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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. a good laugh! y'all are gonna love this one!

    Since this wasn't really LOMAC-related I moved it here...
  2. Fast Eagle, you may want to run those pics through an image program and shrink down the file size, at 1.5 Mb each some of the 56k people might get upset with you...
  3. 50+ users online??

    I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee doing my morning check of the site and suddenly I go from 3-4 people online to 55+ users online?? I just about blew my coffe all over the screen!! :shock: Where's everyone coming from this morning?
  4. You do realize I live an hour away from WSU...
  5. Gunship!

    I should throw Gunship back on the drive, I haven't flown it or EECH for awhile, and I loved both. They've been doing some great things with Gunship over at the Helipad, lots of mods and skins, and they really seem to be cracking the file structures.
  6. Sweet shots Dan, thanks for the update. I'll post on the frontpage as well...
  7. 50+ users online??

    Thanks for the comments guys, that means alot. I'm still puzzled why the count jumped from 2+ online to over 55 for a short period of time. I never did figure out where everyone had come from. I showed over 15 members online and about 55 guests. After about 45 minutes the number finally went back down to normal. Bizarre...
  8. DX 9 Final available

    Try this link. Be sure to do a system save point if you are using XP. :D http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/search....en&categoryid=2
  9. images

    A lot of times I'll link the images from the skin site, and that site may be offline for whatever reason. It's a pain because if I do link, the chance of the pic changing location, site down, etc. is higher than if I host the images myself. On the other hand if I spent the time to download/crop/edit/upload myself, that's all I would be doing.
  10. Another great job Coyote! The skins are now available in the downloads area as well. I'll get the screenshots up in a few hours.
  11. Alright guys, this is getting out of hand and I want to step in now. Since I was unable to get on the site for a few days due to the DNS issue I unfortunately missed the actual thread. So I'm flying a little blind here. Ranger, from what I gather somehow a pic was linked from you that was objectionable. Again, I didn't see the pic, so I don't know what it was. You also state it was an accident. If that's the case, I believe you, be more careful next time, and let us never speak of this again. As far as DanW accusing you, he saw a pic and made a comment. He obviously couldn't know that it was sabotage or otherwise. To be honest if I had been able to get on the board and seen this pic, I would have sent you an email immediately asking why you where posting such material, and probably been a lot more "forceful" than DanW was. :shock: DanW is a great contributer to the SF community and doesn't shoot his mouth off blindly. You have also contributed much to this forum and I appreciate it. Let's chalk this one up to mutual misunderstanding and move on. Shake hands guys? :D One of the things I'm proud of with Biohaz is we have managed to keep things very friendly here without all the namecalling, backbiting and general nastiness present in the majority of other sim site forums. I plan to keep it that way with all of your help.
  12. Seems to be ok, it's probably the spotty DNS resolution still causing some issues.
  13. I was just sitting here brainstorming for new ideas and features for the site, when I realized I should be asking you what you would like to see here at Biohaz. What do you think is missing from here, or other sim sites? I would really like some input here... So speak up! :)
  14. You mean the Euro terrain tileset? It's here in the downloads section. I haven't heard of a campaign yet.
  15. Nosecone, can you email me an updated Instruction.txt file and I'll replace the one in the zip.
  16. login's

    Sorry about that, there's been some confusion on that one. Right now, the forums and the main site have seperate user databases, which means your logon for the site and the forum are currently two different accounts. That will change soon, I will be integrating them into a single signon soon.
  17. Coyote, thanks for the "exclusive"! I've got to post this one on the front page, she's a beauty!
  18. That is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking to put in there, I'll shoot you off an email...
  19. Great skin! Be sure t upload them here when you have 'em done. :D
  20. In case you missed it on the front page, the new Euro tileset is up for download! Great job on the pak Deuces! Grab it here!
  21. Screenshots

    That is a great idea! I can setup some catagories in the EGallery section for users to upload and vote for the winners as well. I'll email you with some ideas...
  22. Hey, has everyone forgot I can host files here as well? Man, gone a few days and everyone else is trying to take over...
  23. Try it now, I upgrade the thing and added you as an editor, so you should be able to get in.

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