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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. There is. Go into the Strike FightersFlight directory and open the HUDData.ini. At the top of the file is the following line: DisplayDebug=FALSE Change to DisplayDebug=TRUE and it will give you all kinds of framerate info. Unfortunately you can't change it in-game, but it's ok for testing and better than nothing. :D
  2. Anyone have some good military fonts to use for skinning?
  3. I actually grabbed the fonts from the first link, although they are all RAF fonts. I'll keep checking...
  4. new bug

    Check, got it. I just updated the user account profile script, and I still need to fix the colors. Thanks for the heads-up.
  5. Check your key mappings for the trigger. Sounds like maybe it's not set correctly... Although that doesn't make much sense if it works in single missions. But check it just to see what it's set at.
  6. Thanks for finding that, I'll update the link on the main page as well...
  7. Great idea Dagger! It was on my list of tutorials to write after this review is done... But if someone else does it that's even better! :D Mind if we post it here on Biohaz when you release it?
  8. Your right, it was a hoot. I jumped in one the first night I was in multiplayer, needless to say I was a little outgunned. But it was fun bobbing and weaving through the mountains trying to keep from getting my butt shot off.
  9. Hello Biohaz!

    I'm of the school of letting the fan do the work, as the mobo temp sensor never seems to be as accurate. But hey, that's just me. 8)
  10. No problems here, take all the time you need to get it right.
  11. There is a short tutorial file in the Strike Fighters download section, you can grab it here. I also have one in the works, and hope to have a fairly comprehensive one done in the next week or so.
  12. So far it's great, but I can't seem to be able to hit page 2, it's trying to authenticate me...
  13. Of course there will be civ beta testers. All of use, after it's released! Why should LOMAC be any different than any other software vendor than use us for free beta testing, then release the patches... With apologies to TK...
  14. They had a post on the front page of SimHQ that they are experiencing some problems: It might even be fixed by now. But I would have to agree with Denzil anyway... Besides, everyone is just plain grumpy over there lately, not just in the SF forum. :roll:
  15. Yeah, the ground attack thing is a known bug that should be fixed in the next patch...
  16. Swede, an off-topic comment, I checked out your Viggen Project this morning, and it looks awesome! :shock: If you need a place to host the model once it's done I would be honored to have it here at Biohaz. Any idea on ETA? I want to fly that thing! :D
  17. Be patient guys, I have a good feeling it's going to be "real soon now"...
  18. Damn, you're right. I don't know how I missed that one, I've been over that file a bunch of times... :shock:
  19. TK, I like the one-click to fly idea like you have, but it would be really nice if you could configure which airframe you use in Instant Action in the options, or maybe as an entry in the options.ini file. How hard would that be to implement? I wouldn't mind editing as I would probably change it infrequently, but the option would be nice. What do you think?
  20. She's a beauty! I really like this skin, the tan is perfect, and is going to be damn hard to see from above over desert terrain... :D I'm planning on doing some A4 skins this weekend to get my feet wet, found a good site for A4 markings so I thought that would be a good start. Hehehe, I love it when a plan comes together... :twisted: Seriously though, you guys gonna be back up soon? What happened over there? It is a weird twist of fate the you and MajorLee both get whacked by problems on the same day. Must be halloween or something...
  21. Go for it Column, I was going to try it but really want to try an A4 skin this weekend for my first foray into skinning in SF.
  22. Sorry, I would have to vote for the frst one, being a Simpsons junkie and all... =) mmmm, junkie....

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