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Everything posted by MadJeff

  1. I was curious as to what planes you guys want to see first for SF? I was just going through the list of ongoing projects at SkunkWorks.
  2. Thought you guys would want some screenshots... I changed the size from 1024x768 to 640x480 and changed them from bmp's to jpg's, so there's some loss of quality. The graphics are flawless in-game. I'm running on an old ATI AIW Radeon 32meg and have the settings set to max. Runs smooth as silk on my 1800+ Athlon with 512Mb RAM Heading out... Need my sunglasses... Inflight map, kind of plain but I was in a quick mission... Do the windshield and check under the hood... This is a money shot. You can't tell from the pic, but the reflections changed as I made a banked turn. Very pretty... Speedbrakes extended on the 104... Winged 'em... That's gotta hurt... He went into a flat spin after I blew his wing off. A thing of beauty
  3. Sorry TK, didn't know they were going behind the scenes here. I'll unsticky the post. Not sure why all the hubub with the MP, it's pretty obvious to setup on my install it seems.
  4. Gonna have to stop posting...

    I wouldn't worry too much, you guys are puttin' out some great stuff over there. As for SF, I have to say I'm impressed in a lot of ways so far. I read a post someone else over on SimHQ wrote that it was the hardest dogfight they've ever had, and I have to agree. I was doing Instant Missions, which toss you in a furball with 4-5 Migs right away in an F4. Man, that F4 is a PIG! :D Now I see why they call it a flying brick. But when I got my first few kills I felt like I really earned them. Aim9's are way more hit and miss then I'm used to with other sims, butit's par for the course as they are older models. I'm gonna jump in and mess with some single missions now, but so far so good. The only problem so far is a rather nasty crash when switching to external view after starting a single mission, it takes my XP machine down to the BIOS and reboots, but it'll get worked out. Gonna do a little troubleshooting and post the results in the Bug Forum.
  5. Thanks Ripper, I'm gonna sticky this one... Hope to be in there myself in an hour, waiting for the stores to open soI can get my copy today. 8)
  6. I've been hearing reports of missing TCP/IP option. TK, can you comment on this? If it is missing, I'm sure it will be dealt with in an upcoming patch, right TK? :D So don't worry too much about it. Tachnically, it's not really a bug, but an ommision...
  7. Just saw a post that there has been a sighting of Project-1 on the shelves at CompUSA. I'm heading over there in about an hour after work to check it out. 8)
  8. Hurray! EB here in Spokane has 4-5 copies, and BestBuy says they do too. I'll be picking up a copy tonight and will spend tomorrow putting it through it's paces and writing a review.
  9. Mine still didn't have it on shelves even though it was showing up in inventory. Will check back today...
  10. Two F-16 lost today

    Man, that's two incidents in less than two weeks. My thoughts and prayers are with the families tonight.
  11. Is there something in the air?

    It was all a major conspiracy I tells ya! I've been secretly sowing the seeds of discontent on other forums, stirring the pot, manipulating things from the background... :twisted: Actually, it's funny how things work out sometimes. And I do believe things will mellow out in a few months, it's just the nature of the net sometimes. You used to see the same type of ups and downs on BBS's years ago. Damn, I just dated myself.... Perfectly stated, that one's going in the "forum rules". Well, maybe not the love part... :P
  12. Is there something in the air?

    Yeah, there are two topics I tend to not discuss on forums, politics & religion. You are never going to change someone's position on either on a forum, so why try? It's like putting a loaded gun on the floor of a busy preschool, it's inevitable that someone's gonna get hurt... :( Besides, I get serious all day at work, why would I want to come home and get more drama?
  13. billwald was kind enough to post our very first Strike Fighters review, go take a look here.
  14. Can't take the credit, Billwald got one of the first gold cd's from Strategy First, and wrote out a quick review, so be sure to thank him. :D I'll be doing a pretty thorough review once I can get my hands on a copy... Fingers crossed for today.
  15. Doh! Looks like SimHQ's Project-1 forum got the same idea at about the same time... That's what I get for taking off my tinfoil brainwave-protector hat... :D
  16. I think they might have made a mistake releasing these shots, but not for the reason you might think. I though the same thing at first glance, but if you look at the shots, they are only testing pointlight-sourcing, it was never meant to by a money shot. If you look there is no background/ambience, just a plain shot of the aircraft/light-sources. In other words, a test shot. :D I don't even think it's an in-game shot, more of a "live" rendering. Am I making any sense here?? The trouble is, I think most people are going to look at these and think "hey, these don't look very good" and forget the part about them being early alpha test shots of light-sourcing.
  17. Is there something in the air?

    People do seem to be getting grumpy lately, not sure if it's just the general lack of new sims to play with or people just gettin' antsy for Strke Fighters.LOMAC/CFS3/etc. But I have noticed the level of flaming and bickering has risen in the last 4-6 months. My goal here is to keep things as informal and friendly as possible. My philosophy here is that while I will not rule the forums with an iron fist, I will not allow things to get out of hand either. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and there will always be disagreements, but I will not allow open hostility/flaming to go on here. After all, it's just a game folks, and there are MANY more important things in our lives than what sim is best.
  18. Damn! Called around and no one has seen it yet. EB says tomorrow... Oh well, CSI is on tonight anyway... :(
  19. I look forward to reading it. I look even more forward to playing it... :D
  20. Any Digital TM users?

    I'm assuming you mean for Strike Fighters. :D I haven't seen one yet, but you can bet there will be in the next few days. That reminds me, as people come up with joystick mappings please send them to me so I can throw them in the downloads.
  21. You caught me, I'm a rotorhead at heart as well... 8) I played LB1 & LB2 until I practically wore a hole in the CD. I still play EECH occasionally as well. I would kill to see LB3. In my world, LB3 would support at least 16 people in MP, and would also have the ability to fly A-10's in support. Basically a CAS-simulator... Sorry, I digress... The only hope on the horizon that I know about at this point is Combat-Helo Mission Simulator being worked on by Richard "Flexman" Hawley.
  22. Hey, just because I'm paronoid doesn't mean they aren't all out to get me... :shock:
  23. That's a good question, I've been wondering about that lately, as I don't remember anyone talking about a mission editor. TK, can you comment on this? Of course, I'll know personally here in the next day or two...
  24. I'm not surprised by what the sim community can accomplish when they put their minds to it, so it would not surprise me in the least if we get a side-by-side cockpit worked out eventually. I have to admit, I would love to see an F111 and A6 before just about anything else, except maybe that F5 model...
  25. I called around yesterday to a few stores but no one had it yet, then I got sidetracked on something else. When I called EB the overworked salesclerk said they showed it due today, but the guy was swamped and couldn't look for me. I didn't get a chance to call back. I'm swinging by Costco tonight to see if it's there.

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