvious...) and I'll get it posted. As for file-attachment, I'm actually going to add that mod to the board soon, stay tuned....
  14. can you email it to me? madjeff@NOSPAMbiohazcentral.com (remove the obvious...)
  15. Well if you're a crew chief you sound like the perfect person to get us some new sounds! :D Any chance we could get some samples to work with?
  16. a good laugh! y'all are gonna love this one!

    Per Vercingetorix's request, I am locking this thread. He actually requested that I delete the thread, but I save deletions for the absolute last resort. I'm a little disappointed I have to do this, as it's the first locked thread on the forum. Vercingetorix has apologized, let's leave it at that. On a more personal note, I personally found the post humorous, but I realize it's a joke, nothing more. I also realize that it is a generalization, and not every individual or even the majority of the (insert race here) is reflected in the joke. Have we got to the the point that we are all so politically correct that humor itself is frowned upon because every joke is going to offend someone? Sorry, getting on a soapbox here, but the whole PC thing is a pet peeve of mine. Anyway, let's move on. :D
  17. I've been meaning to change those for awhile. Hell, at 250 posts, we'll have a bunch of freaks in here pretty soon...
  18. Someone hasn't been reading Biohaz's frontpage...
  19. Yeah, I picked it up not too long ago from the bargain bin but couldn't ever get it to work right. On my Athlon 1800+ with a Radeon and I couldn't ever get better than about 3 fps... I finally tossed it on the shelf.
  20. Here's the pics... http://www.sukhoi.ru/forum/attachment.php?postid=156853
  21. Jersey, can we post this article in the KB? It's a perfect addition...
  22. Bingo. The planet was designated LV426, or Acheron. My favorite movie of all time... :D I wonder if we could model the dropship for Project-1. I have the 3DS model... =)
  23. A letter to the President...

    Actually, this is the Pub, it's wide open for off-topic discussion. Of course as long as people don't get too wild, politics is one thing I learned long ago not to discuss with people as my views will never change yours... 8) So have at it, just keep it non-personal. We don't want a SimHQ-type dustup.

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