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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. Do you have any good pics? I just did a google and found a few fuzzy tail marking pics, but not enough detail to get a good skin from... Oooh, just found one, an F4-B from '71. Is this the version you mean?
  2. Do you need one? I've been playing for 2 days without the cd in the drive?? I'll test that and see what happens. I'm back, did ya miss me? :D I just jumped into Instant, Single and Campaign and none of them loaded off the CD, which was sitting on my desk.
  3. Just wanted to let everyone know I am about 3/4 of the way through writing the SF review. I was sick yesterday so I took the time to do a little "research" and writing. It's a big review with a ton of screenshots, I think you will be pleased. 8) I want to explore a few more things so I'm shooting for a late week/weekend release.
  4. Just found this at the SimHQ forum and thought I would post it. I haven't tested it myself yet. 195th_Vang get's the credit.
  5. Also if you didn't notice the story on the front page, HyperLobby just released a version today that supports SF, so we should be covered on the multiplayer front now... :)
  6. Thanks Vang! I'll get a link posted on the front page. Great work!
  7. It's weird, but the game runs smooth as silk with my old Radeon AIW...
  8. Madjeff hope you don't mind I did this..

    BTW, I noticed the "debate" on the LOMAC forum today...
  9. Madjeff hope you don't mind I did this..

    Hey, send all the traffic you want...
  10. Actually, much better, thank you! :D The review is coming along well, just finishing up a section and cleaning up the screenshots and it should be done by friday. I want to test out a few more things before I post it.
  11. In case you missed it on the front page, it is up and available for DL. :D Keep 'em coming Column5!
  12. You can use just about any graphics program. The default templates are photoshop files with layers for camo and weathering. The actual skin files are just 512x512 .bmp files. I just use Paint Shop Pro, it's great and reads the photoshop files just fine.
  13. The easiest way to deal with key mappings right now that I've found is to just edit the file manually. The file you need to edit is in your control directory, mine is at C:Strike FightersControlsDefault.ini. Open it up with notepad and edit to your hearts content, after making a backup of course. Here's my hat mappings: SNAP_VIEW_FRONT=NUMPAD8 SNAP_VIEW_FRONT_RIGHT=JOYSTICK01_POV01_UPRIGHT SNAP_VIEW_RIGHT=JOYSTICK01_POV01_RIGHT SNAP_VIEW_REAR_RIGHT=JOYSTICK01_POV01_DOWNRIGHT SNAP_VIEW_REAR_LEFT=JOYSTICK01_POV01_DOWNLEFT SNAP_VIEW_LEFT=JOYSTICK01_POV01_LEFT SNAP_VIEW_FRONT_LEFT=JOYSTICK01_POV01_UPLEFT SNAP_VIEW_UP=JOYSTICK01_POV01_UP SNAP_VIEW_DOWN=JOYSTICK01_POV01_DOWN Just look through the file, it's pretty easy to understand.
  14. Man, it's a damned convention... :D Welcome all!
  15. Short answer... Get it! :) But don't expect things to be perfect right now. Honestly, there are a lot of issues that need to be dealt with (as you will read in the upcoming review) but I have faith they will be worked out. How many developers jump into the forums and answer questions about bugs the day it's released?
  16. Welcome Hollywood! Glad to see you drop by. Consider this your new flight-sim home! :D
  17. It's up and available in the downloads section here. Here's how it looks in-game. Great job Column5! Look forward to posting the VF-102 Diamondbacks skin as well. :D
  18. Damn, that's bad news, but I can see why the are doing it. I have a feeling they are really under the gun to get this to market, and with all the setbacks lately something had to give.
  19. Sounds good, I'll have it posted by this evening. Let me know when the second one is complete as well... :D
  20. Looks really good! Good timing too, as the VF-31 was one of the skins a was considering for my first attempt. :D You gonna send 'em up to me to put on the site? :D
  21. Definately! Send 'em to me email and I will gladly get them up here on Biohaz! Just click my profile for my email addy...
  22. Cartrix, a veteran of the IL-2 forums at UbiSoft, has taken over the reins of Community Manager at the LOMAC site. A positive development I think, he's already kicking out some serious changes on his first day on the job. :D Could this mean more info being released on a regular basis? I hope so.
  23. For all you WalMart version people, be sure to uninstall AND REMOVE all strike fighter folders prior to installing the gold version. That seems to be the cause of the landing gear retract issues.
  24. Finally, that sexy little box is in my hands. I think this is the most excited I've been about a game in over 2 years. =) See ya in awhile.

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