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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. I like the idea, and I think I have just the thing to help make this work. I installed a "Knowledge Base" script the other day to mess with to see if it was something I could incorporate into the site. Jump over and take a look at the script and see if it's something that might help this project: Biohaz Knowledge Base Take a look and see what you think. I have been wanting to build a definitive FAQ for Strike Fighters, but I don't have the time to do it alone, so if we can get some interest I would be more than willing to host/help out this project.
  2. Ranger332

    Ranger, I went into your profile and edited it for you, it was getting too painful to watch... :D You can't have any spaces in the BBCode tags, which you did. But you are fixed now, so have fun!
  3. Holy cow, that's a huge breakthrough! I'll get this posted in the news right away. Thanks!
  4. OK all you skinners, I've made things easier for the both of us and enabled direct uploading of skins to the file area. I still have to approve the file for downloading, but this should speed up the posting of skins to the file area. Enjoy!
  5. I'll get it posted here this evening. Great job on this skin Kris!
  6. It's up and in the downloads section. Also, in case no one noticed, I have broke out the skins into different sections by airframe to keep things easier to find what you are looking for. I'll be adding more tonight...
  7. Hey, you can post the images here as well you know... =) Just use the Ing tags just like on SimHQ. :D
  8. Hehehe, sounds like I need to make an "official" post on this subject as I've had several people worry about this. As far as I'm concerned, this is a "community" website, and it's put here to enable the exchange of ideas, files and other stuff pertaining to the Strike Fighters and LOMAC community. If there's a good mod or skin somewhere, we want to hear about it! I don't care if the skin or mod is hosted here or somewhere else. As for other SF sites being "competition", I don't view it that way at all. As far as I'm concerned sites like SkunkWorks and Major Lee's Aerodrome are buddies, not rivals. Some of our stuff overlap, while other areas compliment each other's site. And I can't speak for the other sites, but they are always welcome and encouraged to join in here with discussion, announcements, etc. at any time! So do not be afraid to post this kind of info here. To be honest, I will usually beat you to the punch when it comes to announcing stuff I see at other sites. :D
  9. It's up and ready for downloading. Another great job bud! :D You've been a skinnin' machine this past week. :shock:
  10. Got it, I'll post it in the next hour.
  11. Chief, you don't need a website to post the files, just email them to me and I'll host them here. I've got to work on a skin submission form here to make it easier or at least more intuitive to submit files for hosting. Looks like I have something to work on today.
  12. Just saw this on the forums. That is really cool, as it really keep things open-ended. A year from now when Radeon 9700's are 80 bucks this game will look better and better. How many sims have you seen that grow with tech increases? :D
  13. Guys, don't worry about it, I don't look at SkunkWorks as a "rival", they are friends.
  14. Might want to grab my new F4 tank skin as it matches the USMC Grey scheme pretty well.
  15. Heheh, sorry 'bout that one Dagger... It's fixed now.
  16. Actually, the A-4 template is in the downloads area here.
  17. Somehow I missed this post from DanW on the SimHQ forum, so I thought I would post it for info. This is in reply to a question on where the drop tank skins were located: FYI DanW or TK, will we have a list soon of object skin locations so we can start working on templates?
  18. Looks great! I'll get it posted in the downloads immediately.
  19. Probably wishful thinking, but how hard would it be to have the game check for a tank skin from the aircraft skin folder and use it if it's there, otherwise use the default? I know it's a nitpicky thing and way down the list of priorities, but most of the squadrons had their own schemes on the tanks, including several A-4 skins I'm currently working on. :D
  20. Hehe, are you kidding? I want ALL of them! In reality, the tanks for all aircraft as well as weapon skins would be great for now, as well as the proper locations for the skins. What I'm currently confused about is if we can have different tank skins to match each aircraft skin scheme. Right now if I change the F4 tank skin for one aircraft, it seems to be an all or nothing kind of thing, it applies to all aircraft of that type. So if I have a Navy grey skin and a tank to match, that same grey tank skin applies to all the F4's, no matter what skin they are using. What would really be cool is have SF pick up tank skins from the skin directory, not the object directory. Am I making any sense? I don't see this being as important for the weapons themselves.
  21. The radar tutorial is complete and I've posted it on the site. Take a look at it and let us know if there is anything missing or incomplete. I have a feeling we will add a little bit to it after we get a better feel of the limitations of each aircraft's radar systems and peculiarities. :D Dagger's Radar Tutorial
  22. Sweet! I had started this same thing yesterday but was not going to be able to get back to it till next weekend. Send 'em up when you get 'em done... :D
  23. Rudel is here!

    Rudel! Nice to see you make it over here! I'm assuming we'll be seeing some of your usual work for SF soon... :D
  24. Good point, I think we should add that to the article! OK with you Dagger?

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